Healthy Snack Recipes: Lightened Muddy Buddies

I’m always looking for healthy snack recipes. One of my favorite things to do is to take a favorite recipe that might be more of an indulgence, & find a way to lighten it up a bit.

Let’s be clear. Lightening up the fat & sugar content does NOT mean sacrificing taste. If it does, you’re probably doing it wrong. Healthy snack recipes can be every bit as good as the original. You just need to know how to do it.

Let me also tell you that I am a SUCKER for anything PB + Chocolate. That being said Muddy Buddies are one of my favorite lil’ treats. However, I looked up the nutrition info for them last time I had some and I was floored. Let’s just say they wouldn’t necessarily fall under the healthy snack recipes category. BUT, good news, I cut down the calories per serving by about %60 with this recipe. Healthy Snack Recipes Muddy Buddies Muncher Cruncher 1

Healthy Snack Recipes: Lightened Muddy Buddies

  • 5 Cups Chocolate Chex (or Chex of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup of PB2 or PB fit (this takes out a lot of the fat)
  • 2 TBS butter
  • 1/5 cup chocolate chips
  • 2 TBS Fairlife Skim milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup Swerve powdered sugar I got mine HERE but you can find it at most health food storesHealthy Snack Recipes Muddy Buddies Muncher Cruncher 2


  1. Combine peanut butter, PB2, butter, & chocolate chips in a microwave save bowl for about 30 seconds.
  2. Mix together well. You want them to be fully melted. Add in a little milk if the consistency is too thick. You want it to be able to mix well over I added about 2 TBS of the Fairlife skim milk.
  3. Place Chex in a mixing bowl. Pour melted PB + Chocolate mixture over Chex & stir, coating completely.
  4. Pour powdered sugar & swerve in 1 gallon ziplock bag, seal, & shake to coat the chocolate covered Chex completely.
  5. Place in airtight container to keep fresh. and ENJOY!

Makes 14 1/2 cup servings.

Nutrition Facts: for One 1/2 cup serving – 167 calories | 7.6 F | 23 C | 3.6 P

No healthy snack recipes are worth anything unless they are taste test approved. This recipe passed with flying colors. It is the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter. It has just enough sweetness, and it won’t leave you feeling guilty. It’s the perfect snack to take and share when you need to bring a great, & want to brings something a little bit healthier.

Enjoy! xoxoxo Megs

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Why Can’t I Lose Weight? Let’s get to the bottom of it.

Why can’t I lose weight? This is one of the MAIN questions people come to me with. They have spent time putting in effort, & their results are seemingly non-existent. They become fed up with a lack of progress, and they decide they need help.

I actually LOVE working to help people get to the bottom of their lack of progress & plateau issues. The question of “Why can’t I lose weight?” might be a simple one, but there are a variety of different factors that can make remedying the problem, not so simple. Here is a list of some of the factors you might need to address if you feel like your weight loss is stalling.

Why Can’t I lose weight? Well, Let’s get to the bottom of it.

  1. PROBLEM: You aren’t accurate with your food intake/caloric output. It has been proven that most people tend to underestimate their caloric intake & overestimate their energy output. THIS study here shows just that. The problem with that? If you think you’re eating less than you really are, and you aren’t burning as many calories as you assume. Your caloric deficit isn’t going to be what you think it is.
    • SOLUTION: If are really wondering, Why can’t I lose weight? Put some effort into correctly tracking your caloric intake. Measure out your portions, enter your foods into a free tracking app like My Fitness Pal. You might be surprised to find that you are eating more than you think you are. Tracking your foods accurately can help to make the process more of a science. If you need help figuring where you macros should be look here to figure out how to calculate your macros.
  2. PROBLEM: You aren’t exercising in a way that is beneficial to your progress. I always  am sad when I see people wandering around the gym, spending a lot of time, doing ineffective/inefficient things.
    • SOLUTION: Make your workouts worth your while! I am a big fan of HIIT workouts for weight loss, fat loss, & increasing lean muscle mass. If you are really serious about making some physical improvements, seek the help of a professional. Have a program created for you that is tailored to YOUR goals, needs, & schedule. It can make ALL the difference.why can't i lose weight 3 muncher cruncher
  3. PROBLEM: You are eating too much sugar. I know this sounds extremely simple, but it is something I see ALL THE TIME. I have done a bunch of posts on sugar you can read them HERE. Not only is sugar addictive, but when eaten in abundance it can be a HUGE road block to those who want to see physical progress. If you’re wondering, “Why I can’t lose weight,” while sneaking hot tamales out of your purse…this might be your issue. 😉
    • SOLUTION: Track your sugar intake. Try to get your grams of sugar for the day between 30-40 grams. Strive to have those grams coming from natural sources and not processed sources.why can't i lose weight 2 muncher cruncher
  4. PROBLEM: You haven’t been consistent enough with your “on days.” This is the real issue behind a LOT of peoples plateaus. You eat well Monday- Thursday, & then you forget what a vegetable is from Friday-Sunday. The sad truth is that letting yourself go buck wild on those weekend days can undo ALL of your progress, and keep you right where you’re at. THAT is frustrating.
    • SOLUTION: Consistency. I say this every day, probably a hundred times a day. But, it’s because it is the answer. I believe in the 80/20 rule. If you eat well 80 percent of the time, you can usually get away with 20 percent being not as perfect. However, if you are not consistently eating well, YOU CAN’T EXPECT TO SEE RESULTS. I’m sorry, but it’s the harsh truth. Instead of letting your whole weekend be a “free day,” give yourself a free evening meal with some dessert. Then get right back on track. (Continue reading on next page.) 
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Weight Loss Exercise At Home With This HIIT Circuit

A lot of clients ask me what to do for a weight loss exercise at home. For some people, it can be hard to get to the gym every day. Driving there & back alone can take a chunk of time. Aside from that, some people don’t have the option to get to the gym, & some just may not want to go to the gym at all.

If your day is busy with kids, work, school, and everything else that comes with life, finding time to leave the house can be difficult. Well, good news, I’ve got a simple & effective circuit for you that is great if you are looking for a weight loss exercise at home that will have you sweating & torching calories right away.

Muncher Cruncher At Home HIIT Circuit

Here is a simple, killer, at home HIIT circuit that you can do in your PJ’s.
(I used paper towels to slide. You can use paper plates/furniture movers on carpet as well)


SET 1:
15 sliding squats on each leg
15 sliding mt climbers on each leg

15 skater lunges on each side
SET 2:
15 curtsey lunges on each leg
15 burpees
15 sumo squat taps
15 plank shoulder taps on each arm
15 reverse lunges on each leg
15 plank Y slides
SET 4:
15 jump squats
15 plank squats
30 seconds single leg hold or lifts on each leg
30 seconds arm circles
30 second rest
REPEAT 3 X THROUGHmuncher cruncher weight loss exercise at home

The key to this weight loss exercise at home is to move through the HIIT circuit as quickly as you can. HIIT stands for High intensity interval training. That means you want your heart rate to peak with a push of high intensity exercise, followed by bouts of recovery. I like to superset my high intensity exercises with lower intensity exercises that allow the heart rate to come down & recover a bit. There are so many benefits to these HIIT style workouts. This format allows the body to burn a maximum amount of calories in a short amount of time. Working out this way is efficient, & effective.

I love to combine weighted exercises with plyometric exercises. This allows the heart rate to peak, while still working the muscles, & saving time. It’s cardio & weights in one.

It requires very little equipment which is a huge bonus! It makes it easy to do just about anywhere. You can find more of my workouts HERE on my Instagram page, & HERE on my Youtube channel.

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Cardio Exercises That are Effective

When people think cardio exercises, they usually think about things like running or biking. These are definitely great steady state cardio exercises, but they are certainly NOT the only options. Utilizing circuit workouts to incorporate strength movements with exercises that raise your heart rate are efficient, fat burning, & highly effective.

What is a circuit?How Do I incorporate cardio exercises into a circuit?

A circuit is a combination of exercises, strung together to create a set that can be repeated. Why is it a fantastic and efficient way to workout? Well..let me tell you. I like to align my circuits alternating muscle groups, strength exercises, cardio exercises, core exercises, etc. This means that you can keep working while one muscle group rests, allowing for maximum efficiency. If you are in need of a time saver, THIS is an awesome way to save time.

I love to throw in circuit based around cardio exercises for my Saturday workouts. This is the circuit my sister and I did yesterday. It was killer, but in such a good way.

MC FIT 1,000 SQUATS WORKOUT: Cardio exercises at their finest

10 burpees
10 KB sumo squats
10 squat jumps
10 med ball throw downs from a squat
10 squat presses

This workout was a beast. Each movement has a squat incorporated into it, so by the end you’ve done 1,000 squats. TRY IT.

Keep in mind, another benefit of utilizing cardio exercises in circuits vs steady state cardio is the fact that you are utilizing different muscles in different ways. I am all about the principle of muscle confusion. Changing up what you are doing with your workouts, and how you are hitting those muscles can make all the difference in your results.cardio exercises muncher cruncher 1

Don’t let your body become too accustomed to doing the same thing over and over again. Change it up!

Other examples of cardio exercises:

  • burpees
  • plyo lunges
  • jump squats
  • mt climbers
  • high knees
  • tuck jumps
  • skater lunges
  • frog jumps
  • jump backs

Even if you are used to heavy lifting with no cardio, try adding in some of these cardio exercises to turn your lifting workouts into a HIIT workout. Adding some of these cardio exercises into your sets will give your HR a quick burst, and increase your caloric burn for your whole workout.

For more circuit workout ideas click HERE for my youtube channel, HERE for my IG workouts, and HERE for the workouts that are posted on my website.


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What Is Flexible Dieting Anyways?

Flexible dieting is term that is getting used a lot in the health world these days. There tends to be certain “hot button” phrases that will gain traction with the general public, & have people wondering if they are missing out on the latest craze of how to look fabulous. 😉

What does the term “Flexible Dieting” even mean?

Well, it is simply that; It is allowing yourself to eat in a flexible way that focuses more on achieving certain macro nutrient goals instead of cutting out any foods altogether. To understand the concept a little bit more you may want to dig deeper into knowing what exactly macronutrients; AKA “macros” are. I have a macros 101 post HERE that might help. I also have a post on how to calculate macros HERE.

Once you understand that all food are made up of three macronutrients; protein, carbohydrates, & fat, you can see how your diet is also fully comprised of these three things. What Is Flexible Dieting Muncher Cruncher 3 The idea with flexible dieting, is to eliminate restrictive eating, & teach people how to utilize flexibility within their macronutrient needs.

We have been through so many food phases as a culture…(low fat, no fat, high fat, no carbs, low carbs, high protein, no sugar…etc) That many people have developed a fear of food. They feel completely paralyzed as to what they should or shouldn’t eat. This is NO way to live life! Food is meant to be enjoyed!

The following are my tips on how to utilize the concept of flexible dieting to achieve your health & fitness goals.

  1. Determine what your specific macronutrient needs are. You can do this through your own calculation done HERE or by working with a coach/professional.
  2. Find an online tool or app that will help you to track your daily intake. I love My Fitness Pal. I think it is the most user friendly, & has a great database of foods. You can definitely utilize the bells & whistles of the premium version, but I think the free version is great if you don’t want to spend any money.
  3. Track your intake with measurements for a week or two. Yes, weighing and measuring food can be a bit annoying. However, the general public tends to overestimate their physical activity, & underestimate their food intake. This is a problem. It is best to measure and weight your food for a bit, so you are able to get better at eyeballing & understanding what portions really look like. What Is Flexible Dieting Muncher Cruncher 2
  4. Go for the 80/20 rule. The main problem I find with the stigma of flexible dieting, is the idea that, “I can eat whatever I want.” I don’t buy it. Yes, I fully support moderation, & indulging here and there. However, for those who really want to reach health & fitness goals, chances are eating whatever you want isn’t the best way to get there. Some people like to say, “carbs are carbs,” meaning your body recognizes carbs from any source the same. I disagree. eating 80 grams of carbs full of processed sugar vs. 80 grams of carbs coming from vegetables are not the same. Your body will react differently to different kinds of foods.
  5. Enjoy the flexibility when it happens! Try to make the majority of what you are eating good, clean, healthy food choices, & leave your treats to the, “every now & then.” This way you will enjoy those indulgences even more, & you will feel far less guilt for fitting them in.

Flexible dieting has helped many of my clients break their bad relationships with food.

Too many people put themselves on a restrictive diet with extremely strict bounds. While that may be sustainable for a short period of time, the chances that it will last are SLIM.

I work with my clients to find a method of eating that can be a lifestyle. A diet that only gives success for a hot second, often leads back to old habits when they can’t handle the restriction anymore. The whole idea behind flexible dieting is finding that sweet spot of maintainability. Maintainability is the place where you feel like you can sustain a healthy diet; Without the pressure of feeling like you will NEVER be able to indulge. It is also about realizing that indulging all the time will not bring you the health benefits you are likely looking for. What Is Flexible Dieting Muncher Cruncher 1

While talking about flexible dieting with one of my clients a few months back when she had an “ah ha” moment. It was like a light bulb went off in her head. She said, “So, what you’re telling me is that I’ll have to have some focus on eating a healthy diet & exercising my whole life…if I want to stay healthy for my whole life?” She started laughing because as she said it out loud, she realized that it sounded fairly uncomplicated. (I realize that it is easier said than done.)

It is, however, the truth. If you want to feel & look healthy, you are going to have to make it your lifestyle. Don’t think of it as a negative, or an arduous thing. Think of it as the opportunity to make the best life possible. Find ways to be active that you find enjoyable. Learn to eat healthy foods that taste good! Find ways to make flexible dieting work for you.


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Figure Out How To Calculate Macros

Let’s talk about how to calculate macros, shall we?

Last week I posted a Macros 101 post, all about what macros are, how to count or track them, & if doing so is for you. That post brought on a LOT of questions regarding wanting to know HOW to calculate macros in the first place. If it’s necessary to work with a professional, & where these calculations even come from. Well, let me help you out there. how to calculate macros muncher cruncher 3Keep in mind a few things before we get knee deep in math…There are multiple resources available to help you to get a free macro count (online/in apps), but you will quickly find if you put your information into more than one calculator, that you are likely to end up with different answers from each different location. Why are all of these results different? Where are these counts even coming from? How do you determine what approach is best for you?

Well, as you start to read through this post, you may understand why people decide to work with a professional in the coaching process in the first place. Aside from not wanting to do the math on your own, (I get it) There are a lot of factors and variables that can change what your individual numbers are, and if they need to be adjusted, both initially, and during the process.

That being said, I know there are of you out there who would rather just do it yourself, and in doing so start with your own own trial & error. I salute you. If you do fall into that category, get you’re calculators ready. 😉


  1. First, you have to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
    • Your BMR is the amount of calories that your body burns at rest…meaning, this is the amount of calories your body needs to just exist if you were to remain sedentary without any movement.
    • The most common equation used to determine is the Mifflin – St Jeor equation, which goes as follows:
    • To help you with these equations: 1 lb = .454 kg  ||  1 inch = 2.54 centimeters  || 12 inch = 1 foot
    • For WOMEN: BMR = 10 X weight(in kilograms) + 6.25 X height (in centimeters) – 5 X age(in years) – 161
    • For MEN: BMR = 10 X weight(in kilograms + 6.25 X height (in centimeters) – 5 X age (in years) + 5
    • This number you have is your BMR
    • Here is an example for a 140 lb 30 year old female that is 5′ 5″
    • 10 (140 X .454) + 6.25(64 X 2.54) – 5(30) -161  || 635.6 + 1016 – 150 – 161 = 1340.6
  2. Next, you have to determine your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
    • Your TDEE is an estimation of what your caloric burn is with your daily activity.
      • Sedentary (little to no activity, spend most of the day sitting) BMR X 1.2
      • Light Activity (work out a couple times a week burning 200-400 calories + light activity around the house )  BMR X 1.375
      • Moderately Active (work out 3-5 X a week fairly vigorously + activity around the house)  BMR X 1.55
      • Very Active (workout 6-7 days a week fairly vigorously + mostly standing/active during the day) BMR X 1.725
    • This is where determining your own numbers can be a bit of a guess. For those who feel like they might fit into two categories, I’d suggest figuring out the TDEE for both categories, & finding the middle ground.
      • Here is an example of our gal from above ( 140 lb 30 year old female that is 5′ 5″) who’s BMR was 1340.6
      • Let’s say her activity level is “moderately active”
      • So in order to figure out here TDEE we will take 1340.6 X 1.55 = 2077.93 (Continue reading on the next page)
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Muncher Cruncher Full Body Circuit Workout

This is a very simple full body circuit that you can do at home, at the gym, in your backyard, & just about anywhere else!

HIIT circuits are always a favorite of mine because they are quick, effective, & they keep me from getting bored with my workouts. I know for a lot of people, finding the time to workout is an issue. Life is busy, I totally get it, and when you are trying to fit in both cardio, and weight lifting, workouts can get long.

I get that for sure. Enter: HIIT workouts. HIIT stands for High, intensity interval training. With this type of workout, you are taxing the aerobic system, getting your cardio vascular exercise on, while you are including the resistance training aspect of your workouts.


SET 1:

10 jump back pushup shuffle rows per side

10 reps of lunge squat combo per side

10 jump back elbow taps


SET 2:

10 single leg walkout pushups per side

10 plyo lunge pickup switches per leg

10 single leg isolated deadlifts per leg


SET 3:

10 tricep pushup squat jumps

10 reps jumping squat combo

10 reps unilateral combo per side

10 reps mt climber combo


I can promise you, it is an excellent way to get the most bang for your buck if you are one that falls into the category of feeling like finding the time to workout is difficult. Make it quick, make it efficient, make it challenging, and make it fun! I promise you’ll see great results from these types of workouts.

If you’d like to see some of my other workout ideas you can check HERE for my youtube channel, or HERE for my instagram.

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How I Keep My Skin Clear When Working Out

I get a lot of questions on MY INSTAGRAM about how I keep my skin clear when I’m working out so much. I posted the products that I use on my story, & had a lot of follow up questions, so I figured it was easier to post all the info here for you! Let me start by saying, I’m no dermatologist or skin specialist. This is just what I’ve had recommended to me by my dermatologist, and what has worked for me & my skin.

  1. I wash my face morning & night. Well…to clarify, I wash my face after I workout in the morning & then before I go to bed. I had a problem with clogged pores, & went to a dermatologist. I was actually surprised when she recommended Cetaphyl. Nothing to fancy. I have used it since then, & I LOVE it. Click HERE to shop
  2. I also use the Cetaphyl moisturizer. This stuff is the best. It lasts forever. I put it on right after I wash my face, & I use it everywhere else as well. Click HERE to shop.
  3. I have recently become a BIG fan of this anti aging face cream. I probably started using it about 9 months ago, & I feel like it works wonders. Click HERE to shop.
  4. I have also found that using different masks a few times per week has helped get rid of the dead skin, & keep my pores nice and clear. I love this charcoal mud mask.Click HERE to shop. When I feel like my skin needs an extra deep clean, this microdermabarasion exfoliating mask is awesome. It can be used as a mask or a scrub. It makes my skin super smooth & soft. Click HERE to shop. I also love this 24k gold mask when I feel like my skin needs a little brightening & hydrating.  Click HERE to shop.
  5. I remember using the pore strips when I was in high school, so when my sister Nichole told me about them I was definitely taking a trip back in time. BUT, these charcoal strips are awesome. They are great to get all of the blackheads out of your skin around your nose. Click HERE to shop.
  6. One thing that I highly recommend if you are having skin issues is another tip from my dermatologist. She told me to switch from a makeup I was using that had oil in it, to an oil free foundation. This Bare Minerals loose powder is awesome. It has a really even coating. It’s light. It isn’t cakey, & it has an SPF 15 in it. Click HERE to shop.
  7. Lastly, I love these makeup remover wipes. For those who have to workout after work, or when they already have makeup on. I would suggest to use these to even just wipe off some of the foundation. It helps to clear your skin, & let it breathe while you’re sweating! They are also just great to remove your makeup at night. Click HERE to shop.

Hopefully that helps you out a little bit. There is no reason to let sweating during your workouts lead to trouble with your skin! I think if you take care of it right, you can minimize a lot of problems. 🙂 xoxoxo Megs

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Macros 101: How to count macros & if it’s for you or not?

In the fitness world, I feel like we go through fitness “buzz words” if you will. We’ve done the, whole30, juicing, paleo, clean eating, Atkins, low fat/non fat, low carb, juice cleanse, keto, HIIT…and now I feel like “Macros” is the word of the hour. First off, don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on all these words. Some of them are near and dear to my heart. What i’m saying is…there tends to be certain fads/words that gain more traction with the public & they get talked about a lot.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that the term “Macros” is not new. Those of us who have been in the fitness world for a while have been dealing with macros since the dawn of time. Some of you might not even realize that by counting your calories, tracking your food, or eating a certain way, you’ve already been tracking your macros. I think the idea of tracking macros has gained momentum recently due to technology of being able to track food simply through using apps available on phones. Regardless if you know those macros like the back of your hand, or if you are wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT…let’s clear a few things up.

What are macros? The word “Macro” is short for macronutrient. Macronutrients are are three basic categories that all the foods that you eat can be divided up into. The three macronutrients are Fat, carbohydrates, & protein. 

What does it mean to “track your macros?” or “count your macros?” – All this means is that you are tracking all the food that you are eating, and taking note of the percentages of where your macronutrient breakdown lies…meaning how much fat, protein, & carbs you are eating to compile your diet for the day. Most people will track their macros in a free app that is available on your phone such as My Fitness Pal, or Lose It.

How do I know what percentages I am trying to hit? Well, this is where it gets a bit tricky. I would recommend utilizing a coach or professional who can calculate your macros according to your needs. (Yes, I do this, and you can click HERE for more info on that.) If you are wanting to try and figure out your own numbers, which you totally can, some good online resources are THIS IIFYM calculator, THIS calculator from, and THIS macro calculator. You may find that all your #’s end up different. If you are wanting to just give it a go on your own, I’d find the happy medium between your #’s, give it a go, and see how things go. If you feel like you aren’t seeing results, you can always seek the help of someone one on one.

What is the best way to get started? This can all be overwhelming, I know. For those who feel completely overwhelmed by all of this, I always suggest to just start tracking for a few days. See where your calories & percentages fall with the foods that you are normally eating. From there, you will notice maybe you’re eating too much fat, or not enough protein, & you can start to adjust your foods to fit your macronutrient goals. Just starting will also help you to learn your way around the apps that you are using.

Once you get the hang of using the app and entering your foods…I would suggest focusing on or dialing into a few things.

  • First, make sure you are hitting your protein goal.
  • Second, be sure you are NOT going over your caloric goal. By just adjusting these two things, a lot of people will start to see success in the process.
  • Third, I’d start to really pay attention to your portions. I highly suggest using a food scale, especially for meat. I love THIS ONE. The closer you are to hitting your percentages/macro counts, the better your results will be. I know that weight and portioning out food seems like a completely overwhelming nightmare for a lot of people. If that is the case, you can absolutely eyeball what you’re eating. However, you also have to be ok with the fact that your #’s may be off…which may slow your progress.
  • Fourth, check where your sugar is falling. This is something that I think is FREQUENTLY overlooked with macro counting. Food quality matters. If you are filling your “carbs” with candy & sugar, you may not see the same progress as if you fill your “carbs” with whole grains, fibrous foods, & vegetables.

Be Patient & Consistent. I don’t know if I can say this enough. So many people track for 3/7 days a week & get mad when they aren’t seeing results. Well, chances are high that those other 4 days are throwing you off. I have even had clients that have been “weekend undo-ers” meaning they do great M-F afternoon…and then from Friday evening to Sunday they go buck wild, undoing all that hard work. Try to be as consistent as you can tracking your food. Try and hit your numbers as correctly as you can. Sure, have a day off from tracking on the weekend, or a meal off, if that helps you mentally feel like you can maintain the process. But, understand that the more constant you are the better…and ALWAYS know that changes, lasting change especially, takes time, so BE PATIENT.

How do I know if macro counting is for me? Well maybe it isn’t? If the thought of tracking ALL your food sends you into an overly-obsessive, or even highly anxiety filled state, I’d say it’s probably not for you. I actually feel like tracking your food can offer some freedom. It can allow you to work in some “treats”  here and there without feeling guilty or stressed that you’ve completely blown it. It can help with portion control, & teach intuitive eating if you try to give your body the foods it needs to thrive. I also think that it can help people to heal their poor relationships with food by giving them the tools to work anything into their diet. NOW THAT BEING SAID…

My warning…The thing that I absolutely HATE…and I don’t say that word often about some people who preach macro counting is those who paint a picture for people that you can eat whatever the heck you want & look like a supermodel. It just DOES NOT WORK that way for 99.9 percent of humans. Yes, you CAN fit treats in every now and then, and my goodness, you should! They are delicious. But, if you are more focused on filling your diet with tons of sugar and crap, and NOT trying to eat more whole/clean foods, you won’t see the same results. You just won’t. MODERATION. MODERATION. MODERATION. I’m not saying you have to eat perfect. I am saying there are some foods that will help you to give better results, & FEEL better than others.

Hopefully that offers even just a little insight on the process! Give it a shot. I think it’s fabulous. xoxoxo Megs

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This was my VERY first Instant Pot experience. I have actually had my instant pot for a year and a half, and I will be honest…I was terrified to try it. One of my goals for 2018 is to try and make a new recipe every week. I decided it was time to break my lil’ guy out of it’s box, and it turned out GREAT. I’m excited to try some new recipes using it! MUNCHER CRUNCHER INSTANT POT GREEN CHILI CHICKEN

Combine together in instant pot:

  • two cans of Hatch’s diced green chilis (I used to mild, but if you like spice…go crazy)
  • 6 oz of La Victoria Green Taco Sauce (again I used mild)
  • 1 cup of chicken broth
  • 1.5 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1.5 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 black pepper
  • 2 lbs raw chicken

Cook on high pressure for 20 mins. You can also make this recipe in a crock pot, cooking on high for 3-4 hours, or until chicken falls apart easily. I ate this chicken on a salad with some mango salsa, & it was perfection. However, I think this chicken would be delicious in tacos, burritos, quesadillas, or whatever else your heart desires.

CLICK HERE for the instant pot that I used!

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