Creamy Chicken & Broccoli Zoodles

Since I’ve started this Keto eating process, I think this recipe has become one of my favorites. It’s SO easy, filling, & very versatile as well. CREAMY CHICKEN & BROCCOLI ZOODLES


  • 3-4 cups of broccoli florets
  • 3-4 cups of cauliflower florets
  • 2 TBS coconut oil
  • chicken broth (if needed)
  • 1/2-1 TBS basil
  • 1/2 -1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/2-1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp ground pepper
  • 4 oz cream cheese
  • 1/4-1/3 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4-1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 7-8 oz of cooked chicken (you can use a Costco can of chicken breast if you want to speed things up)
  • 2 TBS butter
  • 4-6 cups zoodles (1 medium zucchini makes about 1 cup of zoodles)

In a large saucepan, combine broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, & coconut oil. Add to that the basil, garlic salt, onion powder, & ground pepper. Cover & cook until broccoli & cauliflower are cooked through. If you need more moisture, add some chicken broth to the veggies. You really could add any vegetables here, making this dish super versatile. While the broccoli & cauliflower are cooking, cook the zoodles in a separate saucepan. Combine the butter & zoodles over medium heat. Season with some salt and pepper. These don’t take too long to cook, so be sure not to cook them too long. Once they start to become see through, take them off the heat, & they’ll finish cooking while the rest of the dish finishes.

Once the broccoli & cauliflower are almost completely cooked, add in the chicken, cream cheese, heavy cream, & parmesan cheese. Stir together, until combined. Do not over stir, or the veggies will become mush. Taste, and add more of the seasonings if need be.

Serve up the creamy veggies & chicken over zoodles, & enjoy! g This dish actually reheats really well. It’s a crowd pleaser! Low carb, gluten free, full of flavor, keto-friendly, & SO delicious!! 

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Muncher Cruncher Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2016

I’ve had a lot of requests for some healthy holiday gift ideas for both your loved ones AND you! If you are trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle, the holidays are a GREAT time to gear up with everything you need to start the continue your journey!

I have SO many favorites I could list here…It’s hard to even know where to begin. However, Christmas is a great time to get that new pair of Nikes, new tops, some socks (I love Stance & Bombass) a new hat, a sweet jacket, some leggings, (I’ve listed all my favorites HERE) warm gear for those outdoor exercisers, etc…If you are needing the right clothes to get yourself excited about getting active, or to help others get excited. New clothes are an AWESOME Christmas gift.

WORKOUT GEAR: An Apple Watch, Garmin, Heart Rate Monitor, activity tracker, Hydroflask, exercise belt/arm band (to hold a phone or keys), new earbuds, blue tooth speaker, wireless headphones, hiking back pack, camelback, a new gym bag, hair elastics, head bands, gym bag necessities (antibacterial wipes/towel/hand sanitizer/gum/chapstick), workout gloves, etc.

EQUIPMENT: This can range from simple to extensive…jump rope, mat, bosu ball, medicine ball, kettlebell, dumbbells, resistance bands, physioball, exercise DVD’s, a foam roller…treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, road bike, stairmill (in my dreams)…

SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS: Gym membership, personal training sessions, a meal plan, fit camp membership, Spotify subscription, Netflix subscription, fitness magazine subscription, healthy eBooks, a massage, race entries, etc.

HEALTHY TREATS/FOOD/COOKING: Gift certificates to your favorite healthy restaurants or health  food stores, nuts, popcorn, protein bars, jerky, cookware, healthy cook books, a small portable/packable cooler or tupperware, to take your healthy meals on the go, a blender, spiralizer, cocomotion, food processor, kitchen aid, other items to help with healthy cooking in the kitchen!

BEAUTY PRODUCTS: Body wash, perfume, lotion, body scrub, face masks, hair products, dry shampoo (a fitness gal’s best friend), hair elastics, nail polish, lip gloss, chapstick, gift certificates for a pedicure/manicure, etc.

Hopefully these suggestions can help you to find some great healthy holiday gifts, for your loved ones AND for your own list! xoxoxo

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The BEST Workout Leggings & Where To Find Them

There are few things worse than clothing malfunctions when you are working out. It takes away from the ability to work hard. If you’re too busy worrying about if your pants are see through, or how you are going to keep them up with one hand whist trying to squat…the workout is going to start to suffer. SO, what’s a hard working girl to do? Well, start by ditching the crappy leggings, & find something that works for you! Here are some of my favorite suggestions, & why I love them…The list goes from left to right in this photo, and I’ve linked the details for ya! 

  • Lululemon speed tights Price point: $108 – I love these because they fit like a dream. Lulu’s prices are always on the higher end, BUT it’s with good reason. Their quality is awesome. They have a 5 year warranty, & awesome customer service. These have side pockets if you like to keep your phone on you while you are running/lifting/hiking. They change up the prints all the time, and usually have some fun patterns to choose from.
  • Athleta Electra Sonar 7/8 Tight Price point: $89 – My sister gave me these darling tights for my B-day & I LOVE them. They rise a little higher in the waist, and they STAY IN PLACE. This print isn’t available anymore, but I linked the closest possible option. While Athleta’s prices are also a little higher, their quality is great. Their fabric washes well, & is flattering.
  • Old Navy Go Dry High Rise Compression Tights Price Point:$15-30 These are an awesome option for a much lower price. The quality isn’t as high with these leggings as far as wash & wear over time. However, I am super impressed with them. You can’t beat the price, & I LOVE the way they fit. The high rise waistline is awesome. I also have THESE mid rise compression leggings, & I LOVE them.
  • Zella Live in Leggings Price Point: $52 These leggings are my JAM. I actually don’t wear them to workout in all the time. I’ll wear them to hike in occasionally. But, the reason for that is because I like to wear them every other second of the day. These are my go-to black, standard, wear every second of the day, awesome quality leggings. They are from Nordstrom. I can’t say enough good things about them. They wash well. They wear well. They are the best amount of thickness. They are flattering. They are THE best. If you don’t have them. You need them. They always go on sale during the anniversary sale, FYI!
  • Nike Power Epic Lux Price Point: $108 full price (This is full price on, BUT they go on sale!) These tights are AWESOME. They are a good amount of thickness, and I LOVE the waistband on these pants. They come in high rise as well. Nike also has another similar pant that has an elastic waistband that I DO NOT like. I feel like it cuts you off, right where you don’t want it…or me at least. These tights stay in place, and if you check a Nike outlet, or any other sporting goods store that carries Nike products, you will likely find them on sale!
  • GapFit Blackout Technology gFast Space Dye high rise leggings Price Point:$30-65 I LOVE these leggings so much. Apparently Oprah does too. Turns out they were on her favorite things list. They are so comfortable. The quality is great. The high rise waist fits comfortably, and if you can’t get them on sale…you should wait for a hot second. Gap almost always is offering some sort of 30-40% off deal, which makes them a steal. They are thick enough to where they aren’t see through, but not so thick that they are suffocating. Plus the pattern is so unique. I Love them!
  • Lululemon All The Right Places Tights Price Point: $128 Another pricer pant, BUT they are named adequately. They are flattering on EVERYONE. Not only that, they are specifically lined and vented for those who workout. What does that mean? Well, the seat of the pant is lined with a thicker material so you won’t be seeing through them when you are squatting/burpeeing/bending…etc. Other parts are vented to keep you cooler while sweating. GENIUS. If you are wanting to invest in a GOOD, high quality pair to wear all the time. These are your guys right here. They also have side pockets…which obviously…we all love.
  • Lululemon High Rise Wunder Under Crop Full on Luon 21″ Price Point: $88 – I realize the length of these might be different on everyone, but I love the length! They are longer than a capri, but not all the way down to the ankle. The high rise is fantastic, & they are super flattering. Lulu frequently comes out with a variety of colors & prints in these which a lot of time will eventually go on sale if you can catch your size. Just check the “we made too much,” section. They also make these in a full pant, which is awesome.
  • Athleta Chaturunga Tight Price Point: $29-89 These are one of Athleta’s basic tights. They come in high rise, mid rise, capris, full tights, w/pockets…and in a ton of different prints. They are fantastic. I LOVE the striped capris. They are darling on every body type. They are high quality, they wash well, & they stay in place. All things that matter big time to me!

There are SO many different types of tights out there I know it can be a little overwhelming, trying to find something that works for your body type, but hopefully this can point you in the right direction!

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Insulin Resistance & Ketosis…Part One

Well. As promised…I’ve finally collected some of my thoughts on this process I’ve been going through. I hope it answers some of your questions. Chances are it will raise some new ones for some of you, which I hope to be able to answer. Here goes nothing. 😉 muncher_cruncher

I’ve taken my time writing this post for a variety of reasons. One, I wanted to be sure I had a firm grasp on the process that I’ve been going through for the past 9 weeks. Two, I wanted to understand the science behind it. I hate fad diets. In fact, I actually HATE the word, “diet.” I believe in lifestyle changes; in sustainability. If a crazy attempt at weight loss isn’t sustainable. I won’t endorse it. End of story. Lastly, I wanted to wait and see how my body responded to this process before I gave you the full rundown. I can tell you honestly, I feel like this lifestyle might be the answer to many problems, weight loss issues, & overall health concerns for a lot of you. I’m still in the thick of it, no question, but I want to share at least this first part of my journey.

Let’s fast forward to about ten weeks ago. I made an appointment to see my doctor, which is unusual in and of itself. I rarely go to the doctor. I have been lucky to stay healthy enough that I haven’t had to go in often. However, I was about at my tipping point. Having been in the health and fitness field for over ten years, I feel like I’ve been forced to get to know my body very well. It has always been stubborn. I’ve never been one of those people who could eat whatever they wanted, & “get away with it.” While some might not believe it, I’m actually naturally drawn to healthy foods. I have always really loved fruits and vegetables. I was the weird kid that asked my mom if I could bring cut up veggies, & salads in my packed lunch. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all sorts of sugary junk food too…I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn’t believe, but for the most part, a lot of my favorite foods are naturally healthy ones. I have also been through ups and downs with my weight, and in coming to know my body I have found what feels comfortable for me…at my height, and with my build.

SO, back to 10 weeks ago…prior to my making my appointment I’d seen some drastic changes in my body over the past year. Things that had changed for me…my weight increased, my body fat increased, I was feeling exhausted, I wasn’t sleeping well, I felt like I was extremely snacky, and I had some weird dizzy/almost blacking out spells. A lot of it I brushed under the rug because…I get up early…being tired is kind of part of that. Not sleeping well tends to run in my family…etc It’s easy to try and push those types of things away. However, the weight gain I was not ok with. I workout pretty hard as it is, and I was eating very clean. The fact of the matter is that my caloric intake hadn’t increased, my sugar intake hadn’t increased, and my exercise hadn’t decreased. Scientifically, the math just wasn’t adding up. In fact, I started to add in MORE exercise and tracked & restricted my calories more, desperately trying to make my body do what it SHOULD have been doing. Turns out I’m in the fitness industry, and there is a lot of pressure on me to look a certain way. Like I said, I knew my body was stubborn prior, but this was different. Not only were things not responding positively, they were responding negatively. Which might makes sense as to why I was at a bit of tipping point…

I had done a lot of research on what the problem could be, and decided that I should at least get my blood work done to eliminate some possibilities. So, it was to the doctor I went. I had a full check up…blood work and everything. The results came back to show that all my hormone levels were normal. No signs of thyroid issues. However, my blood glucose levels were abnormally high. My doctor went on the tell me that my results were showing that I had somehow become insulin resistant, and that he wanted me to go and work with a specific dietician who he thought could help me reverse this issue.

At this point I will be honest. I was one hundred percent skeptical. I have studied a LOT about food and dietary intake. While I’m not a registered dietitian. I have put a lot of time into learning about how the food we eat affects us. I was actually quite curious as to what this dietician might have to say that I hadn’t heard before. Turns out I had a fastball coming at me.

I sat down and learned that I wasn’t alone in my current state. It’s actually thought that about half of the United States is insulin resistant, due in LARGE part to our common diet. The program that was introduced to me was completely based around controlling my insulin levels, similar to the ketogenic diet, the goal was to retrain my body to become insulin sensitive again…and in doing so to re-train it to utilize fat as the main source of energy.

I instantly began studying the topic. What I was hearing made sense. However, for me, making any health or lifestyle change has to be backed by reason and understanding…and for the record, “So and so just lost 10 lbs in 5 days,” is not what I’d call a reason. I need to know the science.

So… here is a snippet of what I learned..Insulin resistance means the body has stopped responding to the hormone insulin. Insulin’s role in the body is that of storage of glucose and fat. It also helps our cells function as they should. If there is too much insulin in the body (commonly a result of the food we eat) the body starts to become insulin resistant. Insulin resistance very likely means inefficiency in how the cells of the body are working & excess fat storage. Sugars & carbohydrates are the foods that will spike insulin.

Let me try & break it down simply…We eat food. The food that we eat raises our blood sugar to a certain extent (depending on the sugar/carbohydrate content) The pancreas responds to raised blood sugar by releasing insulin. Insulin tells the muscle, liver, & fat cells to take up the blood sugar and remove it from the blood. If this process happens excessively, the muscle and the fat cells stop listening to the pancreas…and all gets sent to fat storage. This is insulin resistance. The longer this goes on, the “louder” the pancreas tries to get the point across…releasing more & more insulin. This makes the body extremely inefficient. Anytime the blood sugar is raised, the pancreas will give an exaggerated insulin response. Elevated insulin levels stop the body from utilizing fat as a fuel. IN SHORT: insulin keeps fat in the fat cells, where they are NOT utilized as fuel. This isn’t good…in fact it is the gateway to a HANDFUL of other chronic & deadly diseases, but that is another post for another day.

So, I was told, that in order to reverse this spiking, I needed to maintain a consistent diet of foods that don’t increase insulin levels, (namely fats). This was to the be the start of reversing my insulin resistance issues.

What did this look like for me?

Well…this is where the curveball came at me. I was told that I needed to base my diet primarily around fat. I needed to focus on eating in a low carbohydrate, high fat way. In doing so, I would stop my body from eliciting an insulin response. This would put my body in a state of ketosis.

Many people stress at hearing that word because they confuse it with ketoacidosis. Nutritional based ketosis is controlling the body’s insulin response, resulting in a the generation of fatty acids, known as ketones. This means the body is in a state of burning fat. Diabetic & alcoholic ketoacidosis is a metabolic state of toxicity. It occurs when the body fails to regulate ketone production and those ketones become out of control. The blood becomes acidic, and can be deadly. A nutritional state of ketosis will not default into ketoacidosis because the body has regulatory feedback loops that will prevent it from doing so.

When eating in a nutritional, ketogenic way, ketones are measured. A high amount of ketones denotes a low amount of insulin. this is what is desired with this process. So, is eating this way safe & healthy? Yes.

Whoa…that’s a lot of sciency talk…I just want to try and give the background explanation as to why this process made sense to me. I wanted you to understand why I felt like this was a process I wanted to pursue.

Now on to what you really want to know? How is going..

I’m happy to say that I have really enjoyed eating the way that I am, and it’s been a very positive experience for me. The first couple weeks were definitely an adjustment. It’s common for people to feel what is considered a “keto flu,” lethargic/tired/low energy/etc…which I did. It makes sense. You are basically starving the body of carbohydrates for a few days, which it is NOT used to. I had to allow for time for my body to make the shift to relying on fat stores for fuel.

I had to re-set my habits. I had to build my meals around fat. This was a change for me, mostly because I’m not a lover of high fat foods like cheese & butter that many people are MORE THAN HAPPY to eat. However, I’m adapting…and I’ve come up with some BOMB recipes.

My energy levels have returned, which means my body is working toward utilizing fat as fuel. I have become more of an intuitive eater, and less of a snacker. This actually is the most insane part to me. I never thought that this would be the case. Fat is a satiating food. So, eating mostly fat, means that I don’t feel hungry as often. I feel satisfied when I eat. In turn, I’m learning to listen to my body more. The people I have been working with challenged me to stop tracking my food, and to listen to my body. (From someone who could give you a record of my tracked macronutrients for the past…i don’t know…10 years…this seemed unbelievable.) I have actually let go of my journaling…it’s been so incredibly freeing. I don’t feel bloated like I used to on occasion. I am sleeping better…and I’ve dropped weight and body fat, which THRILLS me. I’m starting to feel like myself again, and I almost didn’t believe that was possible.

I’m still in this process, still learning, and still working to be where I want to be. However, I will absolutely say that I’m loving the path I’ve gone down so far. I’m excited to continue to learn more, and I hope that this will be something that I can utilize to help my clients, readers, & followers in the future! xoxoxo Megs

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Chocolate Silk Pie (ketogenic + gluten free)

As I started this process of ketogenic eating, I knew that I was heading into the holidays. I knew that it would be a change to not have the option to be able to eat all the sweets. I usually am good at moderation, but I knew that sugar wasn’t an option regardless…SO I was so excited to find that there were some alternative options to the normal holiday goodies I usually enjoy. It actually became kind of fun to decide WHAT exactly I was going to make to go with my family’s Thanksgiving meal. I finally decided I was going to attempt to make something chocolate, and for whatever reason…a thick, creamy, chocolate silk pie just sounded perfect. I found a recipe on and adapted it to my liking. I’m not going to like…I was PLEASANTLY surprised with how this turned out. My family even liked it. 😉 PLUS, it’s gluten free for those of you who need it to be.


Ingredients for the crust:

  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup swerve (or your choice granulated stevia/erythritol sugar substitute)
  • 3 Tbs butter
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • butter for greasing the pan

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 16 oz full fat cream cheese @ room temp
  • 4 Tbs full fat sour cream
  • 4 Tbs butter
  • 1 Tbs vanilla
  • 1/2 cup swerve (or your choice of granulated stevia/erythritol sugar substitute)
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 3-4 tsp powdered swerve (or your choice stevia drops/sweetener for whipped cream)
  • 2 tsp vanilla for whipped cream

First you will need to make your crust. Preheat your oven to 375. Prep a 9 inch pie dish by greasing it. In a bowl, combine dry ingredients FOR CRUST. mix together. Soften butter, & add to dry ingredients. Mix it in w/a whisk or a fork until combined. It will be crumbly. Add to this mixture the egg & vanilla. Stir with fork until this dough becomes a firm ball. Work dough into pie crust. If the dough is sticking to your fingers, wet them with water slightly. Poke crust  several times with fork to prevent bubbling, and cook for about 10 mins. Remove from oven, and cover edges with tin foil to avoid them burning, return it to the oven to cook for about 6-8 more minutes, or until the crust appears to be golden brown. Set the crust out to cool completely. **As a side note, this crust was delicious. I actually don’t even usually like pie crust, & I’d use this again as a base for a dessert**

For the filling, place cream cheese, sour cream, butter, vanilla, swerve, & cocoa powder in a bowl. Mix together until the filling is fluffy. In a separate bowl, mix together whipping cream until it thickens and forms peaks. Add to the cream the 3-4 tsp swerve, & 2 tsp vanilla. Continue to beat until the cream forms stiff peaks.

Fold a few spoonfulls of the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and mix GENTLY, allowing the air bubbles to remain in the cream. This helps the pie to maintain a thicker consistency. Continue this process until all of the cream is folded in, and the mixture is mixed through. Scoop this filling into the pie, and smooth the top out. Cover completely, and allow this pie to chill in the fridge for a few hours. I made mine the night before, and it was PERFECT for dinner the next day. Top with whipped cream, and enjoy…very happily. For those who want to know, if you slice the pie into 10 slices…each slice has about (7 net carbs.)

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Crane & Lion … got me like whoaaaaaa …

While I may be particular on a lot of things with regards to my workouts, there is one thing that I am EXTREMELY picky about…what I’m wearing. If my clothes are bothering me while I workout, I can’t workout at my full capacity. It drives me crazy. That being said, what I wear matters. A lot.

The amazing people over at Crane & Lion were nice enough to put together an outfit for me to try out. Let me first say that I’m a harsh critic. For example; I have about 30 pairs of the EXACT same style of shorts because I like how they fit. I know I can trust them. I don’t even have to think about how they are going to fit while i’m working out. I tried out this outfit that was sent to me

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…& I’m sold. I loved every single piece that I tried.

The three items that are pictured here are: the keyhole sports bra in Cloud Blue

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the shorty short in black

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the pima textured long sleeve tee in Peacoat I loved each piece for different reasons. The sports bra was comfortable, supportive, & very cute. I loved the color. The structure was awesome. The shorty shorts were PERFECTION. The length was spot on. The shirring on the side of the shorts is SO cute. They didn’t move. At. All. No riding, no sliding, no movement. This is KEY in shorts. The long sleeve pima tee is the softest fabric ever. It’s going to be my new hiking tee for SURE. I’m obsessed. It’s light, comfortable, but still has some structure. LOVE. To sum it up, I’m a big fan. I highly suggest you check out Crane & Lion. You will not be disappointed.

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Crockpot or Instant Pot Healthy Ranch Chicken

The crockpot can be one of the best tools for busy people trying to eat healthy, especially if you are wanting to do some meal prep for the week. It requires very little effort to dump some ingredients into a crockpot, & let it do the work for you while you are running around all day. We had this super easy, and very delicious, healthy ranch chicken this past Sunday for dinner. It was a hit!

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  • 4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 dry ranch dressing packet
  • 1 can of Healthy Choice cream of chicken soup
  • 8 oz of neufchâtel cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 dash paprika
  • 1/8 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp parsley flakes

In a large crock pot, combine 4-6 chicken breasts with one dry ranch dressing packet. Cook on low for 4 hours, or until chicken is cooked through & falls apart.

Add in 1 can of Healthy Choice, Cream of Chicken soup, 8 OZ of neufchâtel cream cheese, 1/2 cup of chicken broth, 1 dash paprika, 1/8 tsp dried oregano, & 1/4 tsp parsley flakes. Cook for another 20-30 minutes until all ingredients combine.

Instant Pot update: Place all ingredients in instant pot & cook on high pressure for 18 minutes. release pressure, & shred chicken with a fork or an electric mixer.

Serve over brown rice or quinoa. We paired ours with some oven roasted veggies, & it made for the perfect meal! Remember it’s ALWAYS helpful to make some extra, so you have leftovers for lunches or dinners. This cuts your prep time in half! This is a great meal to double, & throw into portioned containers in the microwave to heat up when you’re in need of a quick meal!

NUTRITION BREAKDOWN: (for 1 serving) 25 g protein/12 g fat/6 g carbohydrates

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Post Review: Beets BLU Bluetooth Scale with Smartphone Tracking

While I don’t love weighing myself…I don’t think anyone does…I do think that it is important when you are trying to reach a weight loss goal. For my clients that are wanting to lose weight, I have them weigh in on a weekly basis. I usually choose Wednesday as their “weigh day,” because it keeps them accountable w/both bookends of the weekend. I have used a LOT of different scales in my day, & there have been a lot of things that I’ve come to like & dislike about all of them. I was excited to try out this new bluetooth scale from Beets BLU.

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I love the design of the scale. It’s really sleek, thin, & lightweight. It is also really easy to use. You can change the settings from LB to KG, depending on what you prefer. I like that it gives you more information than just your weight, offering BMI measurements to help you to know if you are getting closer to reaching your goals.

One of the really cool features of this scale is the fact that it syncs with your smartphone, helping to record & track your progress each time you weigh. I used my IPhone 6 with this device, but I know it is compatible with many other smartphone models. You must have the app downloaded and open on your phone in order to record your stats, which some might consider a nuisance. However, I find it to be super beneficial. This device allows for multiple profiles as well, so more than one person can use it to their benefit. I found the app to be a bit outdated, but as I know this is a new product, I feel like this will likely be improved in the future. It is available on Amazon HERE.

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MC FIT Monday Max Out Full Body Circuit

Are you getting ready for a week of awesome workouts ahead? Planning out what you are going to do for the week before the week comes is one way to ensure awesome success! It is far more likely that you will get your workouts in if you create a plan, acknowledging your busy days & planning accordingly before those busy times come!

This full body circuit is a quick & effective workout that will have you sweating up a storm, & torching those calories. This combination of resistance exercises & plyometric exercises is the best way to burn fat, and lose weight.
Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 2.59.12 PMPut this workout on your schedule for the week, & get after it! Make this week a successful one! xoxoxo Megs

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Muncher Cruncher Fitness Favorite Must Haves

It’s Christmas shopping time…which it always SO fun, but can also be a bit stressful. Whether you are looking for things for the people you love, or to put on your own list…here is a list of some of my fitness favorites.

  1. Socks. As you know I’m a HUGE fan of socks these days. There are so many different fun  patterns/styles that can keep your feet warm while you are just kicking around or spice up your workout outfit a bit. My favorites these days are Stance socks, Bombas socks, & Nike elites. Side note: I also love the Nike Roshes pictures below. 🙂 thumb_7FA0E7D8-D4D5-4A36-884F-82A01AA1FDF7_1024
  2. Hydroflask water bottle. My sister gave me one of these for my birthday this year, and I am absolutely in love with it. thumb_IMG_5520_1024
  3. Lulu Lemon Speed Shorts. I LOVE these shorts. The Speed Short 4-way stretch is my favorite. However, they have a ton of different varieties if you don’t love the way those ones fit on you. thumb_IMG_3815_1024
  4. G fast Leggings from Gap Fit.  These are so comfortable. I love the 23″ style because they are the perfect length. I have them in both black & gray & I wear them ALL the time!                                                                                                                                 Click Here Continue Reading 🙂
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