As I mentioned previously, life has been pretty crazy as of late. Between training my regular clients, writing, school, (and lots of fun), I have found myself multi-tasking QUITE a bit. Now, I know that my life is no different than the rest of yours. EVERYONE is busy. We all just have different kinds of busy! What I have learned is that you can either make excuses as to why you are so busy to exercise or make any changes, OR you can make positive health decisions a priority. Sometimes this means multi-tasking.I’ve learned that I can read while I workout. It actually makes my workouts FLY by which is a double win. Multi-tasking means different things for everyone. My challenge to you is to figure out how to make working out a part of your day instead of figuring out excuses as to why you don’t have time for it! So…as I was reading about exercise motivation today I came across this…
…and I loved it. This was my take-away. 1) Associated exercisers think about how every exercise movement feels, which includes the discomfort that they are likely feeling. 2) Disassociated exercisers distract themselves with music, daydreaming, basically anything else but their exercise. 3) I am DEFINITELY a disassociated exerciser, which is probably why I LOVE it so much. I jam to my music (which i love.) I watch my Netflix (which I love.) And I work out with friends (which I love.) All things that distract me, and make exercising more enjoyable.
Now I get that exercise isn’t always fun. Finding motivation to get to the gym and workout is NOT always easy. HOWEVER, the truth of the matter is, you can make it much more enjoyable if you figure out what makes it more fun for YOU. Not everyone is the same, and what works for one person might not work for someone else. Find what works for you, and you may even find yourself multi-tasking your exercise away! 🙂