Quick and Delicious Garlic Vegetable Skillet

I am a lover of vegetables. I have been since I was little. I understand that not everyone is that way, and so I am always trying to create new recipes that are tasty and easy. I have made this veggie dish like 5 times in the past couple weeks, and it is super tasty. You could add a variety of vegetables to it to clean out your fridge, and I have added chicken to it as well to boost the protein. veggiesGarlic Vegetable Skillet

  • 1 cup of broccoli cut into florets
  • 1 yellow squash cut into chunks
  • 1 zucchini cut into chunks
  • 1 cup of mushrooms sliced
  • 1-2 TBS of olive oil
  • 1 TBS minced garlic
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Lowry’s seasoning salt
  • pepper to taste
  • DIRECTIONS: Heat a skillet to medium high heat. Place diced vegetables in the skillet. Drizzle with olive oil, and coat with seasonings. Combine, cover, and allow vegetables to cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. I like to let the veggies caramelize and brown a bit, but you can determine when you think they are tender enough. Now, try and tell me that isn’t simple!
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Healthy Pesto Chicken & Vegetable Skewers

My family loves to eat together. Lucky for me, everyone likes to eat fairly healthy. However, that doesn’t always mean that everyone can agree on one dish for dinner. We have found that create-your-own type options seem to be the best way to go. This way, people can make their meals exactly they way they like them. While I was home this past week, we made pesto chicken & vegetable skewers that were to die for! Here’s how we did it…Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWe started out by marinating the chicken. For this, we simply cut up chicken breasts, and put them in a gallon plastic bag with some store bought pesto. (The kind that comes in a jar.) E-A-S-Y. We then had a selection of fresh veggies that we cut into pieces that could be skewered. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetEveryone then got to make their own skewers. The kids loved this because they were able to get involved in the cooking process. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetMy dad then fired up the barbecue and grilled all our skewers. They were SO very tasty, simple, and healthy. We ended up having a ton of veggies left over, and so my dad just threw them all on the grill together and we were left with a ton of roasted veggies…my favorite! Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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The 5 Step Holiday Cleanup

After the holidays are over, it is quite common to feel ready for a fresh start. People are usually looking to get back on track, and into a better routine…one that isn’t laced with plates of cookies, caramel popcorn, and endless sugary sweets. icecreamI am a believer in moderation. However, it seems like during the holidays people tend to moderate the good foods they are eating…while binging on the less healthy options. SO. Let’s get back into it!

STEP #1: Get rid of the junk. Chances are, if it is still in front of you, you will probably eat it. So, get rid of it. Freeze it, box it, give it away, chuck it, feed it to the dog…do whatever you need to do to make your slate clean.

STEP #2: Restock. Once you have eliminated all of the unhealthy options from your kitchen, fridge, and pantry, you will have plenty of room to fill your shelves with fresh produce, lean proteins, and other good healthy options. It may not be a bad idea to map out your meals for the upcoming span of time to give yourself a plan to stick to. Planning ahead is ALWAYS beneficial to success.

STEP #3: Get your water in. Cleanse all of the garbage out of your system. Drink 100 oz of water per day.

STEP #4: Get moving. Get back into workout mode. You will feel SO much better when you do. Make it a goal to do something active every day. If you still have family and friends in town, include them in it. Go hiking, go for walks, go snowshoeing, go to the skating rink…just get moving. If you can get back into your real workouts, even better, but do what you can!

STEP #5: Keep it clean, lean, and green. Remember my mantra for December? Well, it’s back. The best way to get yourself back on track is to get rid of the sugar. Focus your meals around LOTS of healthy greens and lean proteins. That, coupled with a lot of water will have your back on track in no time!

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Merry Christmas Eve!!

Merry Christmas muncher crunchers! santahatIn the spirit of the holidays, I thought that I’d list some of my own holiday fun facts…

My favorite Christmas movie: Home Alone, although you can get me to join you on whatever Hallmark/ABC Family/Lifetime Christmas movie you’ve got on at any moment.

My favorite Christmas tradition: I love watching Christmas movies, and baking holiday goodies.

My favorite gift as a child: My American Girl Doll, Molly.

My favorite Christmas memory: The time I knew I was getting a dollhouse for Christmas/ I was probably 12. and my mom overheard me feeling extremely confident about the exact dollhouse I thought I was getting. My family then spent extensive amounts of time creating a dollhouse from cardboard and placing it beneath a sheet, so that when I ran down the stairs in the morning and threw the sheet off, the joke was on me. They proceeded to go the rest of the morning without telling me that my actual dollhouse was in the garage. Ask me the details of this occasion in person sometime. It’s a pretty good story.

Favorite holiday food: Cinnamon Almonds

What I gave for Christmas: This year I gave my clients Skinny Pop and my Zucchini Cookies, two of my favorite healthy snacks!

What I hope Santa Brings me: Some Sorel boots & new workout clothes.

On my list every year: clothes, shoes, hair care products.

Favorite Christmas Song: O Holy Night

My wrapping of choice: Brown paper packages tied up with string. Really though. I wrapped all my gifts with brown wrapping paper and bakers twine. Simple and darling.

What are some of your favorite holiday memories, traditions, songs, and movies? What is on your wish list for Santa this year?

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Healthily Surviving Your Holiday Activities

There are so many different fun holiday traditions that can throw a wrench in one’s healthy routines. For example…one thing my family does during the holidays is go to the movies. We do it all the time actually, but it is definitely more frequent during the holiday season. I LOVE this tradition of ours. However, I am also fully aware of one of my biggest weaknesses when I walk into the theater. The smell of that movie theater popcorn gets me. Oh man, I love it. Because i know this about myself, I think ahead. This is me: Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset
Yep, I am the person who sneaks my own SkinnyPop into the theater. This way my hand doesn’t get away from me…cleaning out the bottom of the popcorn bag like I know I could easily do. Going prepared helps me to stay on track without feeling deprived. There are a lot of ways to be able to be a part of holiday traditions without feeling deprived. Here are some more tips…

  • Make sure you eat before you do your holiday shopping, and stow some healthy snacks in your purse if need be. Shopping tends to take longer than we think it will, and we all get hungry. During these times we go for whatever is quick and convenient, which usually isn’t all that healthy. If you are prepared, you won’t find yourself chowing on unhealthy quick options.
  • Contribute to the holiday party spread. When you know family dinners and holiday get togethers are going to be offering a spread of unhealthy options, offer to bring something. Bring a veggie tray and hummus, a big healthy salad, sliced apples and fruit dip, or a healthy dessert. I love to bring these zucchini cookies. People don’t usually even realize they are eating something healthy with these guys. 😉 You can save a few of these to leave out for Santa. (Help save him a few calories!)
  • Check your menu options. If you are going out to eat, which is something my family and friends do a lot of during the holidays, give the menu a look online to check what they have to order. Choose a healthy option before you go, so you won’t even have to think twice about it.
  • Include some physical activity in your holiday outings. Go ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, take a walk to see the neighborhood lights, walk around to go caroling, or go for a hike.
  • Think before you grab. While there may be Christmas treats everywhere…that doesn’t mean they are all good. Just because your neighbor leaves you a plate of cookies on your porch doesn’t mean you have to eat them. Take the kind gesture, appreciate it, and throw them away. OK, maybe that is harsh, but eating a whole plate of cookies that are sub-par = not worth it. If they are AWESOME, then keep the good stuff. Freeze them for later. Share them. Just be wise with your choices. You’ll be glad, post-holidays. I promise.

Enjoy your holiday season. It really is the best time of the year! Just do it in a way that will have you feeling healthy and happy! After all, you want to be able to enjoy as many holiday seasons as possible. Right? 😉

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Home For The Holidays

I can hardly believe that it is actually Christmas break! Between work, school, and all the holiday parties that one could imagine…to say I’m excited to be home for the holidays is an understatement! Before I left I was once again reminded of just how fabulous my friends and clients are. They know me all too well. My sweet friend Sarah gave me this adorable sweatshirt…photo 1…and some darling clients gave me this awesome leggings. Yep. I live in leggings all day every day, and I’m not even mad about it. 
Processed with VSCOcam with b1 presetOn Friday afternoon I took off to Arizona with my pops. We are basically pros at this drive. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

My dad wanted to stop at a Vegas buffett for dinner., which reminded me once again that you can make healthy choices almost everywhere you go. It is just a matter of decision. It also reminded me that I don’t like buffets, unless they are salad bars. Just saying.
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWe didn’t get in until SUPER late, so I actually slept in! It was amazing. After that I got really ambitious and moved to the couch where I proceeded to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. #Awesome. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetI got off my tush for a bit and did this Holiday Hustle circuit, and followed that up with some tuna lettuce wraps for lunch. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetYep. I love being home for the holidays.

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Holiday Hustle Workout

As Christmas gets closer and closer, our “to do” lists seem to get exponentially longer. The time we may usually take to get a good workout in suddenly slips away as we wait in line at the grocery store, fight crowds at the mall, wrap presents, and attend parties. All of these things are what makes the holiday season fun and exciting, but being busy is no reason to completely abandon your awesome workout schedule. Here is a simple, quick, and effective workout that you can do at home, allowing you to get everything that you need to done, INCLUDING a good sweat!Screen Shot 2013-12-21 at 3.49.32 PM This workout is great because you can literally do it ANYWHERE! If you don’t have a jump rope at home, you can do 100 high knees instead! The holidays usually mean that there is a lot going on. They can also mean there is a lot of extra treats lying around. Take the time to get a good sweat in, and I promise, you will be so glad you did!

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Healthy Gift Ideas for the Holidays!

For those individuals who are wondering what some great HEALTHY gifts ideas may be for their friends and family…I’ll share a few of my favorites.

  1. Nike Flyknit trainers. Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.20.01 PMI have a pair of these, and I LOVE them. They are so incredibly comfortable. They are lightweight, but still sturdy. I’m a huge fan. Get them in your life. You can find them HERE.
  2. Old Navy compression capris & pants. Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.23.57 PMOld Navy absolutely NAILED it with these workout pants and capris. I may or may not have 4 pairs of the capris and 2 pairs of the pants. They wear well. They wash well. They stay put. They are comfortable. They are thick enough, but not suffocating. They are awesome. Find them HERE.
  3. Sorel Boots. Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.27.19 PMThese are on MY wish list this year. These are an awesome way to take your exercise outside. They are super warm, and perfect for winter walks, hikes, snowshoeing, and just looking darling. Find them HERE.
  4. Skullcandy earbuds. Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.32.00 PMAs you know, I love my music. It is what gets me through my workouts. These awesome Skullcandy ear buds from Target are inexpensive, and still awesome. They are my absolute fave because they stay in my ears, and they are comfortable. Find them HERE.
  5. A warm shell jacket.Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.35.26 PM I have this Patagonia shell in black and I’m in love with it! I seriously wear it every day to work. It is lightweight, but super warm. It isn’t bulky, so it’s perfect for layering. Find this jacket HERE.
  6. Healthy goodies. I would love some Questbars, Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.39.58 PMa bag of Skinnypop, Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.43.09 PMsome Turkey Jerky, Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.45.05 PM Extra Gum, Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 9.47.38 PMand any assortment of nuts in my stocking.
  7. Other ideas…water bottles, a kettle bell, a foam roller, resistance bands, a jump rope, any assortment of workout clothes, an iTunes gift card, a netflix subscription, healthy reads, a subscription to a fitness magazine, new socks, workout headbands, a gift certificate for a massage or to try some new fitness classes, a gym pass, or a new gym bag! The healthy holiday possibilities are endless!
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December is HERE!

Screen Shot 2013-11-30 at 11.34.06 PMAnd with it comes a lot of holiday parties, food, and fun. Annnndd…for many people that can mean extra holiday pounds. So my own personal challenge and motto for the month is.

Eat lean. Eat green. Eat clean. Are you with me??

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Legs for Days! Another killer leg workout…

Y’all know I LOVE a good leg workout. This one is killer.Screen Shot

  •  Jump squats with dumbbells: These are regular jump squats, holding DB’s in each hand. Land soft and jump right back up.
  • Walking lunges with dumbbells: With these walking lunges, do all 20 leading with the right leg, and then the following 20 leading with the left leg.
  • Single leg squats with dumbbells: Balancing on one leg, squat down holding DB’s in both hands. Try to touch the DB’s down to the ground.
  • Single leg dead lifts with dumbbells: Keep both legs and your back straight with these.
  • Single leg jump backs: For these place both hands on the ground, keeping one foot in the air. Jump your standing foot back until you are in a plank. Jump it to your hands, and jump up. Do all 20 on one leg, repeat on the other side.
  • Wide plies squats with dumbbells: Turn legs and feet out in a wide position. Keep dumbbells on your shoulders or by your hips. Squat down as low as you can, returning back to standing. Tuck the hips under.
  • Wide to narrow jump squats: Start with feet close together, squat down, jump up and land in a wide squat. Jump back up, landing in the narrow squat. (This counts as one.)

Good luck peeps! Oh…and the reason I call this “Legs for days?” Because you’ll probably be feeling this in your legs…for days… 😉

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