Ten Things That will Keep Your Summer Healthy

Summer is the best. I love the weather. I love the fun family times. I love the holidays. I love the fresh produce. I love the fun vacations. I love the outdoor activities. I love it ALL!! However, With all of this goodness that I love comes a busy schedule that often lends itself to missed workouts, increased summer treats, and excuses for not living the healthy way you are wanting to be living. Make this summer different! The following are some tips that can help you to have a fun, happy, and HEALTHY summer.

1. Pre plan your meals. With summer being so busy, having an idea of what you want to eat for the week can help you to keep yourself on track with healthy meals.

2. Plan meals that are quick & easy. Planning your meals is important, but I find myself wanting to be in a hot kitchen as little as possible. Are you the same way? With that being said, I would make your meals easy and simple. Make healthy salads. Use your crock pot. Capitalize on all the fresh produce that is around. It is so good!aug14132

3. Stock up on healthy snacks you can grab. Having healthy snacks on hand (veggies & hummus, fruit, popcorn, Larabars, Questbars, nuts, etc) allows you to have healthy stuff to take with you on the go on all of your summer adventures. Instead of getting cheese fries and nachos at the pool, bring your own goods and you will be well prepared! 

4. Get your workouts done in the morning. Summer is hot. When you get your workouts done early in the morning, you will not have to worry about sweating during the heat of the day. Summer mornings are magical. The sun rises early and it is beautiful outside! Getting your workout out of the way will allow you to enjoy your busy summer activities without having the need to workout hanging over your head.

5. Get Grilling. Oh, how I love grilling in the summertime. It is the best. You can whip up some amazing healthy options on the grill. Experiment grilling your chicken, fish, and lean cuts of beef with different marinades and rubs. Make shish kabobs. Grill your veggies. The possibilities are endless. The cleanup is minimal, and the taste is off the charts. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

6. Hydrate. The heat of summer means an increase in sweat. Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. It will help to keep you cool and hydrated!                                                                                                                  CONTINUE TO READ HERE…

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Product Review: Lesser Evil Popcorn

It’s a real good day when a box of popcorn shows up on my doorstep to be reviewed. I’ve become a bit of a popcorn snob in my quest to find healthy snacks that are gluten free. I’ve found that there are actually a lot of pre-popped popcorn options that are available out there, which is GREAT. I’ve also found that they are not all tasty or healthy. The wonderful people over at Lesser Evil were kind enough to send me some of their products to test out. IMG_7614 I tend to like the popcorn that is made with sunflower oil or coconut oil the best. Read your product labels my friends! This product ABSOLUTELY fit the bill. I mean, LOOK at these ingredients…Organic non-GMO popcorn, organic coconut oil, & himalayan salt? YES PLEASE. IMG_7619 The four flavors that I tried were; Himalayan Pink (basically a salty popcorn), Himalayan Sweetness (a sweet and salty popcorn), Chia Pop: Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, and Chia Pop: Aged White Cheddar. I was a fan of all four. 
IMG_7617You can’t go wrong with these two “Buddha Bowl” flavors. They were light, and delicious. They had a great taste, and they weren’t dry like some bagged popcorn can be. The coconut oil gave it a hint of sweetness, which was delightful. Loved it. IMG_7618The nutrition facts were also right on point. 37 calories per cup? Yes, I think that sounds great. The Himalayan Sweetness was the perfect mix of salty and sweet. I would consider this more of a treat because the sugar content is a little higher, but it was very good.IMG_7620 I had never had anything like the chia popcorn before, and I thought it was wonderful. The Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper popcorn was dusted with seasonings that gave it a savory/peppery flavor…SO good. The aged White Cheddar was also very flavorful…finger licking good, if you will. 🙂 It felt like an indulgence, and yet it was just a tasty & healthy snack.

I found these Lesser Evil products at my local Sprouts. Click HERE to find where you might be able to find this delicious product near you!

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Healthy Disneyland Food: It’s Possible.

Disneyland is the best. It just is. The wonderful rides, the nostalgia, the scent of churros, the magic of it all, and every other amazing detail that makes Disneyland fantastic. I love it. It’s hard not to feel like a kid again when you are walking right down the middle of main street USA. munchercruncherdisney3I write all the time about moderation. I think that eating healthy the majority of the time and indulging in something you love every now and again is absolutely fine. However, most people live with the opposite mindset; eating whatever they want the majority of the time…occasionally dipping into the healthy stuff every now and again. I can promise you, if you want to see any type of progress in your health and weight loss you HAVE to consistently eat well. It is just the way it is.

With that being said, I thought I’d give you some tips on how to be healthy at the happiest place on earth.

1. Pack your own goods. If you are worried about finding healthy options that you will like in the park, or if you just want to save some cash on food…bring your own food! We brought a small cooler pack with our own lunch. I had turkey, hummus, and veggies. It was delicious. I also brought a Questbar, fruit, nuts, popcorn, and water to snack on throughout the day. munchercruncherdisneylandIf you don’t want to carry your cooler, put it in a locker outside the park. It’s like $7, and you won’t have to worry about lugging it around. I would also suggest Larabars, apples, bananas, nuts, dried fruit, turkey jerky, and cut up fresh veggies if you don’t want a cooler because they are easy to carry around.

2. Seek out the healthy restaurants. Believe it or not, there are actually some good finds in the park as far as eating is concerned. munchercruncherdisney2I had grilled chicken and veggie kebabs that were at the restaurant right across from the Indiana Jones ride. These were delicious, and moderately priced as well. Amanda found a similar option with Mediterranean skewers in California Adventure at the Paradise Garden Grill, located on Paradise Pier. Hers came with a cilantro sauce that looked divine.

3. Look for the healthy snack stands. There are kiosks all over Disneyland and California Adventure that offer snack sized fruit bowls, packs of nuts, pineapple spears, apples, bananas, hummus, cut up vegetables,  and vitamin waters. The key here is looking for these options. It is very easy to find yourself starving and reaching for the quickest, (and most heavenly smelling) option that is close by. Plan ahead. Set yourself up for success, not failure.

4. Choose your indulgences wisely. If there is something that you can’t live without at Disneyland, the dole whip, the churro, the chocolate dipped banana…whatever it may be…choose to make the majority of your day as healthy as you can and then enjoy every bite of that waffle cone. Instead of feeling sick after your day of fun, you’ll be proud of yourself for walking like a fool and practicing some self control. It will make your indulgences taste that much better!

Oh…and FYI: On average…Park Hoppers who spend the whole day at Disneyland walk between 15-20 miles, burning 180-350 calories per hour, depending on how much you are walking. THAT is awesome.

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Happiness is…

Lots of family time. ladiesSunshine hikes & morning workouts with my sis.
hikingand a road trip in sight.

I’m beach bound, and I’m not even mad about it.

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Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Puff Pillow Cookies

I had some bananas that needed to be baked, and some mouths that needed to be fed. SO, I pulled a recipe out of the blog archives and made these tasty cookies today!munchercruncher_bananapuffpillowsThese are basically like little banana bread delights in healthy, cookie form. Click HERE for the recipe 🙂

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10 Ways to Shape Up For Summer…and Forever

Well. we have been talking about getting in shape for summer for quite some time now. Guess what guys? It’s HERE!! YESSSS. As you well know by now, summer makes me the happiest human alive. I LOVE it. Sunshine. Warmth. The outdoors. Yes, yes, and yes. However, now that summer has so quickly come upon us, have you found yourself wondering why you still haven’t gotten into the summer shape you’ve been planning on? If this is the case, the following tips may help get you back on track…not just for the summer, but forever. yhike2

  1. Get into seasonal produce. – There is nothing like garden fresh produce. There just isn’t. If eating your fruits and veggies is a struggle for you, trying some local, fresh produce may help. I mean is there really anything better than fresh, flavorful, right-off-the-vine tomatoes? NO.
  2. Exercise in the morning. – Summertime gets busy. There are always a lot of activities going on. Summertime also gets toasty. As the day gets busier and hotter, you are less likely to want to get your sweat on. If you plan on getting your workout in and over with first thing, you won’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. If you can make this a lifetime habit, you will benefit HUGELY from doing so. Promise.
  3. Make your workouts quick and worthwhile. – You are busy. I know. Guess what? So is everyone else. Use the precious time you do have effectively. If you don’t know how to do this, seek the help of a professional who does. Info on the resources I offer are HERE.
  4. Cut out the crap. – Stop with all the snacking. It’s not helping you. I know that summer can be full of poolside snacks, movie snacks, picnic snacks, and late-night snacks, and they are all great and wonderful. Except they’re not. If you are trying to attain some health and fitness goals, cut out the crap.
  5. Make your summer an active one. – One of the best things you can do to get in shape is to move more. One of the best ways to do this is to make moving more fun! Get your family involved. Go hiking, take bike rides, go on walks, explore your city, go to the pool, make a bucket list or copy mine. 🙂
  6. Drink lots of water. – Water helps to keep you hydrated and happy. It also helps to keep you keep you feeling full, and in the summer it can be so refreshing. Keep water on hand at all times!
  7. Plan your {simple} meals in advance. – It can be hard to get excited about cooking in the summer when it’s toasty and busy. SO, plan your week ahead of time. Think of simple meals that require little cooking and prep. Use the grill. Throw together some easy salads. Use your crock pot. Take the family on a picnic.
  8. Check your sugar intake. – The ice cream, frozen yogurt, slurpees, shaved ice, and smoothies seem to sound good all the time when it’s hot out. However, if you are wanting to slim down, these items all contain a LOT of sugar. You may want to track your sugar intake to determine if you are over doing it. Try not to exceed 30 grams per day. I think sugar is the KEY element to improving your physique. Want more info about sugar? Read HERE.
  9. Sign up for some races. – Need some motivation to exercise? Sign up for a family fun run, 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, relay, or heck…even a marathon or triathlon. This will help you to have a goal to work towards, and will keep you exercising.
  10. Stop making excuses. – Like I said before, summer is here. So, now is the time to stop saying you will “get in shape for summer” and just get in shape. You CAN do it. It IS possible. Yep, it’s going to take some work and some discipline. Yeah, it might be kinda tough at times. First and foremost, it’s going to take you just starting. There is always a reason not to. There is always a vacation, a family event, a holiday, a season change, a sale on your favorite candy, and a neighbor dropping off treats on your doorstep. Instead of finding excuses, find solutions. MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Happy Summer. 🙂



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Two Thumbs Up For Memorial Day

This past weekend has been pretty amazing…I went with some of my fabulous friends to St. George for a weekend away. We hiked. We ate. We laughed until we cried. IMG_7499We went on a beautiful hike to Kanarville Falls, which was amazing.  IMG_7512I love that my friends are willing to get out and be active with me! IMG_7539There isn’t much better than enjoying the beautiful outdoors, especially when it is with the people you love!IMG_7590If you haven’t done this hike before, I highly recommend it!! Happy Memorial Day! xoxoxo

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Eating Out & Eating Clean.

Eating out always seems to be something that people concerned about when they are trying to clean up their diets. I have clients who will text me asking what they should order from one restaurant or another, all of the time. I thought I would share some of my favorite cleaning eating/paleo options that may help you when you are eating out!party2

Local Utah Options:

  • Carrabbas: Order the Sicilian Chicken Soup with no noodles. I get the bowl so it fills me up!
  • Cafe Rio/Bajios/Costa Vida: Order a salad w/no tortilla, rice, or beans. Get the meat, lettuce, as much pico as you want, guacamole, and if you MUST have the dressing get it on the side, and only dip your fork. The dressing has a TON of fat and calories in it.
  • In-N-Out: Skip the bun by asking for it “protein style”, and ask for Double meat mustard fried, no cheese, grilled onions, chopped chilies, extra tomatoes, and hold the spread.
  • Jimmy Johns: order the “unwhich” It’s a sandwich in a lettuce wrap, without the bun. No cheese, and all the veggies and meats you want! Go for mustard and guacamole instead of mayo/dressing.
  • Which-which: Order your sandwich the same way you would at Jimmy Johns.
  • PF Changs: Order Buddha’s Feast, steamed. Sub chicken for the tofu. Get the lettuce wraps as your entree.
  • Chipotle: Order the salad or burrito bowl with no rice or beans. Choose the meat and grilled vegetables instead. Skip the cheese, go for lots of salsa & some guacamole. (Although, they put a TON on there, so you may want to tell them to go light.)
  • Chick-fil-a: Get the grilled chicken nuggets. They are an awesome protein source that is quick!
  • Pizza Factory: Squash noodles with marinara and grilled chicken. This dish is AMAZING. The salad bar is a great option if you can manage to load up on the veggies, and avoid the pre-made salads and dressings.
  • Cubby’s: Order the salads with no cheese, dressing on the side. Be sure to just dip your fork if you are needing the dressing.
  • Blue Lemon: (My favorite place ever) The mint mango chicken salad, raspberry chicken salad (no cheese), oriental salad (with no wontons) all with the dressings on the side. Get the sun dried artichoke chicken with the seasonal veggies subbed out for the fingerling potatoes. The sweet potato fries here are bakes, so they are a thumbs up!
  • Olive Garden: Venetian Apricot Chicken or Grilled Chicken Spiedini (sub out the potatoes for another serving of veggies.)

Other general options:

  • Thai: Order curry with vegetables and protein, no rice.
  • Steakhouse: Order grilled chicken or beef with steamed veggies or a sweet potato. Ask to have all vegetables cooked with no butter.
  • Mediterranean: Order protein kabobs with vegetables.
  • Breakfast joints: Eggs, omelets, bacon, no cheese. Go for the fruit as a side.
  • Italian: avoid the pizza’s and pasta. Go for grilled fish or chicken with veggies.
  • Salads of any type: lots of veggies and protein, avoid cheese, pre-made salads, creamy dressings, croutons, etc.
  • Mexican: go for the salad type options that were mentioned above or fajitas without the tortillas and cheese. skip the chips and salsa.

Generally speaking…

  • avoid the bread/chips & salsa/bruchetta/and other starters
  • avoid deep fried anything
  • don’t be afraid to make alterations or ask for substitutions
  • ask to see the “gluten free” menu if there is one available. It is usually a good place to start!
  • look menu’s up online before you go. If you go with a  plan in mind you won’t be found starving and frustrated.
  • stop feeling sorry for yourself. If you want to eat healthy, it’s YOUR choice. Don’t sit looking at everyone else’s food, wishing you had a pizza. If you want to eat clean, be empowered by your will power.
  • stop thinking that everyone is staring at you. If people are giving you grief about your healthy eating choices, it’s probably because they are feeling guilty that they aren’t making the same choices. Don’t let it make you feel like you are sticking out or that you should cave to peer pressure. Do your own thing, and let others do theirs! Not everyone will be on board with your choices, and that is their problem.

If you have any other restaurants you are curious about let me know! I would love to give you my two cents!

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Muncher Cruncher Sweaty Songs for May

I think it’s about time for a new workout playlist y’all…don’t you?

  • Pass Out – Tinie Tempah
  • Don’t Wait – Mapei
  • A Little Party Never Killed Nobody – Fergie
  • La La La – Naughty Boy
  • Fancy – Iggy Azalea
  • Red Lights – Tiesto
  • Black Skinhead – Kanye West
  • Birthday – Katy Perry
  • Jealous – Chromeo
  • When They Fight, They Fight – Generationals
  • Riptide – Vance Joy
  • Recess – Skrillex
  • Run Down for What – DJ Snake & Lil Jon
  • Started from the Bottom – Drake
  • Stay High – Tove Lo
  • Magic – Coldplay
  • Don’t Save Me – Haim
  • Runaway – Mat Kearney

Enjoy! xoxoxo Megs


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Paleo Zucchini Cookies

Last week I posted some of my most pinned recipes from Pinterest. One of them was my Healthy Zucchini Cookies. After posting that recipe a bunch of you requested a grain free version. SO, I came up with the following recipe…and I’m not going to lie…it turned out pretty dang good.


One of the things I was MOST excited about was the fact that there is no added sugar in these cookies! The banana makes them sweet. Depending on the type of chocolate chips you decide to use, there may be an increase in the overall sugar content. However, the fact that they turned out so well without any added sugar made me super happy. Paleo Zucchini Cookies (grain free, gluten free, dairy free)

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 TBS almond butter
  • 1 egg, 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 cup grated zucchini
  • 3/4-1 cup chocolate chips of your choice: (You can use dark chocolate chips, Enjoy Life chips, or cacao nibs here) You could also use craisins, raisins, or chopped nuts if you wanted to omit the chocolate chips altogether…although I like a lil’ bit of chocolate in there.

Directions: Preheat your oven to 350. Mash your banana completely. Add in the almond butter and egg and mix combine.  Combine baking soda, salt, ground cloves, cinnamon, almond flour, and coconut flour. Add to the dry mixture to the wet mixture and combine. Add in grated zucchini. (You can either grate your zucchini with a food process or by hand. However, if you use a food processor be careful not to pulverize it.)  Add in 1 cup of chocolate chips of your choice. Use a cookie scoop or spoon to drop onto a sprayed pan. Bake for 11-12 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to sit on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes before you transfer them to a wire rack to cool.

paleozucchinicookies2Because of the nature of the flour, they will be soft when they come out of the oven. If you allow them to sit for a bit they will set up a bit more. Store them in a covered container, and they should keep for about 3 days. I actually liked the flavor and constancy of them better the next day because the spices really set in.

If you are only wanting to make these gluten free, and you aren’t as concerned about making them totally grain free, you could also add in 1 cup of gluten free, old fashioned oats. This will make the consistency more “cookie” like and less “cake” like.

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