Monthly Archives: December 2011

The Ultimate December Mix Giveaway!!

Oh my goodness I am SO excited about this! I’ve been thinking about it all year 🙂 Ok, maybe not that long, but for a while. It is time for December’s mix giveaway, but there is a little added bonus … Continue reading

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Healthified Cinnamon Bun Cake

I have a darling nephew who loves baked goods more than anyone I know. He’s adorable, and for his birthday every year he requests this Cinnamon Bun Cake. It would be a great addition to any holiday party, and is … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health – Day 12

Can you believe it is already December 13th? I can’t, but I am excited to be so close to Christmas! Today brings with it my last holiday health tip! If you have missed the other 11 you can read them … Continue reading

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12 Days of Healthy Holiday Tips – Day 11

I have heard so many people talking about the great things they are doing to help serve others this holiday season, and I love it. It makes me so happy. There are so many people who are struggling, and taking … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 10

We are exactly two weeks away from Christmas Day! It is at this point that i turn into a ten year old and bust out the paper chain, start begging people to watch cheesy holiday movies with me, and go … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 9

Food. Food. Food. I know I’ve already brought up the fact that food seems to be within six inches of your reach at all moments during the month of December. I’m sure you can relate to the feeling of ending … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 8

This one is a no-brainer, and it may be my favorite tip of them all. Today was an awesome day that I was able to spend with the people I love the most…my family in this beautiful place.   (Image Source) Tip … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 7

One of the hardest things about the holiday season is the ginormous abundance of holiday sweets. I swear they turn up in every possible place. At home on the doorstep, at work, in sample form at the grocery store….EVERYWHERE. So…in … Continue reading

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12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 6

Efficiency is a HUGE thing for me at the gym. You will not see me hanging out at the gym shooting the breeze whomever will chat with me and taking fifteen minute rests between sets. I think I’d go crazy … Continue reading

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Too Funny…and FAR too true.

Every now and again I come across something that makes me laugh really hard. Today I have found one of those gems. Don’t worry…there will be another healthy tip for my 12 days of Healthy Holiday Tips a little later … Continue reading

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