Tag Archives: travel

The Best Things to See & Do In Amsterdam

Prior to visiting I’d seen pictures of Amsterdam, but had no idea really what to expect. I feel like it is a very hip and active city. We would have loved to see the tulips there, but it was still … Continue reading

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The Best Things to Do In Prague

Prague was absolutely incredible. I have seen pictures of this dreamy little place for so long, and I’ve always wanted to go there. However, I really had no idea what to expect when we got there. It was absolutely beautiful. I … Continue reading

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The Best Things to See and Eat in Paris … or At Least Just All The Things I Loved :)

We started out our European adventure in Paris, which was beyond all expectations I had for it. After flying for about 15 plus hours, through the night, and feeling a little ragged…the jet lag was real. BUT, everyone I talked … Continue reading

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