An Unintentional Leg Day

I went to the gym this morning with the plan to focus more on upper body. My workout yesterday consisted of a sprint and squat combo, elliptical intervals, and about twenty minutes of core training…as well as my barre method class last night. I went to bed with a burning sensation in my legs. However…when I went to workout this morning the stair climber was beckoning to me, and so I gave in. Turns out my workout went full body on me today. workout4.11.13I felt worked, but great when I was done! A few notes on some of the exercises…

  • Walkout Pushups:  Start from standing, keep your legs straight and reach for the floor, walking yourself out to a plank pushup position. Do a full pushup and walk your arms back to your feet, keeping your legs as straight as you can. Stand up and tuck your glutes under tight. This will stretch and strengthen your hamstring, work your core, and your upper body as well.
  • Elongated Step ups: You perform these as you would regular step ups, holding dumbbells in both hands. However, start about two steps further back than you would with normal step ups. You want your stride to be really long, forcing you to work your hammy’s and glutes even more as you step up. While on top of the bench bring your knee to your chest to work your abs as well. Step all the way back down, reaching back to your long stride, with both feet.

Like I said, lots of legwork today. Bring on swimsuit season! Don’t forget to enter the Shabby Apple $50 Giftcard Giveaway if you haven’t already!

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Shabby Apple $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

As the weather FINALLY starts to warm up, it becomes time for shorter sleeves, shorts, and summery clothes. This makes me so happy! The change of the season always has me itching to shop for a new summer wardrobe. I’m guessing your are probably the same way. Well, I have some good news…the fantastic people over at Shabby Apple are offering a $50 gift card to one lucky winner to get your shop on! Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 3.52.47 PMShabby Apple is an online dress boutique that specializes in vintage and retro dresses.  Click here:  vintage dresses to see their selection! In browsing through their site I found some amazing spring dresses that I would not mind sporting this time of year! These were a few of my favorites…Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 3.57.22 PM Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 3.52.19 PM Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 4.00.09 PMScreen shot 2013-04-10 at 4.01.22 PM      So cute right? If you’d like to enter to win this awesome giveaway, you must do the following…

  • You must “like” Shabby Apple on Facebook. Click HERE to link to their FB page. Leave a comment saying you’ve done so. 
  • You must also leave a SEPARATE comment letting me know which Shabby Apple item you’d like to win.
  • For additional entries, you can blog about the giveaway, tweet about it, instagram it, post it on facebook, etc. (You must leave a SEPARATE comment for each of these additional entries in order for them to count.)
  • The winner chosen must be able to provide a USA shipping address.

The giveaway ends on Sunday, April the 14th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Monday, April the 15th. Good luck!! xoxoxo



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Fill Your Plate & Stomach Without Filling Your Caloric Budget

We talk a lot about the nutritional value of food. For those who are looking to lose weight, a caloric deficit through diet and exercise is necessary. In creating a caloric deficit, tracking calories can be extremely beneficial. Many times people don’t realize just how many calories they are eating. I find that with my clients, this is frequently the case. For those who are having a hard time seeing the scale budge, you may want to try tracking every bite you eat for a couple days. What you find out may surprise you. Usually people realize that 1) they grab extra bites and handfuls that they didn’t realize they were eating, and 2) their portions are not what they thought they were.

The problem is that we sometimes eat foods that are calorie dense and nutrient-less, when we would benefit so much more from foods that are nutrient dense and calorie-less. You want to make good food choices, and part of this is choosing foods that are worth it calorically. Let me paint you a little picture…

  • 1 chocolate Costco Muffin has 690 calories and 38 grams of fat
  • You could eat 25.5 cups of broccoli to total the same amount of calories. Screen shot 2013-04-08 at 11.00.05 PM

Can you even imagine eating 25.5 cups of broccoli? It would fill you RIGHT up. I can tell you that. I can’t promise that with a Costco muffin, that is actually more like a glorified slice of cake, anything more than a real sugar high followed by a crash.

What I am trying to get at is that filling your diet full of foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories is not going to do much for you. Chances are they are probably also full of saturated fat and sugar. Filling your diet full of foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients can allow you to eat more, leaving you fuller and more satisfied. Here are some foods that fall into that category…

  • Zucchini – With 30 calories in an entire medium zucchini, you can eat the whole thing and then some without hardly making a dent. Use them to make zucchini noodles, or healthy zucchini lasagna. Stir fry them, grill them, roast them…add them to zucchini cookies
  • Cauliflower – One cup of cauliflower has 30 calories in it. It can be extremely filling. I love to roast cauliflower in the oven. I am also a HUGE fan of using it to make cauliflower pizza crust. I also know it can be steamed and diced to use in place of rice, or blended and pureed to replace potatoes.
  • Popcorn – This is a snack that I will recommend to my clients that have the munchies. Air popped popcorn has about 20 calories per cup. A little bit goes a long way. I love Boom Chicka Pop and Skinny Pop, both are all natural popcorn popped in olive oil and sea salt. I am also newly converted to the Whirly Pop, which I will post about shortly.
  • Mushrooms – Mushrooms are a great addition to salads, stir fries, and can make an awesome sauteed side dish as well. One cup of mushrooms is about 20 calories. Portobello mushrooms can be used in place of a bun for burgers or sandwiches. They can be chopped and added to dishes with ground meat to add some bulk without the calories.
  • Spaghetti Squash – 1 cup of spaghetti squash has about 40 calories in it. It can be used as a replacement for noodles, and goes great as a side dish to any meal.
  • Spinach – You can have 15 cups of spinach and still only total 100 calories. It is extremely nutrient dense, being high in vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium. It is awesome in a big salad, steamed and added to a meat dish, blended up in a green drink, or even wilted into a soup or stir fry.
  • Cottage cheese – at only 90 calories for a 1/2 cup, you can have a high protein food that is definitely the best choice when it comes to cheeses. Add this to dishes that call for other high fat cheeses and you will cut the calories and fat drastically. I have also made protein waffles and easy cheesy chili with cottage cheese, making them filling and high in protein. And of course…there is my favorite cottage cheese avocado and tomato salad.

So instead of reaching for that unsatisfying, yet calorie-laden pastry, you might want to reach for something that will actually leave you feeling full and healthy.

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Today’s Workout!

Happy Friday Y’all! I hope you are having a fantastic start to your weekend! Today’s workout went as follows…munchercruncherwodGive it a try! I was sweating up a storm!

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Healthified Caramel Corn

Let me start by saying that I realize that not everyone eats perfect all the time. I have mentioned many times that I am a believer in moderation. Just because I eat a certain way, doesn’t mean that it is the only way or the best way to eat. It simply means that I have found a way of eating that works for me and my lifestyle. With this thought in mind, I do get a lot of requests for “healthified” recipes that are not just vegetables and chicken. So…every now and then I try to help y’all out with something that may satisfy your sweet tooth and not kill your progress. The truth of the matter is that if you are eating consistently well %80-90 of the time, you can probably get away with having that %10-20 that isn’t consistent. I say this with a reminder that you just have to be careful not to let your %10-20 turn into your %80-90. Anywhooo…with that being said I give you a BOMB recipe for some healthier caramel popcorn. I tried it. I LOVED it. caramelcorn Healthified Caramel Popcorn

  • 5 TBSP unpopped popcorn
  • 1/4 cup honey or agave
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/8 tsp vanilla
  • 1 TBS butter
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
Directions: Pop your popcorn. In a small saucepan, combine brown sugar, honey, vanilla and the butter.  Heat on low stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once it is,  add the baking soda. This will make your caramel sauce foam, allowing it to pour equally. Pour this mixture over the popped corn and stir to coat. Keep stirring for about a minute until the popcorn is equally coated. The caramel sauce may fall to the bottom of the bowl, so make sure you are getting the bottom of the bowl as you stir. ENJOY!
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Product Review: Arctic Zero Frozen Desserts

I am always up to trying new products, and I have heard people talk about Arctic Zero several times. I mean…being able to eat a whole pint of ice cream for 150 calories? HELLO. What girl doesn’t dream about that? It sounds too good to be true, right? arcticzeroWell…I’m not going to lie. It was. I went with the Cookies and Cream and the Chocolate Peanut Butter. To be completely honest, it tasted like nothing…witha bad after taste. It kind of disintegrated into my mouth, and that was about it. Amanda and I tried really hard to like it, we did. However, neither flavor really did it for me. We ate about five bites of each, and then we were over it. I even pulled it out again yesterday to see if I had changed my mind. Turns out it still wasn’t my favorite. I had a few tips from y’all on how to spice it up a bit, which I may have to try. I think it was a one and done. Turns out I think I’d just prefer 150 calories of frozen yogurt, sugar and all.

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Pesto Chicken Pizza with a Cauliflower Crust

Let’s just start by saying who doesn’t love pizza? The very smell of it is enough to make your mouth water. I have seen pizza recipes using a cauliflower crust since I started eating paleo, and I have always wanted to try it. Yesterday I decided to give it a try! Before I even give you the recipe, let me just tell you, it turned out AMAZING. So. Dang. Tasty. You really should try this.

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. For the crust, combine: 

  • 2 cups cauliflower, grated 
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup shredded part skim mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 tsp of garlic powder
  • (you could also add additional spices: oregano, parsley, italian seasoning, etc.)

pizza1Shape your crust ingredients onto a pan lined with a silpat or parchment paper. THIS IS IMPORTANT! I didn’t do this, and it caused it to stick and burn a bit. You can make one larger pizza crust out of this mixture, or you can make two smaller pizzas like I did.


pizza2Bake your crust for 15-20 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown. Keep an eye on it, so it doesn’t burn. Flip your crust carefully and put it back in the oven for 5-10 more minutes until it’s cooked through. Top your pizza with whatever you’d like, and put it back in the oven for a few minutes to finish it off. Don’t forget to keep an eye on it!  I used pesto and chicken which was INSANELY good. However, I was thinking of just how tasty a bbq chicken pizza would be, or even just a normal red sauce and veggie pizza would be. The possibilities are endless!

pizza3 Tell me that pizza doesn’t look divine?!? I really was surprised at how absolutely delicious this turned out. I will FOR SURE be making this again!

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Happy Easter!

What a beautiful day for such a beautiful holiday!easterbike I hope that you have had a fantastic Easter spent with loved ones. I know I did. xoxoxo

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Some Easter Candy Food for Thought

Now, I love holiday candy as much as the next person. However, I think sometimes we fail to realize how quickly those Starburst Jelly Beans and Cadbury Mini Eggs add up. Here is some Easter Candy food for thought…

Screen shot 2013-03-30 at 2.22.05 PM

3 Lindt Milk ChocolateSolid Mini Eggs, 143 calories, 14.2g sugar

12 pieces Wegman’s Sour Gummy Rabbits, 110 calories, 20g sugar

1 Hershey’sChocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs, 100 calories, 14g sugar

1 Cadbury Creme Egg, 150 calories, 20g sugar

4 Peeps Marshmallow Bunnies, 130 calories, 29g sugar

10 pieces Reese’s Pieces Pastel Eggs, 150 calories, 18.3g sugar

20 pieces Brach’s Pastel Candy Corn, 108 calories, 20.8g sugar

12 large pieces Jelly Bird Eggs Jelly Beans, 130 calories, 23.5g sugar

40 Pieces M&M’s Chocolate Candies, Pastel Bunny Mix, 136 calories, 18g sugar

5 Pieces (6g each) of Hard Candy, 120 calories, 19g sugar

12 Cadbury mini eggs, 190 Calories, 27g sugar (info source HERE)

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Exercise Is Free! The 20’s workout.

exerciseHaha..right? I thought that was pretty funny. 🙂 I was super sick last weekend and my energy levels have been struggling to come back. I’ve worked out every day, but my workouts have been less than amazing. My workout today seemed to be a little closer to normal.

  • 10 minute warm up intervals on the elliptical 
  • SET #1
  • 20 seated rows (70 lbs)
  • 20 step ups on the right leg holding a 25 lb plate
  • 20 step ups on the left leg holding a 25 lb plate
  • 1 minute plank with the 25 lb plate on your back
  • SET #2
  • 20 DB Chest presses (25 lb DB’s)
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 squats with DB’s (25 lbs)
  • SET #3
  • 20 slow mountain climbers with elbows on a physioball
  • 20 supermans
  • 20 single leg bridges with heel on a physioball on each leg
  • 10 minute cool down

It’s almost the weekend! Keep on Keeping on!

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