Muncher Cruncher Thursday Workout

Yesterday’s workout was one of those where my cardio intervals FLEW by, and lifting was a blast. That doesn’t always happen, but it was one of those good days. One of the days I remembered one of the reasons I LOVE what I do so much. My workout went as follows: MCworkout.4.25.13Exercise Details:

  • Single leg burpees: Start from standing on your right foot. Place both arms on the ground, jump your right foot back out to a plank position, and then back in. Stand up and jump up. Never place that left food down. Do 10 in a row. Switch sides.
  • Up and over lunges: Find a high bench. Hold one single dumbbell in both hands. Stand next to the bench and place your right foot on top of it. Step up and over landing on the other side of the bench with your left leg, keeping your right leg in place. Step back up and over to the other side. (Each side counts as one rep.)
  • Plank jacks: Get into a plank on your elbows. Jump your feet out as wide as you can, and then back to center. That counts as one rep.
  • Weighted jumping jacks: Hold both of your dumbbells at your shoulders. Jump your feet out into a jumping jack while pressing your db’s over head. Jump back in to your starting position and bring your arms down to your shoulders again. Repeat this 15 times, keeping your core VERY tight.

This circuit had me sweating! I hope it does the same for you. Remember, if these reps/weight recommendations aren’t pushing you, you are ALWAYS welcome to up that weight! Don’t be afraid to push yourself! Happy Friday y’all! xoxoxo

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Product Review: URAWk Bars

If there is one thing that I had to get used to with my switch to a more paleolithic lifestyle, it was the fact that I needed to find some better, “grab and go” options. I get up so early in the morning that I find myself short on time some days, and having the luxury of just grabbing something is extremely helpful. I wake up starving, so not eating is not an option. Oh, and you’ve heard me say it a million times…not eating breakfast shouldn’t be an option for ANYONE. Anyways, back to the point at hand. I was BEYOND thrilled when I came across URAWK energy bars, a fully paleo approved bar that is made up entirely of natural and whole ingredients. IMG_5464The description of these bars on their site says, “URAWk RAW energy bars  are 100% RAW organic and are free of gluten, soy, dairy and grain. Featuring coconut butter, blue weber agave nectar and pink Himalayan sea salt URAWk Bars contain medium chain triglycerides, the pre-biotic fiber inulin, and essential minerals and elements such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium.” Pretty legit if you ask me. Isabel, the fabulous founder and owner of URAWk was kind enough to send me some samples of their bars to try out. IMG_5469The verdict? I LOVED them. They have two bars available at the moment, the original and the raw cacao. While they were both excellent. My favorite was the raw cacao bar (pictured above). It had a delicious taste, a great texture, and is made up of tasty ingredients. Now, you know that I am honest in my reviews. I always want to be sure to tell it how I see it, in hopes that I can bring to light some great products, and stop you from wasting your money on the not so great ones. Each bar is made by hand daily and shipped frozen to maintain freshness. It doesn’t get much better than that. Here is a closeup on the nutrition info. IMG_5465There are so few options when it comes to paleo bar options, and I’m glad I’ve found these.
They were delicious and convenient! For more info on URAWk products check their website HERE. Thanks Isabel for the opportunity to try out your great product!

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Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

I get really excited when I find new healthy recipes. I get even more excited when I find new healthy recipes to try that are extremely simple. Sunday my friends and I were dying for something sweet, so I decided to search for something we could whip up real quick. We ended up combining a bunch of different ideas, and our final creation was pretty much amazing. Here you have it…IMG_5448 I took the photo before the chocolate had completely cooled, but who doesn’t like a lil’ melted chocolate right?

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

  • 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter 
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • 1 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/8 cup mini chocolate chips (We used the Enjoy life gluten/dairy free ones. You could use dark chocolate or whatever you prefer.)

Melt honey and peanut butter together in a sauce pan until honey has dissolved, and the mixture is creamy. Add in the oats and stir to combine. Press into a 8X8 pan and let cool. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave and spread over the top. Allow chocolate to cool and enjoy! This recipe makes 9 bars, each of which have 125 calories in them. BAM.

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A Case of the Mondays & Monday Workout.

Man…yesterday I was SO TIRED. I didn’t sleep much on Sunday night, so waking up bright and early yesterday morning to start the week was rough. Everything felt hard…including the very thought of working out. I was thinking about how tired I was when I saw this little reminder…Screen shot 2013-04-22 at 9.34.05 PMIt was a great boost for me. My time is always short on Mondays, and so I knew I HAD to make the most of the time that I did have. I also knew that I would feel much better once I got my sweat on. SO…I bucked up and did it.  Today’s workout went a lil’ something like this…

  • Cardio: 45 minute intervals on the elliptical
  • 1st set repeated 3 times through:
  • 15 pull ups
  • 15 squats w/a curl (15 lb DB’s)
  • 15 split squats on right (15 lb DB’s)
  • 15 split squats on left (15 lb DB’s)
  • 2nd set repeated 3 times through:
  • 15 pushups with the TRX
  • 15 triceps presses with the TRX
  • 10 inchworm pushups
  • 15 squat throws with a Med Ball (18 lb med ball)
  • 3rd  set repeated 3 times through:
  • 15 physioball crunches (small ball underneath the legs, lifted with the heels pressed to the hammy’s)
  • 15 single leg physioball heel presses on right (one leg on the physioball, the other pressed to the ceiling)
  • 15 single leg physioball heel presses on left (one leg on the physioball, the other pressed to the ceiling)

There is definitely a feeling of satisfaction when you have a workout well done!

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Product Review: Journey Bars

As you know, I am always excited to try new products. There are so many fantastic companies out there that are coming up with new food choices all of the time. I recently reviewed a product called Journey Bars. I was intrigued by them because, unlike most of the usual bars these were savory and not sweet. I didn’t really know what to expect with flavors like, pizza, rosemary, and coconut curry. IMG_5360 I hate to say it, but I HATED these. I even had Amanda taste test with me to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Of all of the flavors I didn’t mind the parmesan and the pizza. The texture reminded me of something like a Nutrigrain bar or something cakey like that which didn’t mix with the flavor at all. IMG_5363I like the concept, a different way of having a meal on the go. I liked that they use wholesome ingredients to make the bars. I’m glad I was able to try something new. However, I don’t see myself ever purchasing these or recommending them to anyone. Has anyone else ever tried these? Did you have a differing experience?

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Crock Pot or Instant Pot Salsa Brown Sugar Chicken

I was in charge of a huge party for a church function this weekend, and I wanted to do something that was easy and still healthy. I feel like people always default with pizza or frozen lasagnas when there is a group of people to feed. (Not that I fault people for that…I get it. Feeding a crowd can be HARD)

However, you’d better believe that if I have a say over it, that is not what we’re having. There are actually a LOT of different ways to feed a crowd that are healthy, that don’t require tons of work or an extremely expensive grocery list. We decided to do build your own fresh Mex salads. This way, it’s easy to prep, easy to serve, & everyone is happy because they get to customize their meal to their taste buds. Win. Win. Win.

I used one of my favorite crock pot recipes to make the chicken, and it turned out really great. You can also EASILY make this recipe in the instant pot if you are in to that sort of thing. crockpotchicken I had some of the leftovers for lunch today. This recipe is seriously SO easy, super tasty, and it is healthy too!

Crock Pot Salsa Brown Sugar Chicken

Combine 4-6 chicken breasts in a crock pot with 1-2 cups of salsa and 1 cup of brown sugar. If you are making it in the instant pot, I’d add a bit more salsa, so you have the necessary liquid.

You can also decrease the sugar to 1/2 or 1/4 cup if you are watching your sugar intake.

In the crock pot:  Cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-4. You want to cook it until it falls apart.

In the instant pot: Cook on high pressure for 18 mins. (If cooking the chicken from frozen, increase cook time to 24 mins.)

When finished, shred the chicken with a fork or hand mixer. You can serve it on top of lettuce as a salad, in tacos, burrito style, or even just by itself. It’s also delicious with my cilantro lime cauliflower rice.

Super simple. Super delicious.

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Mix It Up

We are definitely creatures of habit. There is no question about that. We like to stick to what we know and what we are comfortable with. The body is the same way. It wants to be as efficient as possible, and so it likes to do what is comfortable. So, you get up and run six miles everyday and you are curious as to why you are not seeing a change with the way you look? Well, it’s because your body knows how to run the same six mixes as efficiently as it possibly can.  This is why it is important for you to mix up your routine. I was reminded of this principle yesterday. I have a rockstar client who has been working her BUTT off. I want to keep her progress going, so I have been trying to keep things interesting for her. Yesterday we did an AWESOME boxing workout, and she totally rocked it. boxingShe was sweating like crazy. Her arms were dead. However, when she was done she was BEAMING…and she said…”Man, that was fun. Killer, but fun.” THAT is how working out should be. Don’t get stuck doing the same boring thing day after day. Not only are you working out in an an inefficient way, but you are making yourself HATE exercising. It shouldn’t be like that. Find some ways to switch it up. Try something new. Go to a class, go for a hike, find a workout partner, try some circuits, or even just up your intensity. Your body will thank you. You will see far better results, and you will actually enjoy what you are doing!

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Pray For Boston

Pray-For-Boston-Photo I am completely sickened, saddened, and somewhat speechless at today’s events. My heart goes out to the runners I know, and those that I don’t know, as well as the countless individuals that were effected today. The Boston Marathon is the ultimate for runners. It is something that people train their whole lives to be able to experience. It is supposed to be a day of celebration and accomplishment, not a day of sadness and tragedy. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out all those who are in need, as I am sure do yours. xoxoxo

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Shabby Apple Giftcard Winner!

Well, who is ready to go shopping??Screen shot 2013-04-10 at 3.52.47 PMI’ll tell you who. The winner of the Shabby Apple $50 Giftcard giveaway is…Lindsay who said…Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 2.34.00 PM


Thank you to everyone who entered the contest! Lindsay, send me an email at megolina21 at to claim your prize! xoxoxo Megan


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I’m Great With Kids.

Today I went to a baby shower for my sweet friend and co-worker Ashley. She is the tiniest, most darling little preggers EVER.
While there I got to hold some baby goats! They were absolutely PRECIOUS. goat1These cute little things were like 4 days old.


I was like a reglar Dr. Doolittle. I’m sure I could really stretch myself and attempt to somehow make holding baby goats health related. However, the main purpose of my post is to remind you that you have until tomorrow night at midnight to enter the Shabby Apple $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

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