Try This! Salad and Go

If you live in the Gilbert, AZ area, or if you plan on visiting there soon, you need to pay a visit to a new lil’ joint called, Salad and Go. It’s seriously awesome. My mom and sis have been telling me about it for a while now, so I was excited to try it! salad1All salads are to go orders, and the food is prepped fresh while you wait. HOWEVER, it is super fast! All of the ingredients and nutrition facts are listed right on the menu, and you can add protein to every salad. salad2They also have a lot of gluten free options which I thought was fabulous. An on-the-go food option that is quick, healthy, delicious, inexpensive, AND allergy friendly? Believe it. They use local, natural, and organic products which is awesome. I would totally recommend it. I went with the BBQ chicken salad, with no cheese, and I took off the tortilla strips. salad4  Salad and Go is located at 743 N. Gilbert Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85234. To check out their website click HERE. As far as I know this is the only location, but I’m hoping they keep growing! Check it out if you get a chance. salad3

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Sun, Songs, and Saturdays.

Yesterday my day begun a little earlier than planned. I woke up at 5:00 AM like it was 10:00 AM I was WIDE awake, and couldn’t go back to sleep. So, I decided to head out for a little morning run. I ended up doing about six miles, and it couldn’t have been more enjoyable. I didn’t time myself. I didn’t stress about pace. I just plugged my tunes in and ran. It felt awesome. I got to watch the sun rise as well which made it even more fantastic.az3I was LOVING my playlist as I ran. It was one of those, sing to myself even though people are looking at me crazy, kind of runs. I’ll list a few of my favorites, if you don’t have them add em! Good music always makes working out better. 

  • Hold On When You Let Go and Let Go When You Give It – Stars
  • Punching in a Dream – The Naked and Famous 
  • Sweet Disposition – The Temper Trap
  • When In Rome – The Promise
  • Mirrors – Justin Timberlake
  • Halo – Beyonce
  • Big Parade – The Lumineers
  • I’m Not Your Hero – Tegan and Sara
  • And We Danced – Macklemore

I came back and did about a half an hour of chest and triceps. It felt good to get a solid, early morning sweat in. Eventually, everyone else finally rolled out of bed.;) I spent the rest of the day with my mom and sister which was, of course, the best. 

az1I have decided that my love for frozen yogurt must be genetic. My sis suggested we go and get some, and we were instantly all on board. So very delicious. az2              I hope that your Saturday was as fantastic as mine!

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Graduation Robes, Legs, and Shoulders.

I flew to Arizona yesterday to come watch my darling niece graduate. She is more like my little sister than may niece. We are ten years apart and I love this girl to pieces. She is fantastic. GraduationI think I’ve made it pretty clear that I adore hanging with my family. It’s because they are great people. You’re welcome to come hang with us. I think you’d agree. 😉

Today I got to sleep in a bit which felt so great. I’ve been feeling sick and low on energy all week, so I’ve been trying to find a balance of trying to take care of myself and not overdo it, while still burning some calories. I woke up not feeling super awesome, so I decided to cut the cardio and just focus on legs and shoulders. My energy level is still kinda low so I went with higher reps with lower weight. may24wod This is another workout that you can easily do at home! You can change up the weight if you need to make it harder or easier!

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Muncher Cruncher Carido WOD

When I say “cardio” people automatically assume I’m telling them to go for a run or to hop on an elliptical. While those both can be fabulous forms of cardio. Cardiovascular exercise is a matter of getting your heart rate to an elevated level in order to work your body at an aerobic level and burn excess calories. The most beneficial form of cardio is interval training in which they body is pushed to an intensely high level of work with shorts moments to recoup. One thing that people need to realize is that getting your heart rate up doesn’t have to require equipment. The following circuit is a great way to get an awesome cardio workout. and calorie burn without having to use any equipment at all. cardiowod

  • (r&l=1) means doing the exercise once on the right and once on the left equals one total rep
  • plank jacks – start on your elbows in a plank position and jack the legs out and back in that counts as one rep
  • I recommend going through this five times for a full cardio workout. However, if five times is too intense just decrease it to 2 or 3 sets until you can work up to that. Heck, if 5 is too easy, add some more! 😉
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FSTG Giveaway Winner!

I get hungry every time I look at these photos…IMG_5477When are they going to invent that technology where we can turn pictures into food? I mean it is 2013, right? I thought we’d be flying around in hover crafts at this point. We are soooo behind the times. Anyways, the winner of the Food Should Taste Good Sample box is…drumrollllllllll…..Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 8.38.46 PMCongrats to Robyn! You will LOVE, “The Works.” They are absolutely delicious, as we as all of the other flavors. Email me at megolina21 at, and we’ll get ya all hooked up! Have a great Thursday! xoxoxo


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Product Review & Giveaway: Food Should Taste Good

An area of concern for a lot of people with regards to eating healthy is snacks. It can definitely be hard to give up the junk food that has infiltrated the way that most people eat. My advice to the people that I work with is to find better alternatives. There are some fantastic, whole, natural, healthy snack options that taste great. There is a company called Food Should Taste Good that is most definitely helping to present some of these healthy snack options. I have to say, this has been one of my favorite product reviews to date.fstg_blacklogoThe company’s name fits the product, 100 percent. Food really should taste good, and in this case, it does.  

IMG_5472The fabulous people at FSTG sent me a sample box of their all natural chips. WOW. Seriously tasty stuff. My favorites were “The Works” all natural tortilla chips, and the Original Sweet Potato Chips. IMG_5478These weren’t your ordinary tortilla chips. They had amazing flavor. So so so good. The ingredients are awesome. You can’t go wrong with all natural, whole foods peeps. IMG_5481The Original Sweet Potato chips were awesome as well. IMG_5477Tell me those don’t look fantastic? Well, they taste fantastic too. You can’t go wrong with the ingredients in these tasty chips either.IMG_5473Sweet potatoes. Sunflower oil. Sea salt. It doesn’t get much more basic than that. AWESOME. I could go on and on. What I’m telling you is that I LOVED these products. I’m a huge fan, and I would totally recommend them to anyone! It should also be known that these different chip varieties are certified Kosher and Gluten Free, lower in sodium, and free of cholesterol, preservatives and trans fats. You can find these chips at most grocery stores, so try them out. However, luckily…one of you gets to try them out for free! The fabulous people at Food Should Taste Good have been kind enough to offer a sample box of their products to one of you! Awesome right? I know.

If you’d like to win a sample box of these fantastic chips, leave a comment telling me which flavor you think looks delicious! You have until Wednesday, May 15th at midnight to enter. The winner will be announced on Thursday! Good luck!!

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Exercise Motivation and Today’s WOD.

This week I have been feeling TIRED. It has been a really busy week for me, and so I haven’t been getting enough sleep. However, a late bed time doesn’t change the fact that my alarm goes off at 5:00 AM. In fact, that late bed time makes the 5 AM wakeup call very, very real. I have noticed that whenever I’m feeling tired, I feel far less motivated to workout. I’m guessing you’ve felt the same way a time or two. This morning I was feeling tired, yet again, but I decided to just get moving and see what happened. Lucky for me, Cody my awesome coworker came and decided to workout with me. What a difference it made!?!? She got me going. We just chatted and sweated together, and before I knew it I was done. It got me thinking about overcoming a lack of motivation, and what helps me to do so. Whenever I am feeling less than thrilled to get sweaty, the following helps to keep me on track.

  1. Ask myself how I’ll feel if I don’t workout. In most cases, I know I’ll be bugged at myself if I don’t get at least SOMETHING in. I always feel better when my workout is over. It is the absolutely truth. There are some days when the body really is exhausted, overworked, or when feeling ill is REAL. In these cases, listen to your body. Sometimes you do need a break. However, make that the exception, not the rule.
  2. I remind myself of my goals. When I start to feel lazy I remind myself that wishing I looked or felt different isn’t going to do much. WORKING will. If you want to achieve goals, you are going to HAVE to be willing to put some work in.
  3. Find a buddy! This helps me a TON. Working out with others is always more motivation than working out alone. Sometimes I need my therapeutic exercise time, but if I am in a slump, working out with others helps to get me going.
  4. I do what I like. There are days when I may have been planning on doing sprints or intervals, and the very thought just seems impossible. However, getting in a good circuit may sound more doable. In those cases I’ll make an exception and switch it up.
  5. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. This is huge. If you aren’t eating right, getting enough sleep, drinking water, and trying to take care of your body, chances are you may feel crappy. When we feel crappy, we tend to resist wanting to exercise. When we are in a positive cycle of taking care of ourselves, we see exercise as a beneficial thing, and we want to keep going.
  6. Set realistic goals and track them. A great way to stay motivated is to note your progress. Set goals that are attainable, and work to achieve them. Doing so will help you to stay in a positive cycle.
  7. Find some new jams. I am a HUGE advocate of the power of music. It can be SO motivating. If you are needing some new music ideas look HERE at my workout playlists for some new suggestions.
  8. Mix it up. Doing the same thing everyday is not only completely boring, but it is also allowing your body to fall into a mode of ease. Keep yourself challenged and your body guessing by mixing up what you are doing.
  9. Just start doing something. Chances are you’ll probably surprise yourself. If you just get going, more often than not you’ll keep going.

wod_may8Kettlebell high sumos: Hold the KB with both hands in a wide stance. Squat down touching the kb to the ground, straighten up swinging the KB into an upright row. 
Kettlebell rows in a lunge: Get into a deep lunge with your right leg back. Rest your left elbow on your left leg. Keep your back flat and row back with your right elbow. 
Alternating bosu mt. climbers: Place the rounded side of the bosu down. Get on top of it in a pushup position. Alternate bringing one knee into your chest at a time. You can actually do these without a bosu if you don’t have one by just getting into a pushup position on the floor. 

Thanks for keeping me going today Cody! xoxoxo

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Once Upon a Time…

Once upon a time I was in high school. Seems like ages ago…right? I was just reading through one of my old journals today, and I found this inserted in it…jane I didn’t realize I’ve always been a fitness crazy…It totally made me laugh. Good to know I think I have found my calling in life, right? If there is one thing I can definitely say it is that I LOVE what I do. I have been blessed to be able to make a living doing what I love most. I know not everyone can say that!

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Mix Winner! And some catch up…

This week has been SO. MUCH. FUN. I have spent all week with my family, hence the lack of posting. wcIf you know me, you know that spending time with my family is one of my favorite things in the world. It trumps all else…even blogging. 🙂   wc2wc4

wc3I really do love when they come to visit. They are just so fantastic!

Yes, I get excited about my family. That is pretty clear. I also get excited for people when they win stuff. (Good transition right…) ANYWAYS, the winner of the April Mix Giveaway is……..Leslie Bingham! Congrats girl! Email me at megolina21 at and I’ll get you all hooked up!! I hope you have all had a great weekend! xoxoxo Megs


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Muncher Cruncher April Mix Giveaway!

Oh my goodness. It’s almost MAY! I’m not even mad about it. You know how much I love summer. 🙂 The thought of swimsuits is keeping me motivated to train hard and eat clean!  I’m not even going to waste any time here…this months mix giveaway is here!aprilmixgiveaway2013

  •  I Love It – Icona Pop
  • The Way – Ariana Grande
  • As Your Friend feat. Chris Brown – Afrojack
  • Back to Love feat. DJ Pauly D – Jay Sean
  • Girls Like You – The Naked and Famous
  • Love Lost – The Temper Trap
  • #thatPOWER feat. Justin Bieber –
  • Change Your Life – Little Mix
  • Daylight – Maroon 5
  • Come & Get it – Selena Gomez
  • Pusher Love Girl – Justin Timberlake
  • Punching in a Dream – The Naked and Famous
  • The Cave – Mumford and Sons
  • Lions in Cages – Wolf Gang
  • Highway Don’t Care feat. Taylor Swift & Toby Keith – Tim McGraw
  • Forever and Ever Amen – The Drums
  • Impossible – James Arthur

Lots of awesome new beats that I’m not even mad about.

To enter to win this mix, you know the drill…
1) Become a subscriber and leave a comment letting me know that you are one!
2) For an additional entry…leave a separate comment telling me what is currently keeping you motivated!
3) For more additional entries…tweet about the giveaway, facebook it, blog about it, instagram it, pin it, etc. and leave a separate comment for each telling me you did so!

Good Luck! The contest will end Friday May 3rd at midnight! The winner will be announced on Saturday, May 4th. To see previous mixes, click HERE.

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