Crockpot Balsamic Chicken

I am always looking for healthy recipes that are quick, and tasty. This recipe was absolutely delicious, and I will for sure be making it again. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetCrockpot Balsamic Chicken  

  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 2 tsp dried minced onion
  • 8 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 4 fresh garlic gloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

Directions: Pour one TBS of olive oil in the bottom of your crockpot. Add fresh minced garlic. Layer chicken breasts. Mix together dry spices, and pour of the chicken. Pour the balsamic over the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 4-6 hours, or until chicken shreds easily. Serve over quinoa, brown rice, or atop a salad.

Serves 8

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What is holding you back?

I am working on a capstone project for my Master’s program that deals with helping my clients overcome their obstacles. Speaking quite basically, I am trying to help eliminate excuses that are keeping my current clients (and potential clients) from achieving the goals they want to achieve. This has really caused me to delve into what it is that holds people back. yhike3Once thing I know is that it is not the same for everyone. It might be a lack of time, a lack of proper resources, a lack of knowledge as to what to do, a lack of desire to make dietary changes, or a lack of financial ability to invest in healthy practices. However, I have learned through my years in this field that every excuses can be combated. Don’t believe me? Try me.

It really all comes down to a matter of priority. I know, I’m sure you are the exception…you are the one who is too tired, has too many kids, too many pounds of weight to lose, too many hours of work, and too little time to eat healthy. To that I say, “Sorry. I don’t buy it.” I know it sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. It really comes down to what you are willing to do. It is a matter of how much you want results. It is a matter of letting go of the bad habits that you’ve grown to love so much, and an allowance of change. It is believing in yourself enough to try. It is keeping a consistency of effort for long enough to see a difference. It is a perseverance through obstacles, and time where you could care less. Except, you have to care. That is what it is all about. Caring enough to achieve what you are one hundred percent capable of achieving.

I have seen people who didn’t think that weight loss or health improvement was possible for them make incredible strides and lose hundreds of pounds. I have seen absolute reversals of bad habits, changes in diets, and refinements of lifestyles that one might never have thought possible. I have seen people change their body shapes, but more importantly I have seen people change their lives. It is possible. You are capable.

So, what is it that is holding you back? What excuses are you still giving? My advice to you…stop. Own up to your potential, and live a life that feels good. Stop giving all the reasons why you can’t, and won’t, and aren’t. You can. IF you will.

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Introducing: MC Fit

I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of wonderful people in the fitness industry these last seven years. However, it’s time that I do my own thing, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Introducting; MC Fit…where we turn energy into results. megan-0018-2I have opened up my own private warehouse location off of 1600 N in Orem, and I’m in love. I will be accepting some new clients, so if you are interested please shoot me an email at megolina21 at!

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MC Fit: September Mix

I haven’t posted a new workout mix on here for a while, and I think it’s about that time! This is what I’ve been rocking at new place. 🙂 Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 10.30.09 PM

  • St0len Dance: Milky Chance
  • Come Get It Bae: Pharrell Williams
  • Shower: Becky G
  • Cool Kids: Echosmith
  • Pretty Wings: Zac Waters
  • Kanye: The Chainsmokers
  • Bang Bang: Jessie J
  • Bad Habit: The Kooks
  • Sleepless: CAZZETTE
  • All About You: Hilary Duff
  • Promises: Wiz Khalifa
  • Shake It Off: Taylor Swift
  • Ghost: Ella Henderson
  • We are Young: Le Kid
  • Boom Clap: Charli XCX
  • Fireball: Pitbull

Happy Sweating Y’all! xoxoxo


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Some Good Things Are in Store…

Life has been a wee bit crazy this past month or two…lots of changes. Good changes though…I can’t wait to tell you ALL about them. Until then…here is a sneak peak. 🙂 Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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How to Travel & Keep Up Your Healthy Habits

I love to travel. I love weekend getaways. I love day trips. I love adventures just about anywhere, near or far. Most people think of vacations, and they tend to think of vacationing from all responsibility, including any healthy habits they may have. While I do think that there is a time and a place for indulgence, I also think that making good health a part of your lifestyle wherever you are will make you happier (and healthier) in the long run. Don’t get me wrong, vacations are meant to be enjoyed. You should try wonderful food, and indulge every now and then, but if you can keep to some healthy habits along the way you may find that you enjoy those wonderful foods and indulgences far more!

1. BYOB. Bring your own breakfast. Breakfast is usually the hardest meal on vacation because going out to breakfast more than likely means pastries, pancakes, heavy syrup, cheesy eggs, and donuts. It is easy to bring along some protein bars, fresh fruit, oatmeal packets, almonds, nut butter, jerky, and other packable items that you can eat for breakfast that will start your day on a better note than an excessive blood sugar high.

2. Find something active to do everyday. It is amazing what you can do with your surroundings. Go out for a morning walk and explore wherever you may be. Utilize the hotel gym. Do a simple and quick circuit in your hotel room. Go for a run. Plan some activities in your day that require some walking so you are sure to get some exercise in. vacationThere are a lot of cities that offer awesome bike tours, or that have fun parks and gardens to explore. Walking around town is great exercise!

3. Don’t be afraid to make use of your surroundings. alexandersbeachThere are park benches, hills, playgrounds, and all sorts of sidewalks everywhere you go that you can make use of. It is a matter of going and doing!

4. Choose healthy eats. I am one hundred percent convinced that you can eat healthy just about anywhere. It is jus a matter of being willing to look for healthy options. Bring snacks with you if you are worried that there aren’t going to be options that you will eat. It is better to be prepared than to find yourself starving, leaving you likely to eat whatever you  can get your hands on. It is also a good idea to bring your own healthy snacks to have on hand for in-between times! Protein bars, nuts, popcorn, jerky, string cheese, dried fruit, fresh fruit, baby carrots, fresh veggies…etc. Even if you may not be able to exercise like you would normally, you can still make good eating decisions.

5. Make your healthy lifestyle the norm. If you do your best to stick to your normal healthy habits while you are away from home, it won’t be a big effort to get back into your routine when you get home. Remember that everyday you choose to eat what you eat, to exercise or not, to make healthy decisions vs. unhealthy ones…so decide to be healthy. Make it who you are. I promise you will benefit from it.

6. Enjoy some R&R. As much as exercise and being active is healthy, relaxation is healthy too. It may be good for you to rest a bit if need be. Take advantage of getting some good sleep, resting up, and relaxing on your vacations too. It’s all about a healthy balance!

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Full Body Circuit Workout

It’s a good day for a circuit workout! {frame 1: rotating jump squats, 2: walkout push-ups, 3: wide oblique high knees, 4: side to side push-ups, 5: v crunches, 6: single leg squats with a high knee} Do 1 minute of each exercise 3-5 times through, splitting the last minute of single leg squats into 30 seconds per leg. Add weights to increase intensity on the jump squats & single leg squats.

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Ten Fitness Products I Cannot Live Without

A few months ago, I was on a hike with some of my amazing friends…these friends…Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.06.23 PMand we started chatting about our top 10 “must have” lists, or favorites, if you will…favorite beauty products, favorite articles of clothing, favorite home items…etc. Since then I have constantly find myself making mental notes of “favorite thing” lists all of the time. I wanted to share my favorite fitness products that I currently cannot live without.

  1. Lululemon speed shorts. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.09.10 PMI fought the Lululemon phenomenon for a long time because their stuff is pricey, and I knew the second i tried it I would fall in love. Well, I was right. I am a HUGE fan of their stuff, particularly their speed shorts. They fit AWESOME. I love the waistband. They are so comfortable, plus they are darling.
  2. GapFit mesh tank. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.10.04 PMI may or may not own this tank in 4 different colors. I LOVE it. It fits so well. It breathes. It is super comfortable. It is cute. It washes well. It’s awesome. Get one…or 4.
  3. Nike Roshe RunnersScreen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.10.34 PM While I wouldn’t recommend these for running. I LOVE them for lifting weights, cross training, and just kicking around town. They are like walking on clouds. So comfortable. Plus, anything green and neon I am always on board with.
  4. Skullcandy Jib Earbuds.Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.12.18 PMI have mentioned several times that I love music. It is what gets me through my workouts. I have been completely converted to these earbuds because they stay put, and they are extremely comfortable, even when i’m sweating like crazy. They also block out outside noise which I love. It helps me to focus on the current show I am hooked on. Which brings me to my next must have.
  5. Netflix. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.14.06 PMYou may not consider this a “fitness product” but I totally do. If you are trying to figure out how to make it through your cardio, stop staring trying to entertain yourself by people watching (oh wait, I still do that too…) and find a good series to watch on Netflix. I try to keep my TV watching to a minimum, so it is a total treat to me to get my intervals on while watching Serena and Blair duke it out, or Meredith and McDreamy reconcile differences…again, or allowing old episodes of One Tree Hill to take me away. Worth it.
  6. TRX trainer. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 7.11.39 PMAnyone who has worked out with me knows my love for the TRX. It is a simple contraption that uses straps to work with your own body weight to get a KILLER workout. I use them to train my clients all the time. They are fantastic because they are portable, so you can literally use them anywhere. They are great for people who are rehabbing injuries because they allow you to displace weight when necessary. They are awesome.
  7. Garmin. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 10.58.44 PMWhile I may not be doing much distance running these days, I LOVE my Garmin. I own the Garmin Forerunner 210. It is a GPS enabled Garmin that tracks distance, calories, pace, time, etc. I love it because I can clock my heart rate, time my outdoor intervals, and see how hard I am really working. It’s fantastic.
  8. HMDX Jam Wireless Speaker. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 11.02.37 PMI have this tiny speaker, and it BLOWS me away with how loud this little thing is. I will use this when I’m working out outdoors with my clients and it helps so much to keep some tunes blasting while we do so.
  9. GapFit Gfast Leggings. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 11.19.04 PMWhen I find a good pair of leggings I get really excited about it. These GapFit leggings are just the right thickness, they wash well, and they are really comfortable. They also frequently go on sale, which makes me love them even more. 🙂
  10. Shaka Laka Chapstick. Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 11.23.07 PMThis is another one you may not consider a fitness product, but I %100 do. I cannot workout with chapped lips. It ruins my whole workout. My niece turned me on to this AMAZING chapstick that makes me want to lick my lips. I love the Maui Mint and the Coconut. This product can be a bit hard to find. If you live in Utah county, it is available at Will’s Pit Stop in Provo. Otherwise, you may want to get it online. It is real good.
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Muncher Cruncher Monday Melt Down

Tomorrow is Monday! Sometimes I get a little of what I call Sundanxiety on Sunday nights because I love the weekend, so much, BUT I do love getting a fresh start on my workouts and my eating. Mondays tend to bring that on. I want YOU to start your Monday off right as well…with an awesome sweat session. Here is a killer circuit workout to melt your weekend woes away. MunchercrunchermondaymeltdownExercise Details:

  • Squat Jumps w/high knees – Squat down low, and jump back up trying to get your knees as high off the ground as you can.
  • Squat Curl Presses w/DB – Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Squat down low, return to standing, curl your dumbbells, and press overhead.
  • Alternating Elevated Side Pushups – Place one arm up on a basketball, med ball, dumbbell, or step to elevate one side up. Do a full pushup. Alternate from one side to the next if you can. If you can’t do all 10 on one side, and then finish with 10 on the other side.
  • Deep Reverse Lunges w/DB – Stand in place with one DB in your left hand. Step back in to a deep lunge with your left leg. You want your left knee to touch the ground, and your DB to touch the floor. Return to standing, and repeat all 20 on the same side.
  • Triceps Pushups – These are pushups with your elbows as close to the sides of your body as possible.
  • Plank Knees (front, side diagonal) – Get into a plank pushup position. Alternate bringing one knee to your chest, followed by the other knee. Do 10 of each. Next, bring one knee to your outside elbow. Alternate 10 of these on each side. Finish by bringing your knee across your chest, to your opposite elbow. Do 10 of each of these.
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Easy Dietary Changes That Will Change How You “Diet” Forever

For a lot of people who have ever wanted to improve the way that they look and feel, the first thing that usually happens is an attempt at some crazy diet. Unfortunately, the second thing that usually happens is the extreme attempts become too much to handle, and old habits return far too quickly. This cycle can be so frustrating. It can also be very hard on a person’s metabolism, making it even more difficult for them to lose weight or maintain a healthier lifestyle. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

So, what is an overweight, frustrated, unhealthy person to do? STOP DIETING…and start making dietary changes that will be lasting. I know that this seems impossible to some, but it isn’t I promise. Look at this list, pick something that you can start with and stick to it. When this change becomes habitual, add something else to it, and so on…until you’ve reached your goals!

  • Drink 100 oz of water per day.
  • Cut out processed sugars
  • Make sure you eat 4-8 servings of veggies per day
  • Increase your lean protein intake. Women: 100 grams Men: 150 (Note: This doesn’t mean adding in a bunch more calories by ramping up your protein, but replace some of the food choices that aren’t great with lean protein)
  • Decrease your sugar intake (This will make all the difference. I promise. Remember that fruit has sugar in it to, so decreasing your fruit intake may be beneficial)
  • Eat a diet of whole foods. Get rid of the processed garbage.
  • Eat fresh. Enjoy seasonal produce! It’s so good!
  • Cut out the excessive snacking. Extra calories make for extra pounds. This means grocery store samples, licking the brownie batter bowl, finishing off your kids meals, etc.
  • Start your morning with protein. If you can get 25-30 grams of protein in first thing in the morning, you will get your metabolism going, stay more full throughout the day, regulate your blood sugar, and you will be likely to make better decisions throughout the day.
  • Cut out the treats. Maybe you don’t need a bowl of ice cream before bed every night? Just saying.
  • Cut down on your refined carbohydrates.
  • Cut out full sugar soda.
  • Make sure you always have healthy go-to foods on hand. This will keep you from snacking on empty calories that won’t benefit your goals.
  • Change the way you eat out. There is a common mindset that people have that every time they eat out is a free for all to unhealthy options. If you think this way, it’s likely that you will be packing on the extra pounds. Instead, keep your healthy choices consistent, and save indulgences for occasional meals! Skip the bread bowls, the chips and salsa, and the appetizers. Almost every restaurant has healthy options if you are willing to look!

These tips are all very simple, but they can make a HUGE difference in the way you look and feel!

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