One Hundred Pushup Challenge

You’ve heard me rave about the pushup many times. Its a great exercise that trains so many different muscle groups and you can do it anywhere for free! Pushups are something that I have all my clients do because I think they are a great way to gage your strength. Most of my clients start out doing a few girl pushups and before they know it they are doing 45-50 boy pushups! They are a great way tone those arms. Thanks to Jenna for showing me this website!! I love a good challenge, and for those of you who are looking to mix up your workout and need something new to push you click on this link and check it out!!

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3 Responses to One Hundred Pushup Challenge

  1. Jenna says:

    I think I’m going to try it….

  2. Oh my!! Megs! I don’t know if I can do that. Maybe fifty!

  3. Nichole says:

    I am totally going to do it! Thanks for the tip! I have been trying to do them at least three times a week but this is a great way to make me do more.

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