Exercise of the Week: Oblique Plank Twists

The obliques are an area of the body that women often want to work, (think love handles.) This exercise is an awesome one that is SURE to give those sides a run for their money.
1) Get in a side plank position. Keep the side of your body in a straight line, not letting those hips dip down to the ground.
2) Extend the free arm up into the air as if to make a T with your arms. (This picture has the hand behind the head which is ok as well.)
3) If this position alone is difficult for you begin by just holding each side for 30 seconds at a time, not allowing your hips to dip down to the ground.
4) If you feel like you can intensify this exercise rotate your torso down towards the ground, touching your hand or elbow down to the ground. Rotate back to the start position. All this time not letting your hips dip down. Do 15-30 reps on each side. 3 sets of each.

*hint: You should be feeling this in the side that is closest to the ground as it is holding your body weight up.

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2 Responses to Exercise of the Week: Oblique Plank Twists

  1. Nichole says:

    Okay that looks hard! Trying that one thanks!

  2. KellyB says:

    hahaha I just noticed i had the exact comment as Nichole haha

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