Stawberry-Banana Protein Shake

This is one of my favorite snacks that is more like a treat! It is easy and delicious.

In a blender mix:
1 cup of ice
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Biochem, but you can use whichever kind you like)
1/2 banana
5-6 strawberries (I use frozen, but fresh works great)
3/4 cup skim milk
1 Tbs Splenda
1 tsp cinnamon

So good! For this entire shake it’s about 150 calories and around 15 grams of protein. Great stats if you ask me!

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2 Responses to Stawberry-Banana Protein Shake

  1. Nichole says:

    Yum Yum My favorite! I need to add the cinnamon.

  2. i need to follow your blog more. you’ve got some awesome stuff on here!

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