Boot Camp

I think the weather really is taking a turn for the worse. It’s hard to believe that it’s the second week in November and I still haven’t had to resort to my winter uniform…North Face coat and Uggs. I’m not mad about it, not for one second. With the weather getting colder the option to workout outside become a little more limited, unless you have lungs of steel and you don’t mind sweating through the cold. (Which would also mean you are a lot tougher than I am. I’ll take a heated gym, thank you.) 
I have been wanting to do a boot camp for a while now, and I figure the cold weather forcing us all indoors is a great time to do so! As of right now I’m thinking it would be an hour long class in a circuit style format that would involve weights and cardio bursts, basically a sweat fest! It would be facilitated for all levels of fitness, so don’t be discouraged if you are a beginner. (For those of you who participated in my Lab Rats work out it would be a format similar to that.) We would include a meal plan to follow and regular body composition testing to track your progress.
I want to know what your feed back would be. What would be the ideal time of day? Early mornings? Midday? Evenings? Where would an ideal location be? It would be affordable and worth your while! It’s a great way to get the benefits of a personal trainer without the cost. It doesn’t matter if I know you or I don’t! Anyone is invited! Boot camps are a great way to workout with a support group and feel accountable to sticking to your workout schedule. Feel free to email me at or leave a comment, and let me know your thoughts! 

Thanks!! You guys are the bomb! 🙂 

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8 Responses to Boot Camp

  1. Mars says:

    If I move back to Utah I would LOVE that! Helps mix up the daily workout grind for me.

  2. Awe man, I am so sad I will not be there for this! I am in need of some major booty kicking, how about over Christmas break? 🙂

  3. Liz & Zac says:

    Im interested! Would it be every day or a few times a week? I love the idea and I need someone to show me how to get rid of this belly fat! I would also probably have a few girls in my neighborhood who would love this so ill pass the word along. If you do it let me know the details.

  4. Englishfam says:

    I would definitely be interested! Evenings or really early mornings 5am-6am would be best for me. I would love more details on this. My baby is 6 months old and I still have atleast 20 lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight. Can’t wait to hear more details…

  5. I am so in! Either 6 a.m. or evenings at like 7! I am so so excited! I have wanted you to do this forever!!

  6. Leslee says:

    Ahh if only I still lived in Utah! Sounds like a great idea, I loved your little “lab rat” workout!

  7. I want in. Early, early mornings or night are good for me too.

  8. Emo says:

    Megan I would love to do this. Are you in Provo? I am with Janea 6 a.m. or evenings. 🙂

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