I’m convinced…Peanut Butter really is the essence of life.

It seems like I eat a little peanut butter every day. I am in love with it. You can imagine my excitement when Brittany from Sunland Inc. sent me three kinds of Sunland Natural Peanut Butter to try. H-E-A-V-E-N. The three varieties she sent were…

…Almond & Peanut mixed nut butter, banana peanut butter, and valencia peanut butter. You better believe that upon arrival I cracked them open to dip in my finger and make sure they were tasty. The good news is they are not just tasty; they are divine. My favorite is the banana peanut butter. I made it a point to put it with my chocolate peanut butter oatmeal the morning after I got it, which was a great move. It was really REALLY good!

They also have other crazy flavors like dark chocolate, caramel peanut butter, and cherry vanilla peanut butter. Imagine the possibilities…I wanted to make a healthy recipe sample for my boot campers tonight, and I wanted to use my new peanut butter, so I came up with a delicious peanut butter cookie recipe. I used the plain peanut butter, and it was extremely tasty. It was a great mix of smooth PB with a few crunchy peanuts here and there. The cookies turned out REALLY good, and are only 50 calories each. BOOM! Such a great little snack to have on hand, and totally low fat.

Low-fat Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup sugar free maple syrup (you can use honey or splenda as well)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 ripe banana mashed
2 egg whites
1/2 cup natural peanut butter (I used the Sunland Natural Valencia Peanut Butter and it worked great)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oatmeal
Directions: Combine all ingredients together

Bake at 325 for 8-‐10 minutes.
Recipe makes 36 cookies.

The nutrition facts for these cookies are:

Not bad, huh? Thanks again to Brittany for the finger-licking-good peanut butter! These peanut butters are all natural and made from Valencia peanuts. I would totally recommend them…especially the banana PB!!

What is your favorite way to eat Peanut Butter?? I LOVE PB & banana/apple, PB& honey sandwiches, PB & jelly, any form of peanut butter confection, ohhhh and PB and chocolate combos? Unreal. I used to be afraid of peanut butter until I realized how healthy it is for you. Do you have any amazingly delicious Peanut Butter Recipes for me??

P.S. I know some of you were having a hard time watching the Step Up Push Up Video from yesterday’s exercise of the week. It should be fixed now if it wasn’t working for you!!

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18 Responses to I’m convinced…Peanut Butter really is the essence of life.

  1. You KNOW I am all over this post…if I had to eat one food for the rest of my life it would be peanut butter. Always. I love it and those cookies look and sound amazing. They are bookmarked!

  2. Cheryl says:

    I eat it right off the spoon, and sip coffee…aaahhh so good.

  3. Sarah says:

    um I want the dark chocolate kind and I want to spread all over a banana or in my oats

  4. Shannon says:

    Peanut butter cookies that are only 50 calories each? I am SO there!

    I like peanut butter in frozen yogurt 😉 Straight from the spoon, on a grilled sandwich with anything from jelly to cream cheese to marshmallow cream and pretzels.

  5. Julie says:

    I like to split a banana in half and smear it with peanut butter and then smoosh it back together so I have a peanut butter banana sandwich. YUM! These are great before a long run or workout.

  6. PB is like coffee for me. A daily fix!! I could go into withdrawls way to easily!

  7. Emily says:

    The banana one sounds amazing!

  8. Peanut butter “has and always will be …” my eats! My favorite way to eat pb is straight out of the jar on the ends of my fingers! Okay, I will use a spoon instead. A REALLY BIG ONE!!! 🙂

  9. Cynthia says:

    Yay i’m your 200th follower! 🙂 I came over from Hungry Runner Girl.

    Banana peanut butter??? Are you serious those are my two most fav foods ever I must try that! And that chocoloate peanut butter oatmeal looks DELICOUS!!

  10. I WANT THOSE COOKIES!! I could put pb on EVERYTHING!!! Oatmeal is the best. I am loving a grilled pb and banana sandwich!! LOVE YOU and thank you for the gift. Billy loves when I hang out with you because I come home in the BEST MOOD!!!

  11. Mel says:

    I totally need to try these! I would have to half the batch, or i’d get myself in huge trouble, lol!

  12. Allie says:

    BANANA peanut butter? I must have died and gone to heaven. I love love baking with peanut butter. Nutella is making its way up the ranks as well 😛

  13. Peanut butter is my number one favorite staple food… I honestly think that I go through withdrawal if I dont have any for a day!

  14. Jenn says:

    Awww… 50 Calories!! Thats insane, and Im making them tomorrow!! 🙂 I love peanut butter but have always been afraid of it cause its so high in fat and cal but the more I read, the better it seems PB is for us!
    Thanks for the best recipe, I will report back!

  15. Edible Art says:

    spoonful of peanut butter, oreo cookies, and milk. ahhhh perfectionn (:

    hello! i came across your blog from Meg’s page (:
    im loving the bloggg

  16. Peanut butter straight from the jar always leaves me satisfied 🙂

  17. Stephanie says:

    I counted 9 jars of nut butter in my cupboards this weekend. I would write you a list of the ways I use it but this comment would then be a post. 🙂

  18. Stephanie says:

    Yes, peanut butter is essential for my survival. I blog about my love for peanut butter all the time. Just discovered your blog by the way. We seem to be passionate about a lot of the same things. Check out my blog at http://gardengirlsteph.blogspot.com

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