Just Like That.

Today I woke up in a different state. I don’t mean like a state of being…I mean location…yesterday I was in Utah and today I am in Arizona. Yesterday I felt 40 degree temps and today I am basking in the mid 80’s; an improvement I don’t mind.
My sweet lil’ nephew is turning 8 tomorrow and getting baptized, and so I decided to trek it to AZ and back for a quick weekend with the fam. We left yesterday afternoon and we’ll be driving back tomorrow night. It’s a 10 hour drive. Yikes…I know.
I must say…so worth it to be with the family and enjoy this amazing weather.
This morning we went for a run outside and I could have died the sun felt so good.
And then we laid by the pool.

My darling/crazy niece even jumped in.
I have tan lines.
It really is going to get warmer isn’t it?
I’ll try and get some good posts in for ya while I’m here, but in case I don’t just know it’s because I’m sitting in the sun trying to soak in as much as possible.

The rest of the day’s workout will include walking up and down the stairs at the two story H&M, (one of my favorite places to shop!) and flexing the core while laughing. My fam gets really into our game nights, and I love it. Laughing burns an extra 1.3 calories a minute. 🙂 

I hope your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable!

Did you get a Saturday workout in? I ran 6 miles with Benita this morning and we just got to chat it up the whole time. I loved it! Is it sunny wherever you are? I hope so. Everyone needs to be enjoying this beautiful weather!!

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14 Responses to Just Like That.

  1. I am so jealous of your warm weather!!! It has been in the 60’s and 70’s here all week, but today it is 41 and raining! BOO… I’m ready for 80 degree weather and SUNSHINE! I taught my regular one hour zumba class this morning, and then did a benefit zumbathon for two hours this afternoon – my legs and feet are feeling it for sure. It was awesome! Enjoy your family time!

  2. Sarah says:

    So glad you are enjoying the awesome AZ weather. I got my sat workout in (teaching yoga). Have fun at H&M I am in love with that store

  3. The sun is out here in Portland! So lovely! 5 miles outside! Oh, I’ve missed you sunshine! Have so much fun! Celebrate, enjoy family, and soak up that sun girlie! xo

  4. it was sunny and actually semi-warm here! hizzah. does this mean spring might be around the corner? i got a great (well relatively speaking) interval workout in. gotta take advantage of decent february weather

    enjoy your trip!

  5. Katy says:

    It’s ALWAYS sunny here. To the point of being a negative thing…. Haha. Africa is HOT.

  6. AHH H&M!!! I want to come! Enjoy that sun girl.

  7. Kiley says:

    Oh my gosh!! That looks soooo nice! I can’t wait for warm weather. Congrats on your nephew getting baptized…I have a nephew getting baptized in April!

    My workout was a few curls & tricep extensions. Tried some squats and then had to take my oxycodone…wont try doing those for a couple more days! Have fun in AZ

  8. Rene says:

    It was freezing today. My kids and I did a 5 k and my 8 yr old had frozen snot on his face. Yum. I’m jealous of your pool time. We’re getting and H&M in Dallas soon. I’m excited to see what the fuss is about.

  9. Maia says:

    Yesterday the sun out was out all day here in Minneapolis- a balmy 28 (or so) degrees! It was wonderful! I’m still not running, but I got in a 30.5 mile bike ride yesterday- can’t wait to run again! Have a great time with your family!

  10. That is the coolest pool EVER! And YAY H&M! I could spend an entire day in H&M and Forever 21…

  11. Nicole says:

    I ran outside to enjoy the sun! It’s been 70 and perfect, I love it.
    Thank you so much for the nutrition advice! I’ll be putting it to use.
    Have fun with your family and enjoy the sunshine!

  12. Allie says:

    beautiful weather? The rain here just turned to snow today girl 🙁

  13. Benita says:

    Yay for AZ and amazing weather. And you reminding me that mental strength is 1/2 the battle while running a longer run!

  14. Wait a minute… AZ has an H&M? How did I not know this!

    PS – You should totally run AZ’s ad campaign. You’ve sold me on the idea that it’s the greatest state in the nation.

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