Saturday Snippets

Here are a few random thoughts for Saturday…
– Last night I got to hang out with some of my sweetest lady friends. Aren’t they beautiful? Don’t worry…I know we have full on demon eyes. We attempted about 8 pictures to avoid the demon eyes, and it just wasn’t happening.

– However, the demon eyes are kinda fitting because SB and I can’t seem to get enough of Vampire Diaries these days…

I resisted watching it forEVER because I just assumed it was going to be kinda lame…But, I’ll admit it. I love it. 
– This was lunch for today…and has been for many of my lunches these days. I don’t know why I can’t get enough of these roasted veggies. On the recipe I posted I suggested roasting for 40 mins on 400 degrees. I have since found that you can roast your veggies for 20-25 mins on 450 degrees. 

I love this recipe because you can literally use ANY veggies you have. It is a great way to use up your remaining produce. My standard veggies usually consist of broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash, and sweet potatoes. SO YUMMY! I will make a huge tray full and eat it for a few days. Veggies galore.

– I forgot my headphones for my workout this morning. I sincerely hate when that happens. Turns out I am a sucker for my music when I am getting my sweat on. Do you relate?

– What is the deal with this guy? It’s like a train wreck. I can’t not watch. Since when do 50 year old Koreans become pop stars?

– I have two wedding receptions to attend tonight. Not just one, two. Apparently it’s wedding season.
– All I want to do is put up my Halloween decorations. Too soon? Probably. Maybe next week. I already know what my Halloween costume is…
– Less than two weeks until I go to Lake Powell, halleluja!
– I am loving spotify these days.

That’s all. I told you my thoughts were random. Happy Saturday!

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One Response to Saturday Snippets

  1. Rachel U says:

    stop it. vamp diaries is MY FAVORITE!!!! i cannot wait for the 4th season. stephen salvatore, be mine.

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