A Killer Workout Routine in the Palm of Your Hands – INNOVATED Fitness

If you are tired of trying to determine what workout routine you should be doing, you are not alone. There are SO many options out there, so much information, & it can leave people feeling a bit overwhelmed. Well, having heard this from so many clients. I was determined to find a solution. What is that solution?

My newest program: INNOVATED FITNESS.
What is it? It’s all the tools I can give you, on a platform that makes your health & fitness process simple, & DOABLE!
I’ve created a subscription based workout routine, that delivers you 4 NEW, unique, efficient, & effective workouts per week. These workouts can be viewed online or downloaded on an app. (The free Teachable App) Having been in the fitness industry for over a decade, I’ve worked with a LOT of clients. I have spent this past year REALLY trying to determine what it is that makes some of my clients so successful, while others can’t quite find their groove.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a process called decision fatigue. People get tired of trying to decide WHAT workout plan to do, how to implement these workouts, what to eat, when to eat it, etc.
I get it. It is exhausting.
Most people just stop deciding, & do whatever takes the least amount of thought…their old habits (For example: You go grocery shopping for a healthy meal, but you end up leaving with a box of cereal because the options are overwhelming!!) With my clients, I’ve learned that those who have the most access to me, & the tools I provide, are those who tend to see the most success…not because the others are incapable. But, because those who see me often feel confident in the process, & they aren’t doubting what they should or shouldn’t be doing.
I’ve used the concept of decision fatigue to create THREE separate programs; One for beginners, one for those who are active but want to kick it up a notch, & one specifically for runners. I’ve also created a meal plan, so your success is spelled out for you!
If you’re tired of trying to figure out what to do, & want some guidance to reach your goals in the new year. LET ME HELP YOU!  This workout plan takes the hard decisions out of the process, & allows you to get to it!
Each fun & challenging workout can be adjusted to be 30 or 45 mins & is complete with video instruction.

For more info on this killer program CLICK HERE

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