I heart guiltless chips and salsa. The best snack EVER.

OK, so maybe I’m over exaggerating a little bit. I tend to do that from time to time. BUT, this is seriously so quick, easy, and TASTY. Who doesn’t love the endless bowl of chips and salsa? Unfortunately that love can present some problems.

1) Because they usually come either in bag form if you are at home or bowl form if you are at a restaurant there is NO portion control. Everyone tends to underestimate how much they are really eating.

2) They are so good, but they are SO not filling.
3) They aren’t your meal. They make makeup the caloric amount of what your meal should be, but they are usually just the appetizer or a snack. You are usually hungry when you eat chips and salsa and you want to just keep eating because you are hungry!
3) They are high in calories. The salsa isn’t, but the chips unfortunately are.

 So what’s a salsa lovin’ snacker to do? 
Let me tell you.
Guiltless Chips and Salsa
1) Get yourself a whole wheat tortilla. I used my favorite La Tortilla Factory Low Carb Whole Wheat Tortilla. I swear they should be paying me in mountains of tortillas for the props I give. You are welcome La Tortilla Factory! Turn your oven on broil. Spray a cookie sheet. Place your tortilla down on the sheet.
 2) use a pizza cutter to cut your tortilla into strips as big or small as you’d like. Spray the tortilla slices with a quick spritz of non-stick cooking spray. This helps them to crisp up.
 3) Stick them in the oven on the top rack until they are nice and crispy. Be careful not to let them burn.
4) Pop them out of the oven and serve along side your favorite salsa.
Yep. That just happened. THAT quickly. They taste SO dang good and they are an awesome alternative to fat filled tortilla chips. This entire portion is about 120 calories, 8 grams of protein, and 12 grams of fiber. Hello…amazing. Not only that, this snack is completely portion controlled. My tortilla makes about 24 chips. I PROMISE you will love this. 
As I was eating it I was dreaming about how good it would have been with my healthy black bean salsa. Next time!
Do you love chips and salsa? I don’t know how you couldn’t. I hope you all have great plans for the weekend! I love Fridays!!
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21 Responses to I heart guiltless chips and salsa. The best snack EVER.

  1. oh, this looks SO good… especially thinking they taste awesome warm… 🙂

  2. Stefanie D. says:

    I have a problem with chips and salsa. Oh my. They are so good! I love Mi Racherito chips and salsa the best. MMMMM.

  3. Thisisme says:

    I’m going to have to give you the name of the tortilla’s I use because they’re absolutely amazing and I think you’ll praise them just as much. (I’ll look when I get home!! haha, watch them be the kind you rave about!)

  4. Julia says:

    ummm definitely LOVE chips and salsa. this is a GREAT idea. yum. and I need to get mango salsa. PRONTO.

  5. Jen says:

    LOVE me some healthy chips and you gotta love salsa! It’s such a good way to sneak in extra veggies. I love it on potatoes.
    I got your package today! Your note was so sweet and I can’t wait to try out the music and jump rope and I’ll be using that timer on Monday! Thanks so much! You brightened my day!

  6. Salsa is my favorite! I love to do this, haven’t tried your brand of tortillas but will keep an eye out for them. Yum!

  7. the only time i eat chips and salsa is at mexican restaurants. and those ones, coupled with the margs i drink, are probs not guiltless!

    i do love salsa on potatoes. yum!

  8. GENIUS! It’s as simple as that.

  9. Jenn says:

    Good Plan! I love those tortillas but I have to order them online because they don’t sell them ANYWHERE around here. Because I live in Minnesota and we have a very long beautiful growing season (hint of sarcasm) I turned almost my entire back yard into a garden. My girls are professional salsa canners so it’s great to have ideas to pair it with! Thanks for the tip!

    Have a great weekend:)

  10. Jody, RD says:

    Awesome – I always have my La tortilla factory tortillas on hand 🙂

  11. Woah, you are so creative! That looks fantastic! I will make tortilla chips the next time I take dip to a party.

  12. Rene says:

    I love chips and salsa so much that I had a food baby by the time I left my fave Mexican restaurant last night. I am going to try this at home but will probably use corn tortillas.

  13. Mara... says:

    oooh, I love this idea!!! That’s one reason we don’t go to Mexican places that much anymore, I can’t control myself around the chips and salsa. What a great alternative!!

  14. I LOVE doing this!!! I just made “homemade” pita chips today…same method, so easy, and SO good!

  15. Samantha says:

    Thanks for posting this! I am not allowed to keep chips and salsa at home for fear that I will eat the entire bag by myself in 10 minutes.

  16. Mango salsa?? I could eat that stuff with a spoon. 😉

  17. Nicole says:

    Yum! That’s a brilliant idea for portion control. La Tortilla Factory should definitely be giving you some sort of kick back. Now I need to get my hands on some.

  18. Sara says:

    I love chips and salsa! I am going to try this recipe – it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!

  19. Rachel H says:

    i really need to try this baking the tortilla things! looks delish!!! SO fun seeing you last night at jan’s fight. glad we could laugh at the people there together. love your blog always 🙂

  20. i do this with corn tortillas. sprinkle on some kosher salt and a squeeze of lime and it taste just like chipolte!

  21. Jody, RD says:

    I linked up to this post today with an additional cinnamon/sugar version of these! Delish 🙂


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