Berry Delicious

I can’t seem to get myself away from my lunch of the week. I tell myself I’m going to mix things up and eat something else, but this healthy chicken salad has me completely hooked this week. Today I mixed it up a litttle by adding some fruit to the table. I forgot how much I LOVE fresh ripe berries.

So simple. So beautiful. So delicious. So healthy.

I sprinkled a little Splenda over the top of them to sweeten them up a bit, and they were to die for. Strawberries are CHALKED full of Vitamin C which helps build your immune system and strengthen your connective tissue. Blueberries have antioxidants like whoa, and raspberries provide both Vitamin C and potassium. They are SO low in calories.

1 cup strawberries =  53 calories
1 cup blueberries = 83 calories
1 cup raspberries = 64 calories

Berries contain flavanoids and phytochemicals which are thought to help protect against cancer. Plus they are just so dang tasty. They are great in salads, with dessert, in shakes, or even just plain. They are just great, so eat up!

What is your favorite way to eat berries?
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7 Responses to Berry Delicious

  1. Lindsey says:

    Yum, berries! Eating them in a bowl like that is pretty much my favorite way to have them!

  2. That bowl of fruit looks delish! I like to just eat my berries just the way they are or toss them in a smoothie.

  3. Laura Belle says:

    I was just posting this on someone else’s blog. But my mom likes blue, rasp, and strawberries layered with 1/2 fat free vanilla yogurt and 1/2 fat free Cool Whip. Kinda like a parfait. sometimes she adds graham crackers, but it’s still good without.

    It’s DEEE-Lish!

  4. Rene says:

    I love eating them just like you have them pictured – except I use Turvia if they need sweetening. So delish!

  5. Chels says:

    Summer is the best time for snacks like this!!! I love it!

  6. Love Berries! I like to use strawberries in place of jam on a pb&j sandwhich. 🙂

  7. Stefanie D. says:

    Your berries look amazing! I love to eat my berries with some yogurt. 🙂

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