New Start November

Welcome to November. WTF? How in the world is it already November? I feel like time has flown by?? The past couple months have been a little crazy for me for a wide variety of reasons. Between traveling, birthdays, emotional chaos, and everything else in between…I feel like my diet has been mediocre. I have still stayed paleo, I’ve kept up with my working out, and I’m sure to some people my efforts would be great. However, I don’t feel like I’ve done as well as I could have, and I want to get back to feeling like myself again. So…I bring you…

New Start November. 

Remember how yesterday was Halloween? Chances are you may have indulged a little more than you wanted to, so if you’d like to jump on board with me, feel free! Today is a new day, a new month, and a new beginning.

My focus points for the month…
– Cut out mindless snacking (this is my weakness…bored/emotional eating)
– Pay attention to hunger signals
– Get in 3 circuit workouts and 3 interval cardio workout per week
– Drink more water

Basically…just get back to being on top of things! It makes me feel better. 🙂 Do you have any goals that you would like to set for New Start November? I’d love to hear them!

Also…It’s hard to believe that just a couple weeks ago I was in New York enjoying pretty blue skies.

I send all my love and prayers to anyone on the east coast dealing with the terrible storms!

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