12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 4

After getting up in the “4’s” to catch my flight back to UT this morning I’m feeling a bit sleepy. This leads me right into tip number 4 for a healthy holiday season. I see people who run themselves ragged trying to get things done for Christmas, and then when it all comes around they don’t even enjoy it because they are so exhausted. This is NOT what the holidays are about, and this is NOT the way to lose weight/feel healthy/get things done/achieve fitness goals. I can promise you that. When you are tired because of lack of sleep people tend to cut out exercise because they are exhausted. They make poor food choices because the body craves carbohydrates/sugar due to the need for a quick boost in energy. Tired busy people grab food. USUALLY grabbing food means fast food, and that can be S-C-A-R-Y.

(Image Source)
 Tip #4: Get Some Sleep

So, my advice to you? Make sleep a priority. Lack of sleep often is a great segway into getting sick, and nobody wants to have their holiday festivities ruined with germs! Get through the holidays feeling healthy and enjoying them like you are supposed to! If you need to cut back on the chaos to do so, then do it. Sometimes less is more. I have done a ton of posts in the past on why sleep is so dang important…a few faves being…Cheer Up Sleepy Jeanzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…and It’s a Love Hate Thing.

Do You find yourself running on only a few hours of sleep to get everything done? Do you make sleep a priority? Do you recognize when you’re overdoing it and suffering in the sleep department, or do you just soldier through? I know sometimes my sleep takes the brunt of my busy schedule, and when that is the case I pay for it! I am WORTHLESS without some good sleep in me.

Click HERE to read all of the holiday health tips.

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One Response to 12 Days of Holiday Health Tips – Day 4

  1. So true! I try and have healthy options at home at all times. Sleep is priority as well. Great tips!

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