What is this Whole30 Business Anyways?

The Whole 30 way of eating has gained quite a bit of attention in the recent past. This has caused a lot of people to ask me what all the hype is about. whole 30 // muncher cruncherI thought I’d try to help bring some clarification to the topic, and throw in my opinion on the matter.

The gist: The whole30 method of eating is a thirty-day, “clean eating” type of dietary cleanse that eliminates certain food groups in efforts to reset your cravings, eliminate poor eating habits, and encourage intuitive eating. Meals are based around whole foods, and grains, legumes, dairy products, and sugars are all on the no-go list.

Is it new? It’s not as new as you might think. This program may be gaining a lot of momentum now, but it was actually developed by Melissa Hartwig in April of 2009.

Is it Paleo? Yep. It is basically a more strict version of the paleo lifestyle.  The paleo way of eating allows for the use of paleo-approved foods to recreate some of your favorite foods and baked goods. (i.e.: paleo pancakes/coconut flour muffins etc.) The Whole30 way of eating puts a big focus on eating foods as whole as possible. You can read more about the “rules” of the Whole30 HERE.

Is it tough? Absolutely. It requires a lot of preparation, dedication, will power, and willingness.

Is it worth it? I think so. I am a HUGE advocate of eating clean, as you know. This method of eating can help to open up your mind to new ways of eating clean. The benefits can differ for everyone, but some people have experienced weight loss, decreased health risks, improved skin, increased energy, decreased cravings, and an overall better relationship with food. It can be a great kickstart to a clean eating lifestyle.

Do I think that the foods that are eliminated are “bad?” No, I don’t. However, I do think that some people process foods differently. You may lack an enzyme to process a specific food, and you don’t even know it. You may find that you digest certain foods more easily than others. You may not have any problem at all with the foods you are eating, but you may find that with a clean eating lifestyle you will come to appreciate whole foods a whole lot more.

What do I find most beneficial about it? The elimination of sugar. For those clients of mine who want to see a real difference in their physique, I ALWAYS suggest a decrease in their sugar intake. This type of clean eating lifestyle helps to eliminate processed sugar. With that being said, I think people can even overdo sugar with the Whole30. Don’t forget that fruit may have natural sugar, but it is still sugar.

Is it a fad? Yes, and no. It is true that this way of eating is gaining a lot of popularity, which I guess could make it a fad. However, clean eating isn’t a fad. It is something that I think is incredibly beneficial. Many different doctors, nutritionists, and health professionals have been advocating this type of eating for years.

I think that a fad is something that comes and goes. It’s fleeting. I would hope that those who really want to make some healthy changes in their diet make it into a lifestyle. I hope that it isn’t just something that is done for thirty days, but that some adequate changes are made that can be sustained.

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