A KILLER TUESDAY Circuit. Why? Because I said so.

Isn’t it about time for a new circuit? That is what I thought. Today’s circuit is an AWESOME calorie burner. It will have you sweating, burning tons of calories, and burning fat. All. Good. Things. The point of this circuit is for you to keep your heart rate high the WHOLE time. The quicker you bust through these exercises, the better. My recommendation? Pump up the energizing jams and picture yourself busting through these exercises like the athlete you are. Get ready…this is a fun one. 🙂

5 minute warm up (jog, elliptical, jumping jacks, etc.)

20 Box Jumps (You can do these on a bench/stairs/chair/or box platform. You want to jump up and land with both feet on the bench and then back down on the ground. No resting!)
15 Up downs (standing position, hands on the ground, jump feet back laying body flat on the ground face down, feet jump in and stand up)
15 push ups

40 high knees (20 on each side)
15 Squat curl presses with dumbbells/bar/medicine ball
1-2 minute plank

20 squat jumps
20 walking lunges holding dumbbells
15 burpees (standing position, jump back to push up position, pushup, feet jump in, jump up hands in the air)

15 push ups
15 cherry pickers on each side
40 quick mountain climbers

Wipe of your sweat, and pat yourself on the back because YOU’RE DONE!!
This will be a KILLER, but it is so doable. These are the types of workouts that give you results because your heart rate is high, you are burning calories, you are working ALL of your muscle groups, and you are busting out that cardio all at the same time. TRY IT!!

Oh…and do you know what is glorious…this is.

Do you like circuit workouts? Do you want more of them??  I am a huge fan because they are so efficient, and I think they are a heck of a lot more fun to do!

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7 Responses to A KILLER TUESDAY Circuit. Why? Because I said so.

  1. Love a circuit workout. I do them 3 times a week with a personal trainer. Tough stuff.

  2. Julie Arts says:

    Holy Moly – you just made my day. I’m stealing that to run my bootcamp through tomorrow. Now I can go do something fun instead of prepping class 😉


  3. Amanda says:

    That looks like an awesome workout! I will definitely put it as my Sunday AM workout. Will report back!

  4. Oxy says:

    Oh wow! Sounds nuts! Can’t wait to try it! How much time does it take? I think I can even do it at home when I am not able to go to the gym!

  5. Oxy says:

    Oh wow! Sounds nuts! Can’t wait to try it! How much time does it take? I think I can even do it at home when I am not able to go to the gym!

  6. Love your circuits! Can’t wait to try this one 🙂

  7. Julie Arts says:

    My class loved this workout. I had them make it competitive, so the first person to get to the allotted reps in each exercise would call out done and they would all then move on the the next exercise. It was FUN!!

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