Friday Happy Thoughts

Things that are making me reaaaally happy today… 
– Last night I was invited to go Yogurtland’s premier of Hunger Games. 

It was AWESOME. I was surprised at how much I really liked it. I am usually a pretty tough critic of books that are made into movies, and I thought they did a great job. My friends and I like to play the game of “would they make it as a pioneer crossing the plains…” and I always like to think that I would. I’m pretty tough…I can hold my own. After watching The Hunger Games and seeing their survival skills in the wilderness I have since changed my mind. I don’t think I’d last. Is there a Pizza Factory Salad Bar Wagon on the wagon train??? Anyways…the movie rocked. Go see it, and Go get some yogurt from Yogurtland too. It’s the best. Thank you Yogurtland!!

– I am feeling WAY better. I haven’t been able to work out in a week, and I’m missing it. I’ve got my fingers crossed that tomorrow I’ll be able to get in a good workout. I still don’t have much of an appetite which is so weird to me. Normal Megan is ALWAYS hungry.

– It is Friday. Duh.

– I have been jamming to some great new tunes that are sure to make March’s Playlist Giveaway…coming to you Sunday. New music + warm weather + windows down + sunshine = happiness. 

– The weather forecast for tomorrow and Sunday is saying 70 and 71. Yes please. You may just see me laying out in my grass. Just saying.

– I have found some amazing new healthy recipes to try via Pinterest. Do you pinterest? You can follow my healthy recipes board HERE my motivational board HERE, or my paleo board HERE.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our last free Saturday Restore Yoga class at The Lab 7:30 AM. Be there! EVERYONE is invited. If you have questions about it, let me know!

What is making you happy today? Are you as excited about this awesome weather as I am? 

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3 Responses to Friday Happy Thoughts

  1. Sounds like a great start to your weekend! Glad you are feeling better!

  2. I know nothing about the Hunger Games.. guess I’ve got some reading to do

  3. Amanda says:

    Glad you are feeling better! I LOVED the Hunger Games. Read the books two years ago (all three in books in ONE WEEKEND) and I kept thinking, “Oh I forgot that happened!” in the movie. I need to reread it. Katniss is pretty bad-ass. I kind of want to be her.

    Happy Sunday!


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