Beat the Heat – Safe Summer Exercise

Soooo…It’s like 500 degrees in Provo. That is not a complaint. It is a fact. I complained about how cold it has been ALL winter long, and so I vowed that I would NOT complain about the heat. I have made it a point not to do so. I love warmth, light, sunshine, and summer. I don’t love back sweat after I just got ready and I’m driving to work in my car. Again…not complaining, just factual information. I DO love summer mornings. In fact, there is nothing I love more than a run in the early morning summer hours. I do not love when I see people outside in 105 degree weather, out for a run. I think they are crazy. I realize that some people think they are super tough braving the heat in such a way. However, did you know that exercising outside in extreme heat can actually be dangerous for you? Well, it can.

Our bodies tend to be warmer than the environment that surrounds them. When it is too hot for the body, it releases sweat as a mechanism of cooling itself and staying in the safe zone as far as body temperature is concerned. Individuals who exercise in extreme heat are putting their bodies at risk of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, loss of fluid, and dehydration. When the body gets to a point where it can no longer cool itself down, these issues become a problem. As stated HERE, “Signs of heat exhaustion include general fatigue, weakness, nauseadizziness, muscle cramps, and an increase in body temperature. Temperatures above 104, an inability to sweat, acute respiratory distress, and loss of consciousness can be signs of heat stroke, which is much more severe and can lead to death.” This means that exercising in extreme heat doesn’t necessarily mean your tough, it may just mean you are asking for problems. The following suggestions may help you to stay cool and healthy when you are “sweating like a toasted cheeser.”

  1. Go indoors. I know, I know, I KNOW…so many of you hate to workout inside. However, if you want to be smart about your health, going indoors may be the best option. Mix up your workouts by going to some classes, doing some interval training, or lifting some weights. If you don’t have a gym to go to, find a local indoor track or simply do a circuit interval routine in your living room. 
  2. Get up earlier. If you insist on being outside, rip yourself out of bed before the temperatures are too extreme.
  3. Wait for the sun to go down. You can also exercise after dark. However, waiting until 9 or 10 PM to workout may mean it doesn’t end up happening.
  4. Go for a swim. I don’t know about you, but for me…heat = pool. Swimming laps is an awesome way to burn some serious calories, and it will definitely cool you down.
  5. Stay hydrated. If you must workout in the heat. do what you can to stay hydrated. Be SURE that you carry enough water with you.
  6. Dress appropriately. Wear light colored clothing that wicks away the sweat. Wear a hat to protect your face. Keep your clothing thin and minimal.
  7. Protect your skin. If you plan on being in the merciless sun to get your sweat on, you may want to put on some waterproof sunscreen.
  8. Take it slower. If you want to workout outdoors when it’s super toasty, you may want to consider slowing down your pace, so your body doesn’t overheat.

Basically…Be smart! Kapeesh? In other news…I may or may not have found the shoes of my dreams. These Nike Flyknit trainers are absolutely the most comfortable shoes ever, and I LOVE how bright they are! I recommend them.flyknit

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