Make Those Legs BURN…

Sometimes you want to just get a good solid workout in that you KNOW will make you sore. I did this one on Friday morning and I’m feeling it. It is a uni-lateral workout, which means the exercises you are doing work one side of the body at a time. This is AWESOME for the core. You have to keep your core super tight to stabilize your body while you are working that opposing side. This workout goes a little something like this.

  • 20 right leg walking lunges with an overhead press on the left side
  • 20 left leg walking lunges with an overhead press on the right side
  • 20 right leg walking lunges with a bicep curl on the left side
  • 20 left leg walking lunges with a bicep curl on the right side
  • 20 right leg walking lunges with a bicep curl to an overhead press on the left side
  • 20 left leg walking lunges with a bicep curl to an overhead press on the right side
  • 20 kettle bell high sumos
  • 20 pushups

REPEAT THIS whole series 3 times through and I promise you will be feeling it all over!

This weekend was full of wedding celebrations! Don’t you just love weddings?Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 7.12.12 PM Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 7.12.24 PM I certainly do. I hope your week starts of wonderfully! Now, go get those legs burning!

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