Muncher Cruncher Carido WOD

When I say “cardio” people automatically assume I’m telling them to go for a run or to hop on an elliptical. While those both can be fabulous forms of cardio. Cardiovascular exercise is a matter of getting your heart rate to an elevated level in order to work your body at an aerobic level and burn excess calories. The most beneficial form of cardio is interval training in which they body is pushed to an intensely high level of work with shorts moments to recoup. One thing that people need to realize is that getting your heart rate up doesn’t have to require equipment. The following circuit is a great way to get an awesome cardio workout. and calorie burn without having to use any equipment at all. cardiowod

  • (r&l=1) means doing the exercise once on the right and once on the left equals one total rep
  • plank jacks – start on your elbows in a plank position and jack the legs out and back in that counts as one rep
  • I recommend going through this five times for a full cardio workout. However, if five times is too intense just decrease it to 2 or 3 sets until you can work up to that. Heck, if 5 is too easy, add some more! 😉
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