Mix Winner! And some catch up…

This week has been SO. MUCH. FUN. I have spent all week with my family, hence the lack of posting. wcIf you know me, you know that spending time with my family is one of my favorite things in the world. It trumps all else…even blogging. 🙂   wc2wc4

wc3I really do love when they come to visit. They are just so fantastic!

Yes, I get excited about my family. That is pretty clear. I also get excited for people when they win stuff. (Good transition right…) ANYWAYS, the winner of the April Mix Giveaway is……..Leslie Bingham! Congrats girl! Email me at megolina21 at gmail.com and I’ll get you all hooked up!! I hope you have all had a great weekend! xoxoxo Megs


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