Happy Birthday to The LAB! And a winner too!

I can hardly believe today The Lab has been open for one year! I absolutely love working there. I have the best coworkers, incredible clients, and I get to talk health and fitness (and everything in between) all day long. It is awesome. thelabI feel really lucky to be a part of such an awesome group of people! If you are ever in the area you should really come check it out. I teach a barre method class on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM, and you can come try your first class for free! For more info on the Lab click HERE, and to see my previous post/tour of The Lab click HERE.

Now, it’s time to announce the winner of February’s Mix Giveaway! Congrats to Carson! Screen shot 2013-03-01 at 5.11.19 PM Email me at megolina21 at gmail.com, and we’ll get ya hooked up with your new tunes. Oh, and as far as Tegan, Sarah, and JT are concerned…I couldn’t agree more! Happy Friday Y’all! xoxoxo


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2 Responses to Happy Birthday to The LAB! And a winner too!

  1. Suzanne says:

    Happy Birthday to The LAB! Has it really been a year already?!

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