Next #MCFITFORCE howUshowup 30 Day Challenge – Starts January 1st!

Alright crew…I cannot wait for this next challenge to start! Your enthusiasm & success for these past few #MCFITFORCE challenges has been so incredibly inspiring. you have REALLY shown up for yourselves, and in doing so I have been in awe at the goals you have been smashing! I wanted this next challenge to incorporate so many of the awesome things the previous challenges have brought, with a few added extras…and I KNOW this #howUshowup 30 day challenge will continue to help you to do JUST THAT!

What is the MC FIT FORCE 30 day howUshowup challenge?

This challenge gives you 30 days to show up for yourself in whatever way YOU think you need to. This challenge is about learning to appreciate and love your body while you chip away at your goals, oh & you get to win some awesome prizes along the way! I provide a bunch of different options as to how you can participate. You can see those options HERE, or read below! The challenge comes complete with access to a stellar private facebook group, which has been an awesome means of support for all of the past challengers!

Every participant must at least, choose the base option #1 entry to participate, but you are not limited to that option. You will see below, that each add on brings different options to the program, allowing you to customize it in a way that is most beneficial. If you purchase options 2-6 you do NOT need to purchase option #1 as well.

Option #1 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE – This options provides you with an 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE that comes with all the information you need to learn how to calculate your own macros according to your goals, & track them to see some awesome success! Please note that if you have previously joined a challenge, & have already received the 101 guide, you will not need to download the guide again, but you will still need to purchase option #1 as a minimum to join the challenge. If you are wanting more from this program, the following options give you choices as to what you might add on to best help you. CLICK HERE

OPTION #2 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE + RECIPE GUIDE BOOK – You will be receiving the 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE. But, in addition to this, you will be able to choose from TWO different recipe guide book options. I have added a new recipe guide to the program, so if you have enjoyed the first one, this one is a great add on for some new ideas! You will be emailed a specific user coupon code to purchase one of my INNOVATED meal plan/recipe guide book for FREE! (This is a $29 value in & of itself!) This will arm you with the tools you need to be super successful during this challenge! Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring. It can actually taste REALLY good, & this option will give you the recipes to prove it! CLICK HERE

OPTION #3 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE + 4 WEEK WORKOUT PROGRAM – You will receive the 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE, and you will ALSO be emailed a specific user coupon code to purchase my 4 week INNOVATED Fitness For Everyone workout guide. This program offers you 4 workouts per week, complete with video clips, & written descriptions. It will be an INCREDIBLE tool to help you reach your goals. Each week of workouts offers unique workouts you can do at home or at the gym, accompanied by modifications to increase or decrease difficulty & video clips to show you how to perform each exercise. This program alone is well worth your time! CLICK HERE

OPTION #4 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE + 4 WEEKS OF LIVE WORKOUTS – You will receive the 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE, and you will ALSO be emailed a specific user coupon code to purchase 4 weeks of live, real time, workouts with me. Each week will have two 45 minute workouts that you can stream whenever is best for you, as well as a 20 min live HIIT workout, which is an add on for this challenge! We had SO much fun with these workouts this past challenge, I can’t wait to do more! This program will be an INCREDIBLE tool to help you reach your goals. Each week of workouts offers unique workouts you can do at home or at the gym, accompanied by modifications to increase or decrease difficulty. I will also provide an additional third workout in PDF form you can add into your workouts for each week! This program alone is well worth your time! CLICK HERE

OPTION #5 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE + RECIPE GUIDE BOOK + 4 WEEK WORKOUT PROGRAM – You will receive the 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE, you will receive my INNOVATED meal plan/recipe guide book, and you will ALSO be emailed a specific user coupon code to purchase my 4 week INNOVATED Fitness For Everyone workout guide. This program will be an INCREDIBLE tool to help you reach your goals. Each week of workouts offers unique workouts you can do at home or at the gym, accompanied by modifications to increase or decrease difficulty & video clips to show you how to perform each exercise. This program alone is well worth your time! CLICK HERE

OPTION #6 OPT IN + MACRO GUIDE + RECIPE GUIDE BOOK + 4 WEEKS OF LIVE WORKOUTS – You will receive the 11 page, comprehensive MACRO 101 GUIDE, you will receive my INNOVATED meal plan/recipe guide book, and you will ALSO be emailed a specific user coupon code to purchase 4 weeks of live, real time, workouts with me. Each week will have two 45 minute workouts that you can stream whenever is best for you, as well as a 20 min live HIIT workout, which is an add on for this challenge!! This program will be an INCREDIBLE tool to help you reach your goals. Each week of workouts offers unique workouts you can do at home or at the gym, accompanied by modifications to increase or decrease difficulty. I will also provide an additional third workout in PDF form you can add into your workouts for each week! This program alone is well worth your time! CLICK HERE

Bonus ADD ON OPTION #7 – With this add on option, you will receive a weekly check in from me via email. This check in will allow you to have an accountability factor that can be VERY helpful to those who are wanting to see some real change. I will be available to answer questions, help with plateaus, & offer overall encouragement for the 4 weeks of the challenge!The check ins will be done in whatever way you find easiest. Some clients prefer email or text, & others enjoy the face to face option of Marco Polo. Whatever you choose, I will be sure to help you in the best way possible! CLICK HERE

Click HERE to get signed up!


Q: Can I purchase the macro guide/recipe guide/workout programs, & not participate in the challenge, or use them right away?

A: Of course! These programs are offered at a killer deal, so it might be of great use to you to purchase the materials now, & use them when you’re ready! The check ins are the only option you CANNOT purchase now, & use later.

Q: Are the workouts for this challenge different from the INNOVATED program, previous #MCFITFORCE challenge workouts, or the virtual Fit Camp workouts that are currently available for purchase?

A: Yes, every workout that we will be using will be unique to THIS new 30 day challenge.

Q: Can I access the workouts after the challenge is over?

A: Yes, you will always have access to the workouts you purchase, once you purchase them.

Q: What if I just want to join the challenge without the workouts, or the meal guide?

A: If you only want to be a part of the challenge for the prizes available at the end, you will only need to purchase the $10 entry/macro guide Option #1

Q: If I have previously participated in an #MCFITFORCE challenge & I don’t need the MACROS 101 guide, do I still need to purchase Option #1?

A: Yes, you will still need to purchase Option #1 to participate in the challenge.

Q: What is the difference between the two meal plan/recipe guide options. They both provide awesome meal ideas to help you stay on track, but each guide has completely different recipes! So, if you purchased the first meal guide, the second one will be different!


“I’m down 20 lbs!! I am so grateful for the knowledge that I’ve gained …especially about the food that I put in my body I have a goal to lose 20 more pounds so I plan to incorporate all of this knowledge and focus forward. I just wanted to say a great big thank you for being able to be a part of this.” – #MCFITFORCE challenge participant

“What were my non scale victories from the MCFITFORCE challenge?… I can do multiple pushups on my toes!  Lol!  That seriously is huge…And I know how to manage stress effectively!
What about the challenge will I take going forward?  Your workouts!  I love them!!  Your recipes!  I have used them frequently! And the whole limited sugar challenge that was a wake up call to me for sure. Need to watch it!  I am very grateful!  Thank you Megan for all your dedication to us!
” – #MCFITFORCE challenge participant

“This challenge was beneficial to me because it was just the push I needed to make a change in my life that I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, and that is watching what I eat and being conscious of bringing healthy food into my body. I needed the accountability that I got from this challenge and the facebook group/being given a mini challenge and not letting myself not achieve it each week. I have gained life skills on learning how little sneaks of treats here and there can really add up. And calorie estimation, I was never good at that. Tracking really helps you learn that, plus tracking wasn’t a negative for me. It’s something that I’ll continue to do. Knowledge is power. ” – #MCFITFORCE challenge participant

“I loved having the FB group where down to earth women were doing their best!  It was real life.  Women doing the challenges to better their health – that was so inspiring!  I knew I could go on FB and find some people get encouragement.  I was so inspired by how many women did the weekly challenges and sincerely kept with the challenge through the whole challenge.” – #MCFITFORCE challenge participant

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