Monthly Archives: May 2014

What is this Whole30 Business Anyways?

The Whole 30 way of eating has gained quite a bit of attention in the recent past. This has caused a lot of people to ask me what all the hype is about. I thought I’d try to help bring some … Continue reading

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Time flies when you are talking about what you love.

I was scrolling through some of my older posts today and I came to the realization that I have been blogging for quite some time. I started writing Muncher Cruncher in February of 2008 as a mere means of organizing … Continue reading

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Mini Tomatillo Avocado Chicken Pepper Poppers

I am ALWAYS looking for new ways of eating my favorite healthy foods. I have been loving the mini bell peppers lately, and I must say that this recipe may just be one of my favorite creations thus far. I … Continue reading

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Muncher Cruncher Monday WOD

I realize it’s still Sunday…BUT I want you to start this next week out with a BANG! Here is an awesome full body circuit that you can do just about anywhere!    Single Leg Squat Jumps: Standing on one leg, … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: Aubergine & Company

This past week I was able to visit a new restaurant that opened up in Orem called Aubergine & Company. My friend’s parents were actually the ones that opened the restaurant, and I have been WAITING for it to open. This … Continue reading

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