Healthy Pesto Chicken & Vegetable Skewers

My family loves to eat together. Lucky for me, everyone likes to eat fairly healthy. However, that doesn’t always mean that everyone can agree on one dish for dinner. We have found that create-your-own type options seem to be the best way to go. This way, people can make their meals exactly they way they like them. While I was home this past week, we made pesto chicken & vegetable skewers that were to die for! Here’s how we did it…Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWe started out by marinating the chicken. For this, we simply cut up chicken breasts, and put them in a gallon plastic bag with some store bought pesto. (The kind that comes in a jar.) E-A-S-Y. We then had a selection of fresh veggies that we cut into pieces that could be skewered. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetEveryone then got to make their own skewers. The kids loved this because they were able to get involved in the cooking process. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetMy dad then fired up the barbecue and grilled all our skewers. They were SO very tasty, simple, and healthy. We ended up having a ton of veggies left over, and so my dad just threw them all on the grill together and we were left with a ton of roasted veggies…my favorite! Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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4 Responses to Healthy Pesto Chicken & Vegetable Skewers

  1. Kjell says:

    These look AMAZING!!!
    minus the mushrooms…i hate mushrooms.

  2. Joni says:

    Could you explain this like I’m 6? Haha

  3. Madison says:

    I absolutely cannot WAIT to try these!

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