Holiday Hustle Workout

As Christmas gets closer and closer, our “to do” lists seem to get exponentially longer. The time we may usually take to get a good workout in suddenly slips away as we wait in line at the grocery store, fight crowds at the mall, wrap presents, and attend parties. All of these things are what makes the holiday season fun and exciting, but being busy is no reason to completely abandon your awesome workout schedule. Here is a simple, quick, and effective workout that you can do at home, allowing you to get everything that you need to done, INCLUDING a good sweat!Screen Shot 2013-12-21 at 3.49.32 PM This workout is great because you can literally do it ANYWHERE! If you don’t have a jump rope at home, you can do 100 high knees instead! The holidays usually mean that there is a lot going on. They can also mean there is a lot of extra treats lying around. Take the time to get a good sweat in, and I promise, you will be so glad you did!

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