Healthily Surviving Your Holiday Activities

There are so many different fun holiday traditions that can throw a wrench in one’s healthy routines. For example…one thing my family does during the holidays is go to the movies. We do it all the time actually, but it is definitely more frequent during the holiday season. I LOVE this tradition of ours. However, I am also fully aware of one of my biggest weaknesses when I walk into the theater. The smell of that movie theater popcorn gets me. Oh man, I love it. Because i know this about myself, I think ahead. This is me: Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset
Yep, I am the person who sneaks my own SkinnyPop into the theater. This way my hand doesn’t get away from me…cleaning out the bottom of the popcorn bag like I know I could easily do. Going prepared helps me to stay on track without feeling deprived. There are a lot of ways to be able to be a part of holiday traditions without feeling deprived. Here are some more tips…

  • Make sure you eat before you do your holiday shopping, and stow some healthy snacks in your purse if need be. Shopping tends to take longer than we think it will, and we all get hungry. During these times we go for whatever is quick and convenient, which usually isn’t all that healthy. If you are prepared, you won’t find yourself chowing on unhealthy quick options.
  • Contribute to the holiday party spread. When you know family dinners and holiday get togethers are going to be offering a spread of unhealthy options, offer to bring something. Bring a veggie tray and hummus, a big healthy salad, sliced apples and fruit dip, or a healthy dessert. I love to bring these zucchini cookies. People don’t usually even realize they are eating something healthy with these guys. 😉 You can save a few of these to leave out for Santa. (Help save him a few calories!)
  • Check your menu options. If you are going out to eat, which is something my family and friends do a lot of during the holidays, give the menu a look online to check what they have to order. Choose a healthy option before you go, so you won’t even have to think twice about it.
  • Include some physical activity in your holiday outings. Go ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, take a walk to see the neighborhood lights, walk around to go caroling, or go for a hike.
  • Think before you grab. While there may be Christmas treats everywhere…that doesn’t mean they are all good. Just because your neighbor leaves you a plate of cookies on your porch doesn’t mean you have to eat them. Take the kind gesture, appreciate it, and throw them away. OK, maybe that is harsh, but eating a whole plate of cookies that are sub-par = not worth it. If they are AWESOME, then keep the good stuff. Freeze them for later. Share them. Just be wise with your choices. You’ll be glad, post-holidays. I promise.

Enjoy your holiday season. It really is the best time of the year! Just do it in a way that will have you feeling healthy and happy! After all, you want to be able to enjoy as many holiday seasons as possible. Right? 😉

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