It’s Going to Be Hard to Leave.

I really like it here. A lot of that has to do with the fact that there are so many people here that I love. I was able to spend time with a lot of them today.aug15131Miss SBJ is heading off to Columbia real soon. Man, I’ll miss her. aug15132I could also hang out with these pretty ladies all day. Sometimes I do.aug15133Remember this girl? She just happens to be one of my best friends in the whole wide world. There aren’t many things better than when someone you love SO much has an adorable little baby. I miss seeing my Benita all the time. She is a really amazing person. To say the leastaug15134          Clearly we are already buds. Can’t you tell?  aug15135 babylukeFavorites on favorites on favorites.

Today was crazy, but I managed to squeeze in a cardio workout when we got home. When I got home I went for a walk with my mom and sister in the 200 degree heat. Did you know that in Arizona it’s still like 100 degrees at night when the sun goes down? Well it is. I’m still loving our night walks despite the heat. We basically walk and solve the worlds problems. One step at a time.

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