Resetting your Habits to Help You Lose Weight Episode #1

Weight loss can be difficult. There is no question about that. When helping my clients try to get into the weight loss mode, one thing that helps the most is to change up some of the routines they have. The truth of the matter is that nothing changes if nothing changes, so unless you change poor health habits to positive ones, you might not see the success you are looking for. I’m going to offer a bunch of different tips that can help you in resetting your habits to help you lose weight. I’ll give you a few at a time…here goes round one. 🙂

  1. Walk the perimeter. You may have heard people say that all the foods you need are around the perimeter of the grocery store. Well, this is the truth. Most of the food you will find in the center isles of the grocery store are processed foods. By choosing to eat clean, whole foods, you will eliminate excess calories and increase the nutrients you are getting in your diet.
  2. Keep your shelves stocked with the goods. Poor food choices tend to be made when there is a lack of healthy food and an overabundance of unhealthy foods. If you keep more fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods on hand, you will be far less likely to reach for the junk. If the junk isn’t there in the first place, you will be less likely to reach for it at all.
  3. Eat a good breakfast. Too many people skip breakfast, and a lot of people who do eat breakfast reach for the wrong foods. By eating a breakfast high in protein and fiber, and low in sugar, you will get your metabolism going and you will stay full.
  4. Serve your family “restaurant” style. Instead of bringing all your food to the table, have your family members fill up their plates with their food while it’s on the counter. If food is served this way, individuals will be less likely to overeat. If individuals want to get up and get more food they can do so, but they will be less likely to sit and eat if they aren’t hungry anymore.
  5. Turn off your TV. Individuals who sit and eat in front of the TV tend to eat mindlessly. It is in these scenarios that overeating is far more likely to occur.
  6. Measure your meals. Instead of just reaching for handfuls of the foods you are eating, measure out correct portions so you know exactly what it is you are intaking. You may be surprised at how off you are with what you thought was a portion.
  7. Eat the foods that will make you full. Instead of eating quick carbs that will go right through you, eat meals that are comprised of protein, fiber, and good fats. These are the foods that will keep you sustained, and will help you to avoid reaching for those foods that are not so good for you.
  8. Watch your sugar intake. I have mentioned it time and time again, but sugar is a total buzz kill when it comes to weight loss. Not only is it empty calories, but it can be addictive, it can lead to excess fat storage, and it won’t help you to reach your goals. Ditch it. Promise.
  9. Plan your meals out. Those who do meal prep at home will be armed with with the power of preparation.  If you have a plan, you won’t stray off into scary unhealthy food land. Preparing can save you time, calories, and extra poundage.
  10. Fill in the cracks with veggies. Instead of snacking on junk food, snack on veggies. Add veggies to all of your meals. Greens are GREAT. They are low in calories and high in nutrients and fiber. By adding veggies to all of your meals you will stay full longer, you will increase the nutrition in your meals, and you will be FAR more likely to lose weight.
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