Start Your Week Off Sweating! A New Tabata Routine.

First of all, Happy Father’s Day! I have to start by saying that My dad is so fantastic. I feel like such a lucky lady to have been raised by a man as great as him.daddyoI mean you’d have to be to put up with me all the time, right? 😉 I love you pops!

On Sunday’s I start to get the, “ahhhhhh it’s almost Monday again,” anxieties. Not, that I don’t love what I do during my week because I whole heartedly do. However, I really do like the weekends. Who doesn’t, right? I was thinking about getting started with my week tomorrow, and I was making a mental list of the reasons I DO like Mondays. (It’s all about the power of positive thinking people.) One of the main reasons that I am a fan is because it is a fresh start to eating great and working out hardcore. With that being said, I thought I’d help you all out to start your week off sweating with a new tabata workout! Bon Apetit!tabataworkoutTabata Workouts are interval type workouts that have you giving your full on best effort for a burst of 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of recovery. With this workout I’ve designed, you will do 8 rounds in a row for each exercise and then you will move on to the next exercise. It probably sounds really simple and easy, but I promise, if you are giving it your full effort you will feel it! Tabata workouts are a great way to burn fat because they push you to get your heart rate up, which will have you torching calories! Here are some explanations for the exercises you may have questions on.

  • Triceps Pushups: These can be done on your knees. Your hands and elbows should be RIGHT by your sides. 
  • Weighted Jack Presses: Grab some dumbbells and you are going to do a jumping jack while pressing your dumbbells over your head. I’d suggest 10-12 lb db’s for these.
  • Plie Squats: Take a super wide stance, turn your knees and feet out, and squat down as low as you can. If you want to add weight to these you can hold one single heavy DB between your legs, or two at the crease of your hips, or on shoulders.

All you really need for this type of a workout to work is a timer! If you REALLY want to kill it. Do a round of tabata sprints before you go through the circuit and a round of tabata sprints after you go through it. This means twenty seconds of full on sprint followed by ten seconds of recovery, eight times. Happy sweating, and start your week off right!

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