Graduation Robes, Legs, and Shoulders.

I flew to Arizona yesterday to come watch my darling niece graduate. She is more like my little sister than may niece. We are ten years apart and I love this girl to pieces. She is fantastic. GraduationI think I’ve made it pretty clear that I adore hanging with my family. It’s because they are great people. You’re welcome to come hang with us. I think you’d agree. 😉

Today I got to sleep in a bit which felt so great. I’ve been feeling sick and low on energy all week, so I’ve been trying to find a balance of trying to take care of myself and not overdo it, while still burning some calories. I woke up not feeling super awesome, so I decided to cut the cardio and just focus on legs and shoulders. My energy level is still kinda low so I went with higher reps with lower weight. may24wod This is another workout that you can easily do at home! You can change up the weight if you need to make it harder or easier!

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