Product Review: URAWk Bars

If there is one thing that I had to get used to with my switch to a more paleolithic lifestyle, it was the fact that I needed to find some better, “grab and go” options. I get up so early in the morning that I find myself short on time some days, and having the luxury of just grabbing something is extremely helpful. I wake up starving, so not eating is not an option. Oh, and you’ve heard me say it a million times…not eating breakfast shouldn’t be an option for ANYONE. Anyways, back to the point at hand. I was BEYOND thrilled when I came across URAWK energy bars, a fully paleo approved bar that is made up entirely of natural and whole ingredients. IMG_5464The description of these bars on their site says, “URAWk RAW energy bars  are 100% RAW organic and are free of gluten, soy, dairy and grain. Featuring coconut butter, blue weber agave nectar and pink Himalayan sea salt URAWk Bars contain medium chain triglycerides, the pre-biotic fiber inulin, and essential minerals and elements such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium.” Pretty legit if you ask me. Isabel, the fabulous founder and owner of URAWk was kind enough to send me some samples of their bars to try out. IMG_5469The verdict? I LOVED them. They have two bars available at the moment, the original and the raw cacao. While they were both excellent. My favorite was the raw cacao bar (pictured above). It had a delicious taste, a great texture, and is made up of tasty ingredients. Now, you know that I am honest in my reviews. I always want to be sure to tell it how I see it, in hopes that I can bring to light some great products, and stop you from wasting your money on the not so great ones. Each bar is made by hand daily and shipped frozen to maintain freshness. It doesn’t get much better than that. Here is a closeup on the nutrition info. IMG_5465There are so few options when it comes to paleo bar options, and I’m glad I’ve found these.
They were delicious and convenient! For more info on URAWk products check their website HERE. Thanks Isabel for the opportunity to try out your great product!

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