Mix It Up

We are definitely creatures of habit. There is no question about that. We like to stick to what we know and what we are comfortable with. The body is the same way. It wants to be as efficient as possible, and so it likes to do what is comfortable. So, you get up and run six miles everyday and you are curious as to why you are not seeing a change with the way you look? Well, it’s because your body knows how to run the same six mixes as efficiently as it possibly can.  This is why it is important for you to mix up your routine. I was reminded of this principle yesterday. I have a rockstar client who has been working her BUTT off. I want to keep her progress going, so I have been trying to keep things interesting for her. Yesterday we did an AWESOME boxing workout, and she totally rocked it. boxingShe was sweating like crazy. Her arms were dead. However, when she was done she was BEAMING…and she said…”Man, that was fun. Killer, but fun.” THAT is how working out should be. Don’t get stuck doing the same boring thing day after day. Not only are you working out in an an inefficient way, but you are making yourself HATE exercising. It shouldn’t be like that. Find some ways to switch it up. Try something new. Go to a class, go for a hike, find a workout partner, try some circuits, or even just up your intensity. Your body will thank you. You will see far better results, and you will actually enjoy what you are doing!

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