Monthly Archives: March 2013

Muncher Cruncher’s March Mix Giveaway: March Melodies

I had a totally different plan for this month’s mix giveaway, but I was happily BOMBARDED with awesome new tunes. I couldn’t be happier about this. During my workout yesterday I couldn’t stop smiling because my music was so great. … Continue reading

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A Fantastically Good Day.

Tuesday rocked my socks. I started off with some early morning clients, and decided to get a treadmill sprint workout in because I knew the rest of my day was going to be pretty crazy. My workout looked like this: … Continue reading

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Delicious Paleo Lemon Pie Bars

Let me start by saying that I don’t even like lemon bars. However, my friend Amanda, does. We wanted to experiment with making some last night, so I searched around for some recipes. I found THIS one on Clean Eats … Continue reading

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Muncher Cruncher Killer Squat Circuit

Squats are the best. You can just ask my clients, I really really like them. Do you want to know why I like them so much? Because they work. Squats involve so many different muscle groups. They burn a lot … Continue reading

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Hawaiian Haystacks

Do you want to know one of the best parts about having my family in town this week? Sunday dinner. I love when we all get together and have the chance to sit, chat, eat, and laugh. My family is … Continue reading

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Med Ball Circuit Workout

Today I mixed things up and did my whole workout with a med ball. It was a fun change. I used an 18 lb ball, but you can definitely modify it to whatever weight challenges you! Go through this sequence … Continue reading

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If You Are Falling Off the Wagon…

We all know there are times when we feel like are are unstoppable with our health and fitness choices. We are in a positive cycle of one great decision after another. The great thing is that this is what good … Continue reading

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Eat With Me…Speedily

I have people asking me all the time what I eat. Because one of the biggest excuses I hear about people trying to eat healthy is that they don’t have time, I thought I’d share what one of my busier … Continue reading

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Sunday Pinteresting…

Let me start by saying that I think Pinterest is the best. I love the constant influx of new ideas and recipes. It is a great source mixing up your healthy recipes. You can check out my Pinterest boards HERE. … Continue reading

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Last night our team of trainers got together for dinner to celebrate our big one year B-day. I don’t know what it is with asking strangers to take pictures, and having them turn out awesome…but, if you can make out … Continue reading

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