Monday Full Body Circuit Workout

This morning’s workout was a great little circuit mixed with some cardio. I did thirty minutes on the elliptical, and then combined a series of moves for a full body workout. My circuit went as follows…

  • 15 assisted pullups
  • 15 kettle bell swings
  • 15 32′ box jumps
  • 15 TRX pushups
  • 15 heavy squats with DB’s
  • 12 walking lunges with a DB curl
  • 12 walking lunges with no curl
  • 12 standing cable rows with a squat
  • 1 minute plank

Repeat this three times through. For at home modifications you can do the following…

  • assisted pull ups – these can be difficult to mimic at home without the right equipment, so do burpees here instead of pull ups. 
  • kettle bell swings – you can use a single dumbbell here instead of a KB
  • box jumps – use a stair or chair
  • TRX pushups – regular pushups
  • cable rows – bent over rows with DB’s

While I always manage to stay pretty healthy with my food choices, it seems like when my family is in town I am not as on top of my game as I would like to be. So, my goal for the week is to make certain that I eat clean all week, get my water in, avoid snacking, etc. Are you with me?? Now, get after it! getonit

Don’t forget to check out this month’s mix giveaway. Click HERE if you haven’t entered to win yet!

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