Med Ball Circuit Workout

Today I mixed things up and did my whole workout with a med ball. It was a fun change. I used an 18 lb ball, but you can definitely modify it to whatever weight challenges you!Screen shot 2013-03-07 at 10.58.22 PM

Go through this sequence 3 times

  • 20 Squat Throws (Squat down low holding the ball in front of you, return to standing, throw the ball & catch it)
  • 20 Med Ball Throw downs (Your med ball has to bounce with this one. Throw it down as hard as you can with a tight core, and then stop it and throw it back down again.)
  • 20 Med Ball Pushups (Place the ball under one hand in a pushup position. Do a full pushup. Roll the ball to the other side, and repeat.)
  •  20 Reverse Lunges with a twist (Holding the med ball in front of you, twisting over the front leg.)
  • 15 step ups on the right leg holding the med ball in front of you
  • 15 step ups on the left leg holding the med ball in front of you
  • 20 Overhead Ball Press Step Backs (Hold the ball in front of you, press it overhead, squat down setting it on the ground. Keep your hands on top of the ball and step back into a plank. Step feet back together into a deep squat and repeat.)
  • Plank Hold with Knee Drops (Do a plank with your ankles/feet on top of your med ball. Hold for 30 seconds. Continue your plank and tap your knees down to the ground for 30 seconds)

If you don’t have a med ball you can use a basketball, or you can modify by replacing a lot of these moves with dumbbells.

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