I Know Who The Winner Is…

Happy Saturday!! Have I mentioned I love Saturdays? (I think just about every single Saturday.) Today I got to sleep in a bit and then go get my workout on. Today’s work out was quick and to the point, and went a little something like this…

  • Treadmill Sprints: 5 Min warm up jog followed by 5 sprint sequences of 2 mins at 6.7, 2 mins at 8.5, 1 minute recover at 4.0.
  • 3 sets of 15 pull ups alternating with 20 deep squats
  • 3 sets of 15 DB squats with a curl, 40 mountain climbers, 1 minute plank

For some reason, I was feeling tired today, so I was glad to be in and out of the gym quickly. I feel good about it. I did not, however, feel good about the snow that happened in the meantime. #iamoverwinter

On a happier note…The winner of March’s Mix Giveaway is…marchmelodies2013Congrats to Megan D!!! Woot Woot! Her goal for the month is…Screen shot 2013-03-23 at 3.58.33 PMI hear you with the ease of eating fruit girl. It is definitely convenient, and we know fruit is healthy for us, so it can be easy for the sugars to add up…natural or not. Email me at megolina21 at gmail.com and I’ll get you your music. Have a great Saturday Y’all! 🙂



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2 Responses to I Know Who The Winner Is…

  1. megan d says:

    Yessss! And I really am working on my goal! I have been texting ross my meal plan for the next day and I have to stick to it. This helps so I don’t graze throughout the day and so I can see what my WHOLE day looks like with food and I can make sure I get my protein &veggies. (Also less fruit and really limiting my treats). I am giving myself ‘points’ for each day I complete and I’earn’ money to spend on my other addiction. .shopping 😉 K. Uber long comment (as usual) but I just wanted to let you know your posts totally inspire me and I want to grow up and be like you!

  2. megolina says:

    Girl, you are inspiring! I love that plan! It’s amazing how preparing, and planning makes the biggest difference. I’m sure you are doing amazing because you are a rock star! Keep me posted on how it goes. And..once again, we are the same person. I may or may not have a bit of a shopping addiction as well…
    p.s. what is your email, and I’ll send you your tunes?? xoxoxo

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