A Fantastically Good Day.

Tuesday rocked my socks. I started off with some early morning clients, and decided to get a treadmill sprint workout in because I knew the rest of my day was going to be pretty crazy. My workout looked like this:

  • 5 minute warm up @ 6.0
  • 2 minutes @ 6.7, 2 minutes @ 9, 1 minute recover @ 4.0 (Repeated 6 times)
  • 5 minute cool down @ 4.0 incline 5

I totalled 4 miles and was good and sweaty when it was over. Then it was off to the airport to pick up my sister who came in from Texas with her kiddies! Don’t worry that when I got in the car my mom and I had the EXACT same outfit on. How does that even happen? We were hurrying to get up to the airport, so there was no time for changing.party1This is real life people. Real. Life. We picked up my sis and her kids (who refused to be in photos because she got up at 3:30 AM, and we went to lunch at The Blue Lemon, one of my FAVORITE restaurants. I had the roasted beet and arugala salad with chicken. #money. Seriously, if you ever come to Utah, go to The Blue Lemon, and if you are already in Utah…let’s go to The Blue Lemon together? party2We did some shopping at City Creek, and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather. We got home, and had a bit of time before we were supposed to meet our family for dinner.  It was SO NICE outside, I absolutely couldn’t resist myself. I had to go for a run outside! So, I did another 4 miles outside, and I loved every minute of it. This is the sweaty face of a girl who is happy about getting to run outside in warm weather!
e then met my family for dinner out one of our favorite Provo spots, The Brick Oven. It is here that I learned my masterful salad building skills. Tell me that doesn’t look magnificent?

party4 Some of you have asked me if I ever get sick of Salads? The answer is no…strangely. I really do love them. As you can see…I could eat them at every meal 🙂 Yep, it was an awesome Tuesday, full of running, family, and lots of salad!

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2 Responses to A Fantastically Good Day.

  1. Megan D says:

    I have been wanting to try The Blue Lemon for YEARS, but my husband won’t go because he declares it ‘chick food’. lol. And go you! Getting 2 runs in. The weather has been so magnificent, how could you not go outside? I just hope it stays. If it snows again I will cry. I swear I will! Hope you are having so much fun with your fam! Love ya girl!

    • megolina says:

      MEG! We are going to The Blue Lemon together. End of story. You will absolutely love it. I promise!! Maybe it is chick food, but it’s GOOD! I hope you have fun in DC! Let’s play when you get back!! And yeah…if it snows again I will die. For reals.

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