Monthly Archives: February 2013

Dead Lift Upright Row

I have had a lot of peeps asking for some visuals to go with the circuit workouts I post, sooooo much to my reluctance, I’m going to start adding some videos that I can link you to. Hopefully this will … Continue reading

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Avocado Chicken Salad Revisited

I have had a loose avocado floating around my fridge, just begging to be eaten. I wanted something simple for dinner tonight, and I decided to revisit the Avocado Chicken Salad I created a few months ago, but this time … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes | 2 Comments

January Jams Winner!

Congrats to KARA!! The winner of the January Jams Mix Giveaway! Email me at megolina21 at and we’ll get you all sorts of hooked up! Happy Feb 1st and Happy Friday!! xoxoxo  

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