Lunching with Some Lovelies

One of the things I love most about blogging is the fabulous people I’ve met. As I have mentioned before, I started my blog as a reference for my clients, friends, and family. It is definitely still that, but I had no idea the great friends I would make because of it. It is kind of amazing how people can connect over similar interests. One of my favorite bloggers happens to be a fabulous girl I’ve known since I was in like 7th grade. Janae, also known as Hungry Runner Girl, is an amazing person and has brought a lot of us bloggers together. She has moved to California, and I miss her like CRAZY. Lucky for us she came in town for a couple days and a bunch of us got together for our favorite food…salad.jd4

Don’t mind the fact that all these girls look like total babes, and I look like a total scrounge. I may or may not have arrived at our lunch date about three seconds after I got done working out. From left to right we have Candice, Misha, Janae, Megan, Ashley, and Me. Plus all sorts of darling little minnies. jd2I stole this group pic from Janae because this is what the picture looked like that the nice man at Jason’s Deli took for me…thank you stranger for your excellent photo skills…

jd1Sweet Megan made treats for everyone, and because she knows I don’t do the treats so much, she made me my own special dark chocolate almond/coconut paleo bites. She is an absolute doll, and they were divine! Thank you again Meg!

jd3And now…It’s time to watch the bachelor. Sean is ridiculous.

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3 Responses to Lunching with Some Lovelies

  1. megan d says:

    Those are some mad photo skills indeed, random man. We are all glowing in the pic 😉 and it looks like I am about to pop a squat. Just trying to make Brooke happy!!

    I am so glad we met at the baby shower and you guys keep me around-even if it is for the treats, which I am glad you liked. And you still look like a total babe even after your workout. Now just give me your will power to not eat treats and I good. Maybe next time we meet up for lunch it could be an intervention of sorts 😉

    Enjoy the bachelor drama!

    • megolina says:

      Let’s get real…you are wanted for far more than your martha stewart-esque skills. I couldn’t be happier that we are friends. After all..we are the same person. I think it was fate. I think we should meet up at maverick one of these days. I can tell you right now the ones with the best fro yo are located on springville main st, and 1600 N in orem by the freeway. Yep, i’m that embarrassing of a person…

      • megan d says:

        I am sooo down with this idea! And no worries … i have the maverick’s in the Lehi/Saratoga area AND the Ogden ones programmed in my phone. Can’t be checking Google every time I need phone numbers to find out which location has best flavors!! Same as person indeed.

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