L.O.V.E Day calorie burning circuit

Happy Valentines Day! Today is one of my favorite holidays! What’s not to love about a day full of sharing all your love? I got to Arizona last night for a little warm weather get away, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I got to spend my day with some of the people that I love the most, and I hope you did too! dinner1I know today may also be full of chocolates, candy hearts, and Valentine spreads full of calories as well…so I thought I’d share an simple circuit that will help torch some calories!

LOVE DAY Calorie Burning Circuit 

20 burpees

20 jump squats

20 push ups

20 plyometric lunges on each leg

20 slow mountain climbers

1 minute sprint

Repeat this 5 times, and you’ll be sweating up a storm! You’ll LOVE it. I promise.

HAPPY VDAY!! xoxoxo

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